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  1. #1
    saturn's Avatar
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    Wink Getting your Six Pack Abs

    Does anyone have any abs routines they would like to share for me to getting close of a six pack? Or even a really really really tight stomach? My diet is good and I have been doing cardio and lifting but need some intense ab workouts, Thanks a bunch!

  2. #2
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Getting abs has more to do with getting rid of every bit of fat on your stomach than increasing the ab work. I find that doing crunches against resistance, such as incline crunches with holding a barbell on your chest work well, along with any other standard leg lifts etc.

  3. #3
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    my favorite is "v-ups" if you know what that is it's a killer...if not ask me and i'll explain

  4. #4
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    cardio 30-45 min a day on empty stomach.

  5. #5
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by the hulkster
    cardio 30-45 min a day on empty stomach.
    Yup and Diet. Best Ab workout you can get.

  6. #6
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    yea.. I mean defintely keep training the abs but 90% of it consists of DIET.. i know it sucks to hear it but its true.. EVERYONE has abs.. even 800lber its just covered by layers of when you start to shed it the abs will appear.. ( not saying you have a lot of fat just stating he truth lol)

  7. #7
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    my favorite is "v-ups" if you know what that is it's a killer...if not ask me and i'll explain

  8. #8
    chest6's Avatar
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    I think it is where you hold a medicine ball and you extend your arms above you and extend out your legs and then do a crunch, bring your legs in and pull the medicine ball over your legs. Kinna hard to explain.

  9. #9
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    heres how i do it...lay on a bench completely flat with your legs extended out past the bench making yourself perfectly parrallel to the one motion bring your knees up and ur chest up doing a complete crunch basically so ur raising your torso along with your legs then return back to the horizontal position and do it again..i like them they really hit your abs top to bottom (as you raise ur legs bend ur knees so you end in a "bicycle" type of position..if you know what the bicycle is)

  10. #10
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    also make sure its one movement..not ur torso then ur legs or vise versa..

  11. #11
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    manual resistence is the hardest abs you can do, lay on a bench same starting position as a v- up, keep your hands above your head, then raise your legs to 90 degrees and on the decent have someone push your legsback down to parallel with the floor and you must try and keep them from getting your legs back to this position. Try 4 sets of 10 of this and tell me if you are sore in the morning.

  12. #12
    novastepp's Avatar
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    yeah hulkster that is a great one...

  13. #13
    novastepp's Avatar
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    try this one...
    get a partner and then lay down and get into a crunch position, put your hands by your ears and bring your knees up and touch them with your elbows. be sure to not move your hands, and keep your chin steady. now have your partner rock you super slowly up and down while you maintain the elbow to knee position. Absolute Killer...

  14. #14
    saturn's Avatar
    saturn is offline Female Member
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    WOW! thanks! I tried the V-ups and the throw downs, my abs are killing me today, thanks a bunch!

  15. #15
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    more cardio= more visible abs! end of story, imo abs is 85% cardio and diet, and 15% effort.

  16. #16
    Motion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the hulkster
    cardio 30-45 min a day on empty stomach.


  17. #17
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    zero junk food, smart nurition and cardio with weights like the others said.

    what i like best for actual abb work: i find a brutally steep deciline bench, grap some weight plates, and to full range of motion sit/ups. I feel my entire muscle is getting worked and i can def feel the stress on the lower 2 and below which is what everyone seems to complain about "not being able to hit them"

    my 2 cents

  18. #18
    boarder034's Avatar
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    The only problem with those is that when i do them my back KILLS, lower back, puts me in so much pain it makes me want to stop...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giantz11
    Yup and Diet. Best Ab workout you can get.
    should u take glutamine or something before morning cardio? or a low carb protein shake?

  20. #20
    Motion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by freak_of_nature_86
    should u take glutamine or something before morning cardio? or a low carb protein shake?

    No, empty stomach is best.

  21. #21
    JR.SHRED's Avatar
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    My favorites are on a decline bench have someone throw you the medicine ball and go up and down. For lower abs hold yourself up like you are going to do pullups and then raise both legs up and down and keep your legs straight. One for the sides of your abs is also go on a decline bench and hold stick not an actual stick but they should have a long wooden bar go up and down with that behind your head with the stick and dont go all the way down and do cross over with the stick sorry if that is confusing just hard to describe

  22. #22
    JR.SHRED's Avatar
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    also do abs heavy and then light with more reps switch each time try to do abs 3 times a weak seems to work well for me that is why they call me shred j/k

  23. #23
    SteveinNC's Avatar
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    Abs and workin' 'em

    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    yea.. I mean defintely keep training the abs but 90% of it consists of DIET.. i know it sucks to hear it but its true.. EVERYONE has abs.. even 800lber its just covered by layers of when you start to shed it the abs will appear.. ( not saying you have a lot of fat just stating he truth lol)
    I couldn't agree more. Everyone has them, just some are buried under layers of fat. You gotta work them. Incline is an excellent way, I agree. As is weighting your abs down with weights while working them. I might add that it's not how many you're able to do, it's how well you do them. I always keep one hand free, and lay it on my abs and "feel" the muscles work, contract and harden.
    But to get that six-pack, everyone has to work off the stuff that's hiding them. And that's fat. Plain and simple. As said before, not insinuating anyone has a lot of fat, but to see them, you gotta burn that fat off. Then....when you start to work on them, and build them, you WILL see the results and be so proud of yourself.


  24. #24
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    i do incline situps with a 25lb plate, v ups, rope oblique crunches, hanging leg raises then end with crunches starting with 10 reps, 10sec rest, 9 reps, 9 second rest, 8 reps with 8 sec rest all the way to 1.... 3 times a week i'll also throw in some reverse crunches on a bench or knee ups on a bench just to mix things up a few times a month

  25. #25
    novastepp's Avatar
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    when you are doing those decline crunches with medicine balls and stuff remember this:
    keep your chin STATIC, don't move it at all. what i do is hold a towel or something rolled up to get my chin about three fingerwidths away from my chest and DON'T move it.

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