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  1. #1
    WaldoUFC31 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Need Help Critiquing My Mass Workout

    I'm about to start my 2nd cycle of Sust 250 @ 500mg/week for 10 weeks and I've decided to get a good workout plan organized before I start. Currently, I only work out 3 days a week. My stats are: 6'4", 215lbs, 9% BF. My goal is to get around 230-235 and keep my BF below 10%. Here is what I've come up with so far:

    Monday - Chest/Triceps
    Tuesday - Back/Biceps
    Wednesday - Abs/Calves
    Thursday - Shoulders/Traps
    Friday - Legs
    Saturday - Off
    Sunday - Off

    Chest / Triceps (Incline 5x5, Flat Bench 5x5, Incline Bench 5x5, Decline Bench 5x5, Flys 5x5, Dips 3x5)
    Back/Biceps (Deadlifts 5x5, Chins, Bentover Rows 5x5, Seated Row 5x5)
    Abs/Calves (Calf Raises 5x10, Crunches 100x2, Weighted Hanging Leg Raises 5x10)
    Shoulders/Traps (Military Press 3x6, Dumbell Press 5x5, Lateral Raises 5x5, Power Cleans 5x5)
    Legs (Dead lifts, Squats 5x5, Extensions 3x5, Leg Curls 3x5)

    I know, it needs a lot of work. I've been trying to research around the boards and come up with a good on-cycle workout and the above is what I've come down to so far. Any suggestions/ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by WaldoUFC31
    Chest / Triceps (Incline 5x5, Flat Bench 5x5, Incline Bench 5x5, Decline Bench 5x5, Flys 5x5, Dips 3x5)

    Back/Biceps (Deadlifts 5x5, Chins, Bentover Rows 5x5, Seated Row 5x5)

    Abs/Calves (Calf Raises 5x10, Crunches 100x2, Weighted Hanging Leg Raises 5x10)

    Shoulders/Traps (Military Press 3x6, Dumbell Press 5x5, Lateral Raises 5x5, Power Cleans 5x5)

    Legs (Dead lifts, Squats 5x5, Extensions 3x5, Leg Curls 3x5)

    I know, it needs a lot of work. I've been trying to research around the boards and come up with a good on-cycle workout and the above is what I've come down to so far. Any suggestions/ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.
    Chest day...that's an awfully high nuber of sets for chest alone. Drop an exercise or lower the total number of sets

    Back and bis have no bi exercise listed

    Shoulders...front delts are an area regularly overtrained in most trainees...for that reason i wouldn't do both military press and dumbell press in the same workout...that'd be overkill IMO

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