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  1. #1
    RobM is offline New Member
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    Jun 2004

    Damn I am so fed up.. I have lost 45lb in 12mths and...

    ... am really disappointed. Why? Well here we go... I am a 42 yo 5'7" and weighed just a little under 15 stone. Last Feb (2005) I decided I had to do something about my weight as I was just about to start buying suits for work that were 36" waist and 44" chest which at 5'7" is ridiculous. So I took the decision and set about losing the weight.

    Now 12 months on I feel like crap!! I can wear adult size small shirts, and have a 32" waist but the comments I have had from people who I have not seen for a while is "have you been ill?" or "geez you look so frail". I used to have large arms and a large chest now I feel like an 11 stone weakling. Granted I lost my weight purely through diet and not diet and exercise but I feel like I have lost more muscle than I have fat or at least a 50/50 split of the 2.

    Can someone tell me how I now bulk up quickly with pure muscle and not fat as I have no idea what to do for the best.
    My metabolism is quite slow so I cannot do high carb diets, I am allergic to gluten (cieliacs disease) so I cannot eat any wheat products. I have been given some Anadrol 50 by a mate of mine who recommends I take 1 a day for the next 6 weeks and exercise my but off with really heavy weights but I am frightened of steroids and at my age worry about long term problems (also I have read a lot about Anadrol just causing fluid retention and when you stop you lose fluid and therefore mass).

    I may sound a bit desperate but I am going on holiday in July and the thought of being looked at as a skinny guy disturbs me far more than going on holiday last year did when I was overweight!! I would love to put on around 15-20lb of pure muscle in the next 4-5 months ready for my holiday but have no idea about the type of exercise I need, the right diet I should be on, how often I need to train, the right balance of cardio v's heavy weights, the supplements I shoud consider (or need), how much protein v's carb I should be taking in etc etc etc.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated and I am also going to post my pics on here as I would love you guys to help me and then witness the results each month as I progress between now and July

    Heres hoping you guys (and girls of course) can help me and if I need to give you anymore info let me know

  2. #2
    WHOADY4SHOADY's Avatar
    WHOADY4SHOADY is offline Senior Member
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    Your first step to take is to take a long hard look at the stickies at the top of the workout and diet pages. 2nd, do not take that anadrol . Stay away from that for a long time. You need to set up a good diet and workout plan.

  3. #3
    crash187ct's Avatar
    crash187ct is offline Senior Member
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    Jul 2005
    St. Paul, MN
    wtf is 15 stone?

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