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  1. #1
    newguy86 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2006

    please critique chest workout

    hey guys.. i think i may be over-training my chest in hopes to gain mass. ive done this workout for a while with some variation but this it pretty much it.

    flat barbell: 10,6,4,2,8,10 (pyrmid up, max, pyrimid back down)
    incline: 10-8-4
    flat dumb bell:10-8-6
    incline dumb bell; 10-8-6

    for a few days after im always really sore unless i puss out during the workout and go lighter, im just seeing if i am overtraining or not? also sometimes ill throw in pause sets insted of pyrimding up on flat bench.

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    I like to limit chest day to a maximum of 12 sets. I actually keep it to 10, usually all pressing exercises. I don't like flies or cables for mass.

  3. #3
    Wordsworth is offline New Member
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    Mar 2006
    I do a similar workout for chest except i throw in decline as well.

  4. #4
    timtim is offline Member
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    the dirty
    you should be changing exercises, reps, tempo, and training principles on a mini cycle (3 to 4 weeks) all the time. its really the only way to continue to progress. search periodization and you'll find all the info you will need to know.

    for chest mass flies are recommended because the pec muscle is shaped like a fan and the muscles contract as so. this adds the mass as its practically an isolation movement that you can pile on the weight. charles poliquin explains this well. he looks at the manner in which the muscle contracts and then the exercises that fulfill those movements. then he tinkers with sets, reps, and rest periods.

  5. #5
    newguy86 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    ill change up the workout every 3-4weeks, for example for a few weeks ill start with dumbells, then ill start with incline and do the 6 sets of incline insted of flat.


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