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  1. #1
    diamonds's Avatar
    diamonds is offline Banned
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    In your head

    problem with Ironmans HIT routine

    Does anyone else have a problem with the amount of time you will spend in gym with this program? Do the math and you will see that one workout will take about 2 hours. Check it out:

    Monday workout consists of chest, shoulders, triceps, traps and abs
    2 warm-up sets and 3 working sets on each body part with 3 min. rest between sets and 5-10 min. rest between body parts!!!
    Chest 1st warm up set = 1 min.
    rest= 3 min.
    2nd warm up set= 1 min.
    rest= 3 min.
    1st working set = 1 min
    rest= 3 min.
    2nd working set= 1 min.
    rest= 3 min.
    3rd working set= 1 min.
    rest= 5-10 min.

    Total time spent on chest= 22-27 minutes!!!
    keep in mind you still have shoulders, triceps, traps and abs!

  2. #2
    Keyser Sozey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Honestly, I have done HIT before and ended up overtraining. However, this style of training could work for you.

    Now 2 hours in the gym is excessive IMO. One hour to an hour and fifteen minutes is the max time I spend in the cage. It's usually 50 minutes to an hour. Then again, I do each bodypart (except for calves and abs) once a week. I feel that this ensures proper muscle and CNS recovery.

  3. #3
    Flexor is offline Banned
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    3 minute rest? I haven't recently read the routine, but that seems a little excessive even if the previous set was taken beyond failure.

  4. #4
    diamonds's Avatar
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    Yeah I can see how one could over train on this program. I think I'm gonna do a altered version of it though. I really enjoy hitting each body part twice a week, I'm really seeing some fast gains. I posted my new routine but I think I need to cut some of the exercises down. haven't had any problems with over training yet, but don't want to push it.

  5. #5
    diamonds's Avatar
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    Wait a good 3 minutes between sets to allow ATP/CP levels to replenish so the most weight can be used per set..Lactic acid builds up when one moves too rapid to the next set or when using advanced techniques such as pre-exhausted super sets.
    I think its too long as well!

    This program consist of doing two warm up sets per body part. The first warm up set should be very light and about 15 reps. The second warm up set will consist of a moderate weight for 6-8 reps. (In noway should these sets be fatiguing). Then 3 total work sets per body part are to be performed.
    Try this and tell me you still have energy to do shoulders, triceps, traps and abs!

  6. #6
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by diamonds

    Try this and tell me you still have energy to do shoulders, triceps, traps and abs!
    I don't have an issue with the time so much.

    I do however agree that it would be nearly impossible(for me at least) to continue on after chest and delts.
    Personally,I'd alter the program slightly by doing abs on cardio day,maybe even throw traps in on back day as well.As for the traps,I really don't do much work for them anyhow.They seem to come up on thier own through heavy back work,delt work ect.


  7. #7
    MASTER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diamonds
    Does anyone else have a problem with the amount of time you will spend in gym with this program? Do the math and you will see that one workout will take about 2 hours. Check it out:

    Monday workout consists of chest, shoulders, triceps, traps and abs
    2 warm-up sets and 3 working sets on each body part with 3 min. rest between sets and 5-10 min. rest between body parts!!!
    Chest 1st warm up set = 1 min.
    rest= 3 min.
    2nd warm up set= 1 min.
    rest= 3 min.
    1st working set = 1 min
    rest= 3 min.
    2nd working set= 1 min.
    rest= 3 min.
    3rd working set= 1 min.
    rest= 5-10 min.

    Total time spent on chest= 22-27 minutes!!!
    keep in mind you still have shoulders, triceps, traps and abs!
    Check out the version i made for myself bro, the workouts take about 45 mins!

  8. #8
    The Iron Man is offline Junior Member
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    Guys...I have male and female bodybuilders of all levels and ages gaining on this program.

    Its not the amount of time it takes to get through each workout that increases cortisol levels but the amount of sets. Now if your where to rest only 90 seconds and worked out for 1.5 to 2 hours you would be hosed.

    I have found that 18-20 sets done three times per week is as good as it gets, given you hit all three sub-categories of type-2 fibers (A-B-C) with a basic movement for each body part.

    The IRON MAN "HIT" has a proven track record for ectomorphs, mesomorphs, and endomorphs. I'm willing to say this: "if you can't make gains on my 3 day per week routine, you wont make them on any other routine out there". I'm not saying it's the best but I will say it's as good as it gets.

    Giantz11 will have the whole version up soon and it will make much more sense to you as of what I say. Give it a try..What have you got to lose???
    Last edited by The Iron Man; 01-27-2006 at 02:19 PM.

  9. #9
    The Iron Man is offline Junior Member
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    Guys...I have male and female bodybuilders of all levels and ages gaining on this program.

    Its not the amount of time it tkaes to get through each workout that increases cortisol levels but the amount of sets. Now if your where to rest only 90 seconds nad work out for 1.5 to 2 hours you would be hosed.

    I have found that 18-20 sets done three times per week is as good as it gets, given you hit all three sub-categories of type-2 fibers (A-B-C) with a basic movement for each body part.

    The IRON MAN "HIT" has a proven track record for ectomorphs,mesomorphs, and endomorphs. I'm willing to say this: "if you can't make gains on my 3 day per week routine, you wont make them on any other routine out there". I'm not saying it's the best but I will say it's as good as it gets.

    Giantz11 will have the whole version up soon and it will make much more sense to you as of what I am saying. Give it a try..What have you got to lose???

  10. #10
    spound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diamonds
    Does anyone else have a problem with the amount of time you will spend in gym with this program? Do the math and you will see that one workout will take about 2 hours. Check it out:

    Monday workout consists of chest, shoulders, triceps, traps and abs
    2 warm-up sets and 3 working sets on each body part with 3 min. rest between sets and 5-10 min. rest between body parts!!!
    Chest 1st warm up set = 1 min.
    rest= 3 min.
    2nd warm up set= 1 min.
    rest= 3 min.
    1st working set = 1 min
    rest= 3 min.
    2nd working set= 1 min.
    rest= 3 min.
    3rd working set= 1 min.
    rest= 5-10 min.

    Total time spent on chest= 22-27 minutes!!!
    keep in mind you still have shoulders, triceps, traps and abs!
    You can take one minute in between warm-up sets, and if you are really pushed for time you can take 3-4 mintues b/t exercises. Also, think about it this way, you may be spending an extra 30-45 minutes in the gym on your training days, but you only have to go 3 times per week!!! Also, time working out does not cause overtraining its the actual time that your muscles are under tension the causes overtraining,

    And for all those saying I can't do this muscle after working this one etc etc, I wouldnt cahgne the program around too much, it was designed this way for a reason. Iron man knows his shit, and if you go switching things all up it will take away the whole idea of the routine, give it an honest couple weeks try out before bashing it.

    One more thing...Pinnacle, you say you cant do shoulders after chest? Why do you think that is? Because your shoulders were under large amounts of stress while doing your chest movement, therefore, they have already been hit pretty hard, throing in the shoulder exercise with it will finish them off It's not the maount of weight you use, but whether or not you achieved your goal of giving you muscel a strong enough stimulus to grow.

  11. #11
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    i have to say iron man, as a powerlifter, if i ever was to do bodybuilding and at some point in my life i am sure i will it would be my first choice. your program by far makes the most sense. i am a big fan

  12. #12
    indrid_cold17 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i have to say iron man, as a powerlifter, if i ever was to do bodybuilding and at some point in my life i am sure i will it would be my first choice. your program by far makes the most sense. i am a big fan
    same here

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