Results 481 to 520 of 592
05-10-2021, 10:02 AM #481
We traveled to see my oldest son on Mother’s Day and got a workout in with him. We had a great time and his youngest siblings got to hang out as well. My wife was pretty happy to have all her kids with her on Mother’s Day. My son and I got our push day in while had leg day.
5-9-21 push day 2
BB Decline bench 405lbs - 12, 10
Backoff set 4 sec negs 315lbs - 12
Dips machine 190lbs - 12, 12, 11
HS Decline press 6 plates - 12, 11, 10
DB lateral raises 35lbs - 12, 12, 10
HS Reverse shoulder press 4 plates - 15, 14
Cable fly’s high to low 140lbs - 12, 11
Rear delt fly’s 30lbs - 16, 15
Face pulls 160lbs - 15, 13
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05-11-2021, 01:04 PM #482
Leg day yesterday. Pretty good workout and killed the legs.
5-10-21 leg day 1
Hack squats banded 3-4 sec negs 10 plates - 12, 11, 9
Leg press 22 plates - 12, 11, 11
Standing calf raises 6 plates - 14, 12, 12, 11
Leg ext single leg 55lbs - 18, 16, 15
Seated calf raises 90lbs - 20, 18
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05-12-2021, 05:35 PM #483
5-11-21 pull day 1
Felt strong need to go up next week
T bar rows 5 plates - 12, 11, 11
HS iso low row 4 plates each arm - 15, 14, 14, 12
Hammer curls 50lbs - 16, 15, 15
Close grip low cable rows 220lbs - 13, 12
HS high bicep curls 80lbs - 16, 14
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05-13-2021, 06:58 PM #484
Had a great push day. Felt strong and threw around 150s dumbbells on incline bench for reps. Prep is going good so far. I know will be dropping the hammer soon. Enjoying the food for now. LOL
5-13-21 push day 2
DB incline press 150s - 10, 7
Backoff 140s - 14
Backoff 3-4 sec negs 120s - 10
HS incline press 4 plates 2 25s - 13, 11, 10
HS incline flies 2 25s - 11, 10
Cable flys low to high 25lbs - 18, 16
HS Standing lateral raises 90lbs - 14, 11, 10
Delt Cable fly’s 10lbs - 15, 15
Face pulls 50lbs - 16, 15, 13
Tricep ext 42.5lbs - 20, 17
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05-16-2021, 11:00 AM #485
Updates from yesterday for coach. Weight is hovering around 270lbs. I’m currently 14 and 16 weeks out.
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You are great in bro!Your diet consists of what types of food?
05-16-2021, 03:28 PM #487
05-17-2021, 06:02 PM #488
Good push day. Coach made updates to nutrition plan and food has been cut. Felt it a little in today’s workout. Endurance wasn’t there and gassed a little early on some sets. Otherwise strength was still there.
5-17-21 push day 1
DB flat Bench 150s - 12 (+2), 10, 6(+2)
BB flat bench wide grip 315lbs - 10, 8
Reverse grip 275lbs - 12
DB lateral raises 40lbs - 10, 10, 8
Drop set 30lbs - 6
HS Decline press 105lbs - 10, 9
Machine lateral raises 140lbs - 16, 15
Cable flys high to low 35lbs - 16, 15
Rear delt cable fly’s 15lbs - 16, 15, 12
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05-19-2021, 05:42 PM #489
Good pull day. Had some work done on my back with Chiropractor so kept it short but intense today on pull day. Felt good.
5-19-21 pull day 1
Chest supported rows 4 plates - 10, 10
Backoff set 2 plates 2 25s - 12
DB rows 140s - 12, 11
Hammer curls 70lbs - 10, 10, 9
HS Pulldowns 6 plates - 10, 9
Drop set 4 plates - 12
HS High curls 75lbs - 12, 12, 10
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05-22-2021, 12:14 PM #490
5-21-21 push day 2
Neutral grip bench press 335lbs - 10, 8, 6
Heavy set 365lbs - 7
DB incline press 100lbs - 12, 11, 10
HS incline press 100lbs - 12, 11
Incline fly’s 50lbs - 13, 11
Cable lateral raises 20lbs - 15, 15, 14
Upright rows 110lbs - 15, 13, 13
Face pulls 70lbs - 13, 12, 11
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05-22-2021, 12:32 PM #491
Update pics for coach. New low for me and haven’t been sub 270s in awhile. Feeling good and still holding onto strength so far. Weight is 266.4lbs.
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05-23-2021, 11:52 AM #492
Had an awesome leg day yesterday. Strength was definitely there. Set a PR on Pendulum squats.
5-22-21 leg day 2
Pendulum squats 5 plates - 10(PR), 8
Backoff set 3 plates - 12
Leg press 20 plates - 12, 11
Standing calf raises 275lbs - 15, 12, 12, 11
Adductors 130lbs - 15, 13, 13, 12
Leg ext. 4 plates 1 25lb - 14, 13
Seated calf raises 2 plates - 20, 19
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05-25-2021, 06:33 PM #493
Nice push day today. Strength is still pretty good. Fatiguing a little quicker but not bad.
5-25-21 push day 1
DB flat bench 150s - 13, 10, 8
Neutral grip BB decline bench 315lbs - 11, 9
Backoff set 3-4 sec negs 225lbs - 12
HS Decline press 100lbs - 11, 10
Cable flys low to high 30lbs - 15, 12
Cable lateral raises 20lbs - 13, 12, 10
Smith behind neck BB press 135lbs - 14, 12
Reverse pec deck 150lbs - 16, 15
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05-28-2021, 01:39 PM #494
Had a good pull day yesterday. Rest day today other than morning cardio. Feeling good still and strength is still up. Will be 12 weeks out tomorrow.
5-27-21 pull day 1
T bar rows 4 plates - 12, 12, 11
Meadow rows 2 plates & 25lb - 13, 12
Incline DB curls 45lbs - 12, 12, 10
HS iso high row 2 plates & 25 each arm - 15, 14
HS High curls 75lbs - 16, 15, 15, 12
Close grip cable low row 240lbs - 12, 11
Drop set 180lbs - 8
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05-30-2021, 10:05 AM #495
Pic updates for coach yesterday. Weight is down a little more from last week. Was a little flat that morning without getting my standard amount of water the day before. Everything is going good and changes seem to be happening weekly. 12 weeks and 13.5 weeks out.
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05-30-2021, 11:38 AM #496
Looking great. I’m 8 weeks out and you look better than me.
I would like to make a comment and I hope you take it the right way....
show us more of your chest on the side chest ... twist some more.
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05-30-2021, 02:53 PM #497
05-30-2021, 04:37 PM #498
Yes that’s what I was talking about. You have such a great chest development... show it off. You might try turning even a little more.
I am by no means a coach however just the other day, I had someone critique me and side chest was the one. What a difference a little twisting makes.
See what looks best for you.
I usually pose to hide weaknesses! LOL
Keep up the good work man!
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05-30-2021, 09:30 PM #499
05-31-2021, 06:01 PM #500
Leg workout from yesterday. Strength for some reason wasn’t there so I backed it off a little. Still had a good workout.
5-30-21 leg day 2
12 weeks out - strength not there today
Pendulum squat 4 plates & 25 - 10, 9
Backoff set 4 plates - 10
Leg press 18 plates - 12, 11
Standing calf raises 6 plates - 16, 15, 14
Adductors 130lbs - 20, 16, 14
Leg ext. 55lbs each leg - 16, 15
Seated calf raises 4 sec negs. 2 plates - 22, 18, 18
Single leg press 4 plates - 20, 18
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06-03-2021, 12:00 PM #501
Push day yesterday. Felt good. Decided to hit some isolation movements first to connect better with chest on compound movements later. Definitely worked and got a nice pump.
6-2-21 push day 1
Prime chest press 270lbs - 15, 14, 14
Smith incline press 315lbs - 9, 8
Backoff set 275lbs - 11
Cable flys high to low 35lbs - 16, 15
BB bench press 315lbs - 10
Backoff set 225lbs - 21
DB lateral raises 25lbs - 20, 18
HS lateral raises 140lbs - 15, 12
Cable rear delt fly’s 20lbs - 15, 15, 14
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06-04-2021, 05:54 PM #502
Back day today. Felt strong and got a great pump.
6-4-21 Pull day 1
T bar rows 4 plates - 12, 10
Backoff set 3 plates & 25 - 12
Dead stop DB rows 140lbs - 12, 11
Prime bicep curls 70lbs - 15, 12, 11
HS high iso row 6 plates - 12, 11
HS high bicep curls 80lbs - 16, 14, 14
Close grip cable rows 240lbs - 13, 12
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06-06-2021, 08:48 AM #503
06-06-2021, 10:32 AM #504
06-06-2021, 10:35 AM #505
Insane back shot
06-07-2021, 09:51 AM #506
6-6-21 push day 2
HS Decline press 105lbs - 13, 12
DB incline press 130lbs - 12, 11, 8
Prime incline press 6 plates - 11, 11
Prime pec deck flys 230lbs - 16, 15
DB shoulder press 80lbs - 15, 13
Cable lateral raises 20lbs - 15, 12
Face pulls 35lbs - 15, 12, 10
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06-07-2021, 10:25 AM #507
06-08-2021, 08:33 AM #508
Had a great leg day yesterday even with lower carbs with new meal plan for this week.
6-7-21 leg day 2
Leg ext. 4 plates - 16, 16
Reverse banded Hack squats 12 plates - 8, 8
Backoff set 8 plates - 12
Leg press 20 plates - 13, 13
Standing raises 6 plates - 15, 13, 13
Adductors 135lbs - 12, 11, 10
HS iso leg press 6 plates each leg - 15, 14
Seated calf raises 140lbs - 18, 15, 14
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06-11-2021, 08:01 PM #509
6-10-21 push day 1
HS Decline press 110lbs - 13, 12
DB flat bench 150lbs - 10, 7
Backoff set 120s - 12
Cable fly’s high to low 35lbs - 15, 15, 14
Supinated grip bench press 225lbs - 15, 15
To failure and then uni-laterals
DB lateral raises 20lbs - 20, 20, 20
Upright rows 110lbs - 15, 14
Cable Rear delt fly’s 20lbs - 15, 14, 14
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06-11-2021, 08:48 PM #510
Continuing to improve....looking awesome, brother!
06-12-2021, 09:34 AM #511
Weekly checkins. Weight hit a new low yesterday at 259.3lbs. I was back up this morning at 260.9 but was after a high day.
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06-16-2021, 08:49 AM #512
Had a great leg day yesterday. Felt strong even though I was a little tired.
6-15-21 leg day 2
Hack squat 12 plates - 11, 10
Leg press 20 plates - 10, 9
Backoff set 16 plates - 12
Standing calf raises 120lbs - 16, 15, 12, 10
Adductors 250lbs - 18, 16, 14
Abductors 130lbs - 15, 14
Leg ext. 185lbs - 15, 14
Seated calf raises 2 plates - 22, 20
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06-17-2021, 02:20 PM #513
6-16-21 pull day 2
HS lat pull downs 4 plates 2 25s - 11, 10
Backoff set 4 plates - 12
Drop set 2 plates - 20
T bar rows 4 plates - 12, 10
Preacher curls 135lbs - 12, 11, 10
HS iso low row 8 plates - 13, 12
HS high bicep curl 80lbs - 17, 16, 16
HS Pullover 4 plates - 20, 18
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06-18-2021, 06:12 PM #514
Things are starting to heat up quickly. 9 weeks out tomorrow.
6-18-21 push day 1
HS decline press 100lbs - 12, 11
DB flat bench 140s - 10, 10, 8
Cable flys high to low 30lbs - 20, 20, 16
Prime neutral grip press 4 plates - 13, 11
Leaning DB lateral raises 25lbs - 16, 15, 15
HS seated lateral raises 140lbs - 13, 12
Face pulls 57.5lbs - 15, 14, 13
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06-19-2021, 10:44 AM #515
Weekly updates with coach. I’m currently sitting at 257.1lbs. Down 17lbs from where we started 7 weeks ago. I’m 9 and 10.5 weeks out today.
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06-26-2021, 10:25 AM #516
Updates this week. Currently 8 weeks out and sitting at 251.3lbs.
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06-26-2021, 12:07 PM #517
06-26-2021, 07:24 PM #518
06-27-2021, 07:31 AM #520
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So far so good, they seem to be doing what they’re supposed to.
Expired dbol (blue hearts)