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  1. #1
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Military Press- Ultimate Shoulders? Help!

    Sup bros.. About a year ago I got Tendonitis in both shoulders.. xrays I took were negative (2) and 2 doctors said I had bad inflamation (biceps tend). I was thinking of why this happend and I got to a few conclusions: 1) I was doing chest on monday and thursday with HEAVY shoulder day the next day- friday. This is the reason why I think I injured myslef- due to the overtraining and hitting the shoulders so much.. What do you guys think? Is this most likely what caused it? But then I was reading and talking to a few people and said that the DB military press was horrible excersie and there are much better/safer ones bc that could lead to injury for my shoulders.. I was always a big fan and very strong on it.. I went up to 95s on each arm for 4-6 reps.. I have shyed away from it bc Im scared of the injury coming back (its more of a mental thing i think) I havent worked out shoulders hard at all.. What do you think I should do? What excersises to get back into the grove of working out my shoulders? My shoulders have gotten much smaller since I stopped really hitting them hard..
    Thanks alot for any help.. I appreciate fellas

  2. #2
    Myka's Avatar
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    of course consult your dr...but lateral db raises will add width with small weight...also smith military press...I just started with the smith mili and I really like could also try supersets which would keep the weight down...

  3. #3
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    thanks newkid.. yea this happend a year ago but in my head im always scared to re injure it.. do you think i should stay about from the military press in general or just move on to other shoulder excersies?

  4. #4
    Myka's Avatar
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    well personally I dont like to go too heavy very often with DBs...but when I use the smith machine for mili press I go as heavy as I want...

    If I were you I would go with mild movements like the lateral raise front lateral etc...and see how you feel...just take it easy and smooth into it...JMO...

  5. #5
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    thanks for the advice bro.. any1 else with other opinions feel free to post! thanks once again

  6. #6
    novastepp's Avatar
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    i agree with NewKid (like usual) lateral raises, if you have any discomfort consult your doc.

  7. #7
    sputnik's Avatar
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    that's interesting, I've never heard of shoulder injuries from overhead Db pressing. In fact few people do them, or at least not the standing variety, very old school.

    Have you thought of military pressing with a staright/olympic bar? I would recommend NOT using a smith machine for anything, let alone military pressing. You already have an injury, so you don't want to be doing these out of your natural plane of movement, which is what the smith machines does.

    Lateral/front raises? I know these are popular with the bodybuilding crowd, but they are also known for causing injury, so I don't think you want to be doing this given your injury. HOWEVER, I do think they are ok to do IF used with very light weight and as a rehab exercise, that's it.

  8. #8
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    thanks sputnik.. what excersises would you recommend or do if you dont mind.. thanks alot brotha

  9. #9
    sputnik's Avatar
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    give standing militaries with a bar a go...I suggest first time around to test the water to do increasing sets say, 5x5, increasing the pundage each set towards a top set...with each set you will work out how you shoulders are feeling.

  10. #10
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    thanks for the response bro..
    any other suggestions post away! thanks

  11. #11
    Canadiantiger's Avatar
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    I have had all kinds of problems with my shoulders and found that when doing any type of presses as long as I move just out of vertical I can lift as heavy as I can with no pain. I also had the Bicep tendon flare up from doing barbell curls now I changed to reverse grip pullups and dumbbells no problem.

  12. #12
    novastepp's Avatar
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    when i said lateral raises i did mean light weight, like newkid said "easy and smooth" don't go heavy if you are having any trouble... plus these guys know their stuff!

  13. #13
    flyguy7's Avatar
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    Sputnik, I'm surprised you say that very few people do overhead DB presses. I've had immense shoulder problems as well, and always felt that presses with DB were much easier on my shoulders than locking them into position with a bar.

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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy7
    Sputnik, I'm surprised you say that very few people do overhead DB presses. I've had immense shoulder problems as well, and always felt that presses with DB were much easier on my shoulders than locking them into position with a bar.
    go into a gym and fu'll see VERY few ppl ever do standing db presses, even less so, 1 arm db presses. I've only suggested militaries cause he may not want to do db's. however, i think db standing presses are great.

  15. #15
    novastepp's Avatar
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    what would be the difference between standing DB presses and seated DB presses?

  16. #16
    sputnik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    what would be the difference between standing DB presses and seated DB presses?
    the same as the difference between standing and seated overhead pressing with a bar...the use of core stabilisers. Even more so with 1 arm db pressing, where u have to maintain good balance, and try perform the lift without keeling over to get the db up...this lift was a staple from the 20's or earlier and into the 40's. Not really seen anymore.

  17. #17
    flyguy7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sputnik
    the same as the difference between standing and seated overhead pressing with a bar...the use of core stabilisers. Even more so with 1 arm db pressing, where u have to maintain good balance, and try perform the lift without keeling over to get the db up...this lift was a staple from the 20's or earlier and into the 40's. Not really seen anymore.
    Yeah, but seated pressing you can do much more weight, so doesn't that imply a greater focus and mass gained in the shoulders, or am I wrong?

  18. #18
    sputnik's Avatar
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    The key word is 'imply'. The thing is I'm not sure. Fact is that the standing press helps to strengthen you core, period. Also, there's nothing like standing on 2 feet, putting weight over head, compared to sitting down on ur ass.

  19. #19
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    thanks for all the responses for far bros.. how about bent over lat raises... wud those be good to help strengthen and work out my shoulders? thanks

  20. #20
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sputnik
    The key word is 'imply'. The thing is I'm not sure. Fact is that the standing press helps to strengthen you core, period. Also, there's nothing like standing on 2 feet, putting weight over head, compared to sitting down on ur ass.
    i think this is what brings it home...

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