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Thread: Wrists

  1. #1
    TheFightForGood is offline New Member
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    First off, let me introduce myself as I am new to these forums. I've been reading them for awhile, but have not posted up until now.

    I've been lifting pretty well for 3 months now, and made LOTS of gain. I started at 121 and am now at 145. Goal is 160 in another 2 1/2 months, and at my current rate that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

    Anyways, here's my question. I've always had VERY skinny wrists (wrap my thumb to my pinky and touch). I've been doing forearm workouts, but they just seem to work the base, closer to the elbow without adding anything at all to my wrists. It actually looks almost silly because my forearms are normally sized and my wrists are very small.

    Is there anything I can do to gain size in my wrists?


  2. #2
    1bmf is offline Junior Member
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    Try wrist curls and reverse wrist curls

  3. #3
    TheFightForGood is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1bmf
    Try wrist curls and reverse wrist curls

    I already do both, and like I said before, they only seem to work the half of my forearm closest to my elbow with not affect to wrist size at all.

  4. #4
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Do you use lifting straps for any of your lifts? If so, get rid of them.

  5. #5
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    For wrist flexors, the Farmer's Walk with dumbbells or Static Holds with a barbell.
    For wrist extensors, barbell reverse curls.

  6. #6
    brundle's Avatar
    brundle is offline Associate Member
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    I've always had small wrists and forearms, but I've gained a little size by doing this:
    For wrist curls, when you lower the bar, let it roll down your fingers. (make sure you don't drop the bar though). This will strengthen your fingers and hopefully make your wrists bigger. It worked for me!
    [I apologize if you already know this.]

  7. #7
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    if you can touch your thumb to your pinky at your wrist that does not have much to do with muscle, more of bone structure

    i have been lifting for years and i have very little muscle under my wrist bone, maybe a half inch at best

    my best suggestion to you is what papi said, if you use wraps get rid of them, i unfortunatly have been using wraps for years and i am struggeling my arse off trying to build my forearms up to get to the point where i dont need them...the best thing is to never start using them in the first place imo

  8. #8
    Duster is offline Junior Member
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    work the fornt of your forarm....take the bar and lift your wrist up

  9. #9
    Grizzly420's Avatar
    Grizzly420 is offline Associate Member
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    cant change bone structure but you can make everything else around it look so good no one notices

  10. #10
    Tank75 is offline Associate Member
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    You should look into hand grip exercises like pinch gripping and thick bar exercises (wrap some tape or a towel around the bar to increase diameter). These types of exercises recruit more of your grip and forearm muscles and can help increase the size of your lower arms and wrists.

  11. #11
    URMaster's Avatar
    URMaster is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry but you will never gain size on your wrists. Your wrists are composed almost entirely of bone with a few supporting muscles and tendons that connect to your forerms. Theres not enough muscle there to train. I am in the same boat as you. Dont look at it like a negative thing though. Skinny wrists make the rest of your arm look bigger.
    Last edited by URMaster; 06-01-2006 at 11:44 AM.

  12. #12
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    yup - i have to agree with URMaster on that one
    all these grip exercises people are suggesting - will train just that 'Your grip'

    they will do very little for thickening your wrists

    i'm in the same boat - tried all sorts of wrist exercises for years - they are still pretty much the same size

    its genetics

  13. #13
    SuperChicken1 is offline Junior Member
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    I have noticed recently that where my fingers used to overlap they now do not touch ~ 1/4 inch gabe wehn werapped around my wrist.

    I credit it to heavy deads and rows... I only use hooks on my last set.


  14. #14
    URMaster's Avatar
    URMaster is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperChicken1
    I have noticed recently that where my fingers used to overlap they now do not touch ~ 1/4 inch gabe wehn werapped around my wrist.

    I credit it to heavy deads and rows... I only use hooks on my last set.

    You could of course gain about 50lbs of fat. I'll bet your wrists you get a bit bigger then. =)

  15. #15
    Phreak101's Avatar
    Phreak101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    You want big wrists? Try boxing or intense yoga. I do both, and I have small wrists genetically like the rest of you. For years I tried wrist curls and the like and nothing worked. However, I started boxing last year, and slamming into that heavy bag for the first 2 weeks KILLED my wrists to the point where it hurt to use my hands, but after awhile, I noticed my wrists swelling up and strenghtening. My trainer told me it's perfectly normal, and the cartilage and tendons inside my wrists were expanding as well as the muscles at the base of my forearm to protect my joints from the impact.

    The yoga also makes you perform a lot of akward (at first) movements that require the recruitment of a lot of muscles that are just not used naturally. (You'd be amazed at my serratus muscles!) A lot of bridging and stretching will build up your wrists and help enlongate muscles in your forearms to make them look bigger overall...

    Not the most conventional answer in the world, but I'm loving the size and look of my new wrists and forearms, not to mention the boxers workout will kick your ass!

  16. #16
    SuperChicken1 is offline Junior Member
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    I am pretty sure it is not muscle size increase at my wrists but tendon thickening and strengthening.


  17. #17
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperChicken1
    I am pretty sure it is not muscle size increase at my wrists but tendon thickening and strengthening.



    i notice my wrists get bigger on cycle but unfortunatley that is short lived as it is all water retention

  18. #18
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    The little itty-bitty bones in the wrist can give way when your muscular strength starts to become... basically, abnormal. Your muscle's hypertrophy but your skeletal system basically stays the same.

    I have to wrap my wrists when working anything over 3 plates on the bench press... otherwise, my hands start to slide and my wrists become hyperextended during the lift. Somebody taught me this in Hawaii several years ago and wrapping my wrists helped me propel myself through some major sticking points in bench pressing.

    They are pretty easy to find. I have been using some from LP Support lately... they are actually marketed to tennis players - but I find them very effective for my purpose... they have some that only wrap your wrists - and others that give you a little extra material for some friction on your palm (good for a little grip support without the use of straps). Its basically one piece with a thumb hole - you insert your thumb then wrap it around your wrist and secure it with the velcro. Very durable...

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