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  1. #1
    mustang331's Avatar
    mustang331 is offline Member
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    Morning cardio questions ( How much better is it really )

    If lets say cardio at night is 65% effective, what would it be in the morning?

    Trying to see if there is a percentage reasoning behind all of this...

    also I am wondering If I do cardio in the morning say from 6:45-7:30 when should I eat my oatmeal/and or egg whites..

  2. #2
    Hypertrophy's Avatar
    Hypertrophy is offline Senior Member
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    The percentage reasoning is substrate utilization!!

  3. #3
    mustang331's Avatar
    mustang331 is offline Member
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    OK well atleast answer how long after cardio should I eat?

  4. #4
    Hypertrophy's Avatar
    Hypertrophy is offline Senior Member
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    Individuals on this board will say wait up to 3 hours. However, EPOC, which is excess post oxygen consumption only last at most 30 minutes. During this time your body is basically recovering, which takes energy, Kilocalories. You will burn minimal kcals during recovery. I recommend waiting 45 minutes before eating.

  5. #5
    SexyKitty's Avatar
    SexyKitty is offline Female Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by mustang331
    OK well atleast answer how long after cardio should I eat?
    People do say it's 3 hours you have to wait...and they are probably right, as soon as you eat, lypolisis will come to a screaching halt. Problem is, once you've fasted all night then depleted yourself further with am cardio, it's real hard to wait 3 hours and function properly, especially if you have a job like myself where you have to talk all day and appear somewhat intelligent.

    Personally, after my am cardio, I wait about 1 1/2 -2 hours before eating. If I don't have to work, then I'll wait 3 hours before eating, and I'll eat a pro/fat meal, not carbs. It's worked for me so far.
    Last edited by SexyKitty; 08-12-2004 at 09:59 AM.

  6. #6
    Hugh-Hefner's-Son's Avatar
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    What type of cardio are you doing , short intense sessions
    ( sprints + ellipticals) or long slow pace sessions ( 25 min treadmil + biking)

    If they were the intense sessions, wouldn't you need to eat shortly after to aid your muscle revovery and resting metabolism. Don't forget, high intesity cardio will keep fat burning throughout the day...I don't see one doing morning cardio on empty stomach and then waiting 3 more hrs to eat your 1st meal , you'll be burning muscle ??

  7. #7
    Soldier of Misfortune's Avatar
    Soldier of Misfortune is offline Senior Member
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    Doing cardio in morn on an empty stomach uses no food in your stomach for fuel becuase there isnt any, your body uses its fat deposits and you burn fat. If you do cardio w/ anything in your stomach you will burn ALL of that before any fat gets used. After cardio im sweating like a pig so I shower then eat egg whites and tuna after that, no carbs tho. Your body will continue to be in liposys for a while, thats natural fat burning while you sit and post on AR. As soon as you injest a carb liposys will stop and you will use the food in your stomach as fuel.

  8. #8
    LionHeart is offline New Member
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    So to clarify, is it a good idea to wake up, do cardio on an empty stomach, follow it immediately with a protein shake, and then wait 2-3 hours till my next meal?

  9. #9
    kdawg21's Avatar
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    I have nothing to add

  10. #10
    Paingain is offline Banned
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    It really doesnt matter what time of day you do your cardio, people say you burn off more fat by doing it in the morning but I dont buy into that as much as some people do. As long as your calorie output exceeds your intake, it dont fuc*in matter bro.

  11. #11
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paingain
    It really doesnt matter what time of day you do your cardio, people say you burn off more fat by doing it in the morning but I dont buy into that as much as some people do. As long as your calorie output exceeds your intake, it dont fuc*in matter bro.
    If you do cardio with food in your stomach you WILL use that first.

    The goal is to lose fat you already have. So, by doing AM cardio (to ensure an empty stomach) you will lose significantly more fat (because it uses your stored energy, ie. fat)....

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