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  1. #1
    vein-x's Avatar
    vein-x is offline Associate Member
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    Chest: More Soreness In Shoulders?

    Anyone know why this happens?

    Sometimes after a hard day of chest (like today, for example) I'll go away feeling sore in the chest and shoulders. While this is to be expected to some degree, it feels more sore in the shoulders than it does the chest. I'm hoping that after a good night's sleep, the DOMS hits my chest and the shoulder pain fades under the chest soreness/pain. This isn't really a one time thing...

    I know one quick response will be "See if you get DOMS in your chest tomorrow morning" But as I said, this isn't the first time and it bothers me that shoulders get more attention than chest on a day with chest and no shoulders. I am aware that you will get some soreness in the shoulders, but does it usually outweigh the soreness post-excercise (not the next day) in your chest?

    What are your thoughts on this? And if you don't mind, what are some excercises that would be similar to a concentration curl, except for the chest? Maybe flat-bench flyes?

    (Currently doing: flat bench, flat dumbell press and inclince flyes.. although I'm still perfecting the form of the flyes)

  2. #2
    TCEL300 is offline Member
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    my shoulders usually get pain during the chest day....exercise the abducters..stretch wicked good before and after...i usually hurt it if i rush and dont warm up properly before incline with db's...start realll light..make sure u arnt coming down to far when u are useing the db's

  3. #3
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    my back gets sore after i do shoulders..not sure man

  4. #4
    max2extreme's Avatar
    max2extreme is offline Anabolic Member
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    Its gotta be from the incline flies. Is the bench at too much of an incline by chance? Perhaps a) lower it a notch or b) next chest day, do flat flies and see how your shoulders feel, then you'll be able to isolate what exercise is causing the shoulder soreness.

  5. #5
    S.P.G's Avatar
    S.P.G is offline AR Workout Scientist
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    This doesn’t surprise me at all I’ve said it so many times, during chest your shoulders take a massive pounding from the benching, some will feel the D.O.M.S more than others, recovery ability ect, ect,This is especially said of any incline,

  6. #6
    vein-x's Avatar
    vein-x is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys. For the most part, my question is answered. BTW, my chest is sore today, so I know I got a good workout in. One question remains, though:

    Best chest isolation move?

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