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  1. #1
    bcap is offline Member
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    Feb 2006

    Workout for cutting diet

    Hey guys

    I'm sure you've all seen my diet plan for my cutting phase for the next 12 weeks. If you havn't, please look a little lower for the thread called "My Cutting Diet" or something like that.

    Pretty much, i'm looking to be loosing about 30 pounds over the next 12 weeks.

    Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat i'll be doing weights and Tues/Thurs i'll be doing cardio on an empty stomach.

    Here is my idea on my workouts, could you guys give me a little help?

    6 muscle groups:
    - Biceps
    - Triceps
    - Shoulders
    - Chest
    - Legs
    - Back

    Each day i'll pick 2 exercises that work different parts of the body part, and construct a circuit with those 2 for each of the 6 body parts.

    For example, i'll do a set of bicep curls then a set of lat pull downs, i will repeat that two more times, then move on to a different body part. The whole point is doing them as quick and as back-to-back as possible, with little rest to keep m yheart rate eleveated.

    So overall i'll be doing 12 exercises, 3 sets each. Lower weights, higher reps. Probably around 10-12.


    Thanks, Bryan

  2. #2
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    post your workout split so some workout gurus can tear it apart

  3. #3
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    i just realized im still in the diet forum, could someone move this to the workout forum...

  4. #4
    bcap is offline Member
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    ok so liek i said above, i'll be choosing 2 exercises for each muscle group. i have the exercises into "exercise 1" and "exercise 2" below, so i can mix and match.

    i'll make a circuit out of my choices for the day. what do you guys think?


    Exercise 1:
    Bench Press
    Dumbbell Bench Press
    Incline Bench Press

    Exercise 2:
    Flat Flys
    Pec Dec
    Incline Flys

    Exercise 1:
    Seated Barbell Press
    Seated Dumbbell Press
    Machine Press

    Exercise 2:
    Dumbbell Side Laterals
    Bent-Over Side Laterals

    Exercise 1:
    Lying Barbell
    Triceps Extension
    Overhead Dumbbell
    Triceps Extension

    Exercise 2:
    Triceps Push-Down
    Bench Dips

    Exercise 1:
    Underhand Pull-Down
    Underhand Pull-Up

    Exercise 2:
    Bent-Over Barbell Row
    Bent-Over Dumbbell Row
    One-Arm Dumbbell Row

    Exercise 3:
    Dumbbell Deadlift
    Barbell Deadlift

    Exercise 1:
    Standing Barbell Curl
    Preacher Curl

    Exercise 2:
    Concentration Dumbbell Curl
    Alternate Dumbbell Curl
    Alternate Hammer Dumbbell Curl

    Exercise 1:
    Incline Leg Press
    Seated/Standing Calf Raise
    Seated Barbell Tow Raise

    Exercise 2:
    Leg Extensions
    Lunge with Dumbbells

    Exercise 3:
    Leg Curls
    Straight Leg Dumbbell Deadlift

  5. #5
    bcap is offline Member
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    Feb 2006

    any suggestions guys? i start this on monday so i'd like to ensurei have the best possible workout before i start.



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