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Thread: cardio

  1. #1
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    Will jogging or doing high intensity cardio help me get my metabolism running fast?
    i mest up on my diet and slowed my metabolsm up pretty good and wanting extra tips on gettting it back to full speed

    soo would running or swimming help this out plus with speed walkin on E stomach in morning

    the people in diet forum helped me with the diet and how to get iin check to help my metab. Just wondering if there are other steps i can take also

  2. #2
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    hello out there in AR land

  3. #3
    Wordsworth is offline New Member
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    It is recommended you do your cardio in the morning before you eat so that you get your metabolism going early and you can burn "stored" calories rather than consumed calories

  4. #4
    timtim is offline Member
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    hiit cardio in the am is not a good idea. in the pm its ok with at least 3 hrs since your last carb meal. will hiit speed up your metabolism overall? if you are doing everything else right it will aid in the recovery of your metabolism but on its own it wont.

    what did you do to slow down your metabolism? has a doctor confirmed this via thyroid tests?

  5. #5
    WHOADY4SHOADY's Avatar
    WHOADY4SHOADY is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by timtim
    hiit cardio in the am is not a good idea. in the pm its ok with at least 3 hrs since your last carb meal. will hiit speed up your metabolism overall? if you are doing everything else right it will aid in the recovery of your metabolism but on its own it wont.

    what did you do to slow down your metabolism? has a doctor confirmed this via thyroid tests?
    I and just about everyone on this board will beg to differ. Hitting the treadmill every morning before you eat anything at 65-70% of your max heart rate is your best bet.

  6. #6
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    i know cardio in the morning in empty is the best bet for burning fat at 65 to 70% heart rate.

    I was wondering if high intensity cardio while i have food in my stomach will help me speed my metabolism back up with a good diet.

    going to be working my cals back up to around 3600 soo i can start over and cut right this time.

    I dropedmy cals to much to early when i started this cutting phase and im almost sure it slowed my metab down a bit ... have no test to prove this though.

  7. #7
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timtim
    hiit cardio in the am is not a good idea. in the pm its ok with at least 3 hrs since your last carb meal. will hiit speed up your metabolism overall? if you are doing everything else right it will aid in the recovery of your metabolism but on its own it wont.

    what did you do to slow down your metabolism? has a doctor confirmed this via thyroid tests?
    I agree. high intensity cardio is not a smart move in the morning and will most likely lead to muscle catabolism when compared to long duration moderate heart rate cardio. do the 65% on empty in the am if you're going to do cardio on empty.
    If you are going to do sprints go in the evening or afternoon a few hours after a carb/pro meal.

  8. #8
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    yes, i am aware of high intensity cardio in morning on an empty stomach will burn muscle... ok we got that one out of the way.

    Im not to concerned about wich time of the day i should do the cardio.. wouold like like to know WILL JOGGIN WITH FOOD IN MY STOMACH AID IN RECOVERY OF SPEEDING MY METABOLILSM BACK UP?

    If someone post some crazy reply that only diet and cardio are going to burn fat and im to young for steroids or somthing that has nothing to do with my question... im going to SCREEM lol

    I stll plan on doing speed walkin on empty stomach in morning for 1 hour for fat loss, but the plan is at the mommenbt to speed my metabolsm back up.

    So question is one more time= does high intensity cardio aid in helping a slow metab recover?

    Now that question if obvious i sure hope no one comes out to tell me that drinking a gallon of water or more each day is important when trying to lose body fat.

    Me> will jogging help me speed are aid in speeding my metabolism back up to normal after i fudged up on my diet ?

    random AR member> dude you have to remeber to always do proper PCT .. what are you thinking??!?

  9. #9
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    r u 100% sure ur metabolism is slow? why would this be the case? unless a doctor has told you this, i think you might just be looking for an excuse. otherwise he/she would have told you what to do or given you a medication.

    few pointers:
    AM cardio, empty stomach, 45 mins at 65-75% MHR (5 times a week)

    ensure u eat small meals but often, to keep your metabolism running high

    have protein at every meal

  10. #10
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    lol are you being stupid ?

    Will high intensity cardio help with metabolsm?
    there gotta be someone that comes along that can anwser the question

    I got diet down now... trying to work my way back up to around 3,600 cals a day and stay at that for about 2 weeks to help metabolism. I dropped my cals way to low to fast when i started cutting phase. this ended up making it hard for me to lose fat im almost sure of it dont need a fckin doctor for that.

    Would love to know if high intensity cardio will help the metabolsm recover from a bad diet.

    yes cardio in morning on empty stomach i was doing 6 day a week for an hour at a time between 60 and 70 % heart rate.

    nirish can i add a lil cheese cake with that protein i need to put in every meal? or do i gotta eat the protein smothered in melted pigs fat with bacon on the top? thanks for the help on my question "bro"

  11. #11
    WHOADY4SHOADY's Avatar
    WHOADY4SHOADY is offline Senior Member
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    Your metabolism will eventually adjust to whatever you subject it to over time. There is no miracle workout to change it instantly. No offense but your questions is unrealistic. You seem to be looking for the quick way out. There is no quick way. You have to force your metabolism to adjust over time, and change. Good luck.

  12. #12
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    im not lookin for a quick way out? where does it even remotely seem that way....

    I been working on my body for the last 2 years and im i KNOW THERE ISNT A QUICK WAY OUT .. on whatever you mean by that.

    im simply wondering if there are adding things i can do to correct my mistake on a bad diet that i think hindered the speed of my metabolism.

    No reason to put words or thoughts into someones mind when you dont know.
    just answer the question if you know it or if you dont want to dont type an answer.
    some of you people geez
    i know my mistake wont be fast to correct but im lookin for added things i can add with adjusting my diet to get back on the right track.

    Soo does high intensity cardio help aid in speeding up a metabolism?

  13. #13
    WHOADY4SHOADY's Avatar
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    Im sorry if I seem like I was being an asshole. I dont know how to answer your question, either cause I dont understand exactly what you are asking, or I do and I dont know the answer, but good luck with it.

  14. #14
    Myka's Avatar
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    wow...whatever happened to being appreciative of wonder he had to bump it...

  15. #15
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    i do appreciate the help but people are answering questions i didnt even ask ..
    its kind of like they dont know the answer to my question soo they just throw in anything they know do have somthing to answer with lol.
    help it always cool and my question is RIGHT THERE.

    wanted to know if high intensity cardio is going to help aid in the recovroy of my slowered metabolism. i wll be doing speed walkin to burn fat on empty stomach in morning.
    Would love to know if added high intensity cardio is going to help me get my metab back to normal?
    Soo when someone comes in and says i need protein in every meal after my question is CLEAR why wouldnt it get a lil irritating hehe.

  16. #16
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    Stop eating all those cheetos and pizza pockets and learn how to do Proper PCT.

    "but i just wanted to know if a multi vitamin would be a healthy suppliment to take with my breakfast" haha

  17. #17
    Myka's Avatar
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    Well raising your heart rate during the day will definately raise I would just try to do some cardio that got my heart rate up...nothing too dramatic...

  18. #18
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    soo i guess speed walkin on empty stomach would be juist as good for my metabolism as joggin or swimming later in the day with food in my stomach?

    i was going to do some speed walkin in the mornign on E, but later in the day i was planning some high intensity cardio to help aid in getting metab back on track.

    Thanks for keeping your answer on my question man .. you dont know how much it means to me lol.

    Guess all i can really do is give this a shot and see if it helps me get back into burning mode. Next time i will lower calories slowly insteaf of dropping them all at once like i did tis time

  19. #19
    Myka's Avatar
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    soo i guess speed walkin on empty stomach would be juist as good for my metabolism as joggin or swimming later in the day with food in my stomach?
    No not IMO...when your walking on E your burning fat at the time...When You do cardio(jogging not recommended) later your reving up your metabo for continuous calorie use during the day...

  20. #20
    novastepp's Avatar
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    The reason for my post is because your metabolism will get jakked up with the more muscle mass you have so you don't want to risk losing any that you might have.
    cardio in itself raises your metabolism so whenever you do it, it helps raise it.
    IMHO, Eat more and your metabolism will go up...

    maybe next time no one will even try to help and you'll feel better that no one said anything rather than try and help and not answer your question exactly the way you wanted it to be answered. If you want only one answer, hire Swole he'll talk to you and give you all the answers you need... this my friend is a DISCUSSION FORUM...

  21. #21
    narcissus is offline New Member
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    Buddy, try powerwalking in the am, if it's an aerobic exercise you enjoy and will get you moving, it is a start.

    Try changing your afternoon session to a circuit style training program, lower the weights, keep the intensity high, you get the picture.

    You will definitely rev up your metabolism, as the more muscle stimulation, the greater the growth hormone response/testosterone levels etc. and ...presto, the result is, more muscle, burn fat quicker, while sparring muscle. If your own benefit get a checkup and make sure all is well.

    cheers and good luck!!

  22. #22
    Ruger is offline New Member
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    Dude, I know where you are coming from FLOo. Just had a discussion this weekend with a friend that didn't agree with me... If I speed walk 45min and compare it to running high intensity on the treadmill 20min... It says I burned more calories walking for the longer duration...BUT It sure as heall doesn't feel like it. Man, when I spring the last quarter mile after an intense pulse is raging hot blood through my body which feels is like a furnace , sweat dripping everywhere for 20 min afterward, and then you get that runners high...mmmMMmm.. That is the shat you don't get with speed walking that I LOVE. Obviously, it seems like it would be catabolic on the muscle BUT... How much fat, etc. does it burn?! I know I don't just expend 300 calories when my body is jacked for hours afterwards. That is nonsense and what my friend argued with me about. I Prolly burn 300 cal's just from the sweating and panting.

  23. #23
    Ruger is offline New Member
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    If there was a 200+ Beats per minute heart club... I'd join. Intense running makes me feel like the animal we all are. I have the urge to scream and tear things apart then than when I lift.

  24. #24
    Ruger is offline New Member
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    above. "more than when I lift"
    gotta be test release or something involved...anyone?

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    [QUOTE=FLOo]lol are you being stupid ?

    Will high intensity cardio help with metabolsm?
    there gotta be someone that comes along that can anwser the question

    I got diet down now... trying to work my way back up to around 3,600 cals a day and stay at that for about 2 weeks to help metabolism. I dropped my cals way to low to fast when i started cutting phase. this ended up making it hard for me to lose fat im almost sure of it dont need a fckin doctor for that.

    Would love to know if high intensity cardio will help the metabolsm recover from a bad diet.

    yes cardio in morning on empty stomach i was doing 6 day a week for an hour at a time between 60 and 70 % heart rate.

    nirish can i add a lil cheese cake with that protein i need to put in every meal? or do i gotta eat the protein smothered in melted pigs fat with bacon on the top? thanks for the help on my question "bro"[/QUOTE]

    well for a start, put wotever the hell u want on it, just dont come crying back when u cant lose the weight! protein at every meal will mean uv got a steady supply, your body takes longer i believe to digest protein, so surely this will be beneficial.

    as to your question, HIIT will speed up your metabolism, as will any cardio, but this will not b a permenant effect! cardio can elevate metabolism for up to 24 hours i believe, where as weight training for sets helps elevate metabolism and can keep it elevated for up to 48 hours. so do both!
    but have u seen a doctor about this? maybe someone in the medical profession can give you the full proper answer that you clearly crave! if you havnt been to a doctor, how the hell do you know if your metabolismhas slowed down? and if u have been to a doctor, didnt he already give you some tips? not every one on this site is medically qualified so dont expect the correct answer straight away! otherwise youd be paying out of your ass for these services!

  26. #26
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    thanks nirish you got to the point of my questiont that time .. too you twice but you stil did and and i appreciate it.
    And you managed to do it without answering a question of giving me an answer on somthing i didnt ask.
    Thank for al the help on this forum guys im going to up calories back up to 3,600 for about 2 weeks , take my 3 day split for lifting and make it 5 days, and along with my speed walkin on empty stomach im goign to do high intensity cardio on off lifting days to help speed metab.
    has to be my metab slowered cus everything else was in check cept for the fact i dropped my cals to low right off the bat.

  27. #27
    timtim is offline Member
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    I and just about everyone on this board will beg to differ. Hitting the treadmill every morning before you eat anything at 65-70% of your max heart rate is your best bet.

    umm, your wrong. reread my post. i said hiit cardio in the am is a bad idea and i am right. show me anyone who says high intensity cardio in the a.m. on an empty stomach is the way to go and i will show you someone who knows nothing about proper cardio.

  28. #28
    WHOADY4SHOADY's Avatar
    WHOADY4SHOADY is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by timtim
    umm, your wrong. reread my post. i said hiit cardio in the am is a bad idea and i am right. show me anyone who says high intensity cardio in the a.m. on an empty stomach is the way to go and i will show you someone who knows nothing about proper cardio.
    I misread your post and I apologize, but it isnt like it really helped this guy anyway.

  29. #29
    timtim is offline Member
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    cool. thanks for the reply. and your right, nothing was going to help this guy.

  30. #30
    WHOADY4SHOADY's Avatar
    WHOADY4SHOADY is offline Senior Member
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    I think he should run 10 miles a day. He will be very happy with his muscular development. J/K Floo.

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