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  1. #1
    Keyser Sozey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jul 2005

    Leg Workout Critique

    Here's my leg routine. Let me know what you think.
    warm up: 5 mins on stationary bike
    Squats(all the way down, none of that half stuff): 1st set 135lbs for 20 reps
    2cnd set 225lbs for 20 reps; 3rd set 275lbs 20 reps; 4th set 315lbs 15 reps; 5th and 6th sets 405lbs for 12 reps. (when I'm finished here my legs are gorged w/ blood)
    Leg Press Since I'm dead from squats, I'll do whatever weight I can use to grind out 8-10 solid reps (usually five or six plates on each side), for four sets.
    Frog Press? i don't know the technical term for this exercise, but I place my feet at the top of the leg press, in an open V shape (feet are in a slightly higher position than for the normal leg press). I use this exercise for my inner quads. 3 sets for 10 reps (at this point there is no feeling in my quads, so I do not need heavy weight)
    Lunges I use bodyweight for this exercise and can barely grind out 6 reps for the three sets
    Leg Extensions I know SC says to leave this for competitions, but I like the crazy burn I get from these after the above. 4 sets for 20 reps (100lbs is good)
    Deadlift Lowering the bar to the tongue of my sneakers, I then lift the bar to my upper shin (all hammies) 5 sets for 6-10 reps (I'll go 135lbs for two sets, then jump to 225lbs for the last three)
    Lying hamstring Curls 5 sets for 6-10 reps (weight varies)
    i will not go into detail on my calf workout, but I superset them w/ Quads. Also, I do calves (and abs) twice, every seven days. Every other bodypart is done one time, every seven days.
    Total w/o time is about 1hr 15mins.

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Has it worked for you before? If so, then keep doing it, but I feel that is too much work IMHO. Leg press is the same movement (physiology wise) as the squat, so that repetitive movement isn't really needed. Lunges are fine, and extensions to finish it off would be fine too. Hammies look fine and calves too.


  3. #3
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Looks like a little much man...I agree with SC it would overtrain me

  4. #4
    Dave321 is offline AR's Salad Tossing Connoisseur
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    you might want to throw the deads into your back workout if it incorporates properly... like everyone else, I too believe you are overtraining a little much.... some of my best results have come from short session workouts 4-5 times a week. But, if it works for ya, all the best to you G...

  5. #5
    Dave321 is offline AR's Salad Tossing Connoisseur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Sozey
    Here's my leg routine. Let me know what you think.
    warm up: 5 mins on stationary bike
    Squats(all the way down, none of that half stuff): 1st set 135lbs for 20 reps
    2cnd set 225lbs for 20 reps; 3rd set 275lbs 20 reps; 4th set 315lbs 15 reps; 5th and 6th sets 405lbs for 12 reps. (when I'm finished here my legs are gorged w/ blood)
    Leg Press Since I'm dead from squats, I'll do whatever weight I can use to grind out 8-10 solid reps (usually five or six plates on each side), for four sets.
    Frog Press? i don't know the technical term for this exercise, but I place my feet at the top of the leg press, in an open V shape (feet are in a slightly higher position than for the normal leg press). I use this exercise for my inner quads. 3 sets for 10 reps (at this point there is no feeling in my quads, so I do not need heavy weight)
    Lunges I use bodyweight for this exercise and can barely grind out 6 reps for the three sets
    Leg Extensions I know SC says to leave this for competitions, but I like the crazy burn I get from these after the above. 4 sets for 20 reps (100lbs is good)
    Deadlift Lowering the bar to the tongue of my sneakers, I then lift the bar to my upper shin (all hammies) 5 sets for 6-10 reps (I'll go 135lbs for two sets, then jump to 225lbs for the last three)
    Lying hamstring Curls 5 sets for 6-10 reps (weight varies)
    i will not go into detail on my calf workout, but I superset them w/ Quads. Also, I do calves (and abs) twice, every seven days. Every other bodypart is done one time, every seven days.Total w/o time is about 1hr 15mins.
    one more thing... maybe you should let your body get a little more rest... if I am reading this correctly, you train 7 days a week... or do you?

  6. #6
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Dec 2002
    I believe he has some days off. I don't know of anyone who trains everyday, that would be impossible IMHO.


  7. #7
    Keyser Sozey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Has it worked for you before? If so, then keep doing it, but I feel that is too much work IMHO. Leg press is the same movement (physiology wise) as the squat, so that repetitive movement isn't really needed. Lunges are fine, and extensions to finish it off would be fine too. Hammies look fine and calves too.

    Definitely worked, but I have been feeling quite tired right after squats. Perhaps I am overtraining. I agree, the leg press does hit the same area. I will take your advice and cut leg press from the workout and I will add two more sets to my squats. Also, I will do leg press in my fourth leg workout (instead of squats). Since I am cutting the leg press, I can add weight to my lunges.
    Thanks SC

  8. #8
    Keyser Sozey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Justin Sane
    one more thing... maybe you should let your body get a little more rest... if I am reading this correctly, you train 7 days a week... or do you?
    Here's my routine:
    Mon- Quads, Hams, Calves
    Tues-Chest, Abs
    Wed-Back, Traps,
    Thurs-Delts, Abs
    Fri-Tris, Bis, 4arms, Calves
    Sat & Sun- OFF

  9. #9
    Keyser Sozey is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Justin Sane
    you might want to throw the deads into your back workout if it incorporates properly... like everyone else, I too believe you are overtraining a little much.... some of my best results have come from short session workouts 4-5 times a week. But, if it works for ya, all the best to you G...
    I do deads to the upper shins on Mon. On Wed, I do deads full range for low back.
    I might be overtraining though..
    Btw, thanks for the input chest6 and JustinSane

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