04-24-2002, 09:42 AM #1
Shruging heave I got a sharp pain in the neck.. your thoughts brothers???
You guys How is everyone???
The other week while dumbel shrugging I got this sharp pain in my neck in the spine just where the collar of the shirt is. the wieght was a little heavier then usual. I was shrugging about 85 pounds. There was no pain after or has there been since. I am doing shoulders again tomm but i wanna see what you guys think. It was a really wierd pain like someone sticking a needle into my spine. And its nlot like it was excrucitating pain. it hurt but not horrible... Thanks guys
04-24-2002, 12:25 PM #2
Exactly what happens to me when I go to heavy. Shrug with lighter weights, pull up semi-fast...hold at the top for a count of 2, lower slowly...guarantee you'll be sore the next day. It's all about form, screw weight. Those 115lb weaklings can grab the 100s and just basically hold em there, mybe moving em half an inch for all I care. Nothing's going to grow, not even their ego.
04-24-2002, 12:43 PM #3
hey guys thanks for the reply.. oh and i made a mistake they were 85 lb dumbelss i didn't want to look like a weakling.. hahahah lol no offense to anyone - But the wierd thing is i was keeping good form yah know i was hilding em up for like 3 seconds. and coming down. It was really wierd, but i will drop back down to 75 and see if it still happens. Hey papa do you have any idea why it happens???
Thanks again
04-24-2002, 01:36 PM #4
thanks diesel.. i used to d that tooo lean in but for the pst couple of months my hsoulders have been back and perpendiclar to the floor and my shoulders lift striaght up.. But thats prob the reason why the pain was coming. If the traps are connected to the spine up there, there was prob too much pull from the wieght tugging on the spine..
HOLY SH!t can you imagine what would have happened if that muslced teared??? damn thanks diesel and big poppa
04-24-2002, 06:29 PM #5
I've had this happen to me before. The pain can be unbearable! Listen to Diesel and PPP... they're completely right....
04-30-2002, 08:22 AM #6
agree with all of the above, and also don't turn your head to the side during the movement, did that once and couldn't turn my neck for 3 days, form is EVERYTHING
04-30-2002, 08:36 AM #7
thanks guys. I did shoulders yesterday. Decided to see if the pain still started. I grabbed the 75 pound dumbels, and on my 2nd rep it started again. i had to drop all the way down to 55 then went to 60 that was the most i could do without it hurting. It pissed me off sooo badly. I didn't think my traps got a good work out at all. So i went and did some trows. it was ok but again i couldn't do that much cause my traps were already messed up.
04-30-2002, 08:38 AM #8
Does anyone think the pain would stop if i used the barbell instead?? And i made sure my form was great. I looked staright ahead in the mirror too. I dunno what to do, cause it hurt like a mofo
05-01-2002, 01:09 AM #9
It happens. Give it a week or so to go away. Also make sure you are stretching before your workout. Warm up, move the neck around, side to side, back to front, all around. Sounds simple but it can make a difference. Also, stress and posture throughout the day (especially if you're in front of a computer all day) can do that to you. And when you're shrugging, try not to squeeze the hell out of your neck on the contraction, just try to feel the traps.
05-01-2002, 01:58 AM #10
Good advice from Diesel and PapaPump. Good form is what lifting is all about. Sloppy form gets you visits to the doctor.
By the way brother, it doesn't matter what weight you are using, no one here cares or looks down on someone if they are trying their hardest and improving.
Good luck with the pain brother and i hope it goes away, thake care of yourself
05-01-2002, 07:11 AM #11
Thanks guys. Thanks Cane for the vote of confidence. I get a little self critical with that stuff. I'll let you guys know what ajhppens. It had just been freakn me out for the past week. But i will try the week of thing and thanks scorpion for the tips on the stretching. I never strecth even though i know you should. Thanks guys
05-01-2002, 08:05 AM #12Originally posted by Darkknight442
Thanks guys. Thanks Cane for the vote of confidence.
05-01-2002, 08:16 AM #13
You could always give the barbell a shot and see how it feels to you. If there is still pain then I wuold lay off a couple of weeks on the shrugs in case there is something there that needs a little rest, then try them again.
05-01-2002, 01:14 PM #14
Yeah that is true. Maybe there is somehting about the movment of the dumbel shrugs that is hurting me Scott.. thanks man.
Its just wierd that this came out of nowhere. I mean i have started using straps on my shrugs the last couple of weeks wouldd that have anything to doo with it?? Or maybe i am starting too high. You know like start at 55 60 and do like 5 sets of shrugs??
05-11-2002, 03:24 PM #15
prolly just pnched a nerve
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