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  1. #1
    Paingain is offline Banned
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    Jul 2004

    Priority chest training

    Ok, I have a pretty strong chest, but I need it bigger to look right on my frame. The biggest problem is my lats, I genetically have a very large back, so looking at my physique from the front you tend to see the lats too much rather than the chest. However, seems like doing heavy military presses and heavy bench in the same week, one exercises makes the other suffer. When I get to my chest ,my delts are often still tired and sore, so I know that I'm not lifting my chest to the best of my ability(Especially on incline!!!!) Anybody ever try to neglect heavy military presses for awhile in order to have that extra strength for chest day?

  2. #2
    MMC78's Avatar
    MMC78 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paingain
    Ok, I have a pretty strong chest, but I need it bigger to look right on my frame. The biggest problem is my lats, I genetically have a very large back, so looking at my physique from the front you tend to see the lats too much rather than the chest. However, seems like doing heavy military presses and heavy bench in the same week, one exercises makes the other suffer. When I get to my chest ,my delts are often still tired and sore, so I know that I'm not lifting my chest to the best of my ability(Especially on incline!!!!) Anybody ever try to neglect heavy military presses for awhile in order to have that extra strength for chest day?
    Yes, I stopped training front delts for awhile to concentrate more on my chest. Big front delts seem to make the chest appear smaller.

    I also found that gripping the bar a few inches narrower made a big difference in my chest involvement with barbells.

  3. #3
    Z-Ro's Avatar
    Z-Ro is offline Senior Member
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    maybe you should do some exercises that would isolate the chest more and i agree, the military presses are probably hindering you, maybe it would help spacing them a little more apart, work out wise, so that you'd be recovered and ready to go on chest day

  4. #4
    Hypertrophy's Avatar
    Hypertrophy is offline Senior Member
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    Getting Fat
    Are you training chest/shoulder on consecutive days? Modify your split where you have full recovery between these two bodyparts.

  5. #5
    Hypertrophy's Avatar
    Hypertrophy is offline Senior Member
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    or. . .
    Train chest/shoulders together. Hit Chest first, then finish off your shoulders and you will have 6 days to recover if your frequency is 1 bodypart/week.

  6. #6
    Paingain is offline Banned
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    Jul 2004
    yeah, I usually hit chest on Mondays, shoulders on a thurs. or Friday. And your exactly right, the front delts are the biggest problem, they are what seems to be the most shot all the time. I think I might just stick with lateral raises and light front raises, leave out the heavy military presses for awhile. Thanks guys.

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