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  1. #1
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    How do you feel about Cardio?

    I love cardio as much as weight training. It gives me such a rush. And this time of year as I'm putting in serious time in order to get ripped up for the sake of getting ripped up, I relish cardio as I crank out "Rage against the Machine." In my little world, all is good! You all like cardio?

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I love it as well.


  3. #3
    ward065's Avatar
    ward065 is offline Member
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    i find that after an extremely intense weight training session, what energy i have remaining for cardio is very limited. Although i usually do cardio, i rarely do more than 8-12 minutes of cardio at a moderate to fast pace.

    it's not to say i don't like it, it's just cardio is usually "secondary" to weight training, i do not "save my energy" to do more cardio

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Me either, my cardio and weight training never occur in succession during the same workout.


  5. #5
    ward065's Avatar
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    SC you mean you do cardio and weight training at different times of the day? Like if you train at 6pm you do cardio in the morning?

    personally i did this a few times and that was it. I used to run for 15minutes in the morning but when it came time to train later in the day many times i was tired. I found out this strategy didn't work well for me.

  6. #6
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    Combining cardio and weight training doesn't seem to be a problem for me. I do a split routine starting each of the two workouts with 45 min. of cardio followed by 1-2 hours of weights. Every once in a while I'll feel this drain during cardio but I'll eat two bannanas and I'm good to go 15 minutes later.

  7. #7
    yodaddy's Avatar
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    i looovvveee cardio as well....i alwasy start my day with it and will make sure no matter what i get my cardio tom i am getting my new car(new escalade) and i wont have it till later in the day so i am eaither running to the gym or calln a cab to do my cardio and weight training hahahaha its a great feeling when u kno u burned almost a thousand calories...

  8. #8
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    I hear that. 1000 per hour. Plus, thinking that the next three hours your metabolism is humming at 25% higher than your baseline. That's why I do it twice a day (for 6 hours at 25% higher).

    But the experience is cool. I go to Bally's and they have their cardio stuff upstairs without proper ventilation (I hate those big chains) so I sweat profusely. I always bring an extra shirt otherwise you sop up the other gym equiptement. There's just something about swiggin down so much water and sweating profusely that feel so invigorating. Maybe ridding yourself of toxins. It feel good. Plus all the endorphins - or natural body opiates as you get that runner's high. Your own natural endogenous heroin fix. Nice!

    Quote Originally Posted by yodaddy
    i looovvveee cardio as well....i alwasy start my day with it and will make sure no matter what i get my cardio tom i am getting my new car(new escalade) and i wont have it till later in the day so i am eaither running to the gym or calln a cab to do my cardio and weight training hahahaha its a great feeling when u kno u burned almost a thousand calories...

  9. #9
    Njectable's Avatar
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    i couldn't imagine lifting weights and then doing cardio, i do all my cardio at home.

  10. #10
    sooners04's Avatar
    sooners04 is offline Senior Member
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    I hate cardio, until I start seeing abs and some definition then I love it, then I have to get up a little earlier to do it in the morning.

  11. #11
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    early morning cardio is boring as hell, especially in my gym, but the high you feel after wards and how awake you feel during the rest of the day is amazing! love morning cardio, hate it at any other time (unless im playing football (soccer))

  12. #12
    L.Priest's Avatar
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    25 min on the bike before meal #1, 20 minutes incline walk postworkout.......

  13. #13
    Chemical King's Avatar
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    I fu*king hate cardio but ut has got to be done so I just get on with it

  14. #14
    L.Priest's Avatar
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    I hate it too......but I feel better if I move my legs in the morning anf then sweat a little from sitting all day postworkout....grab a mag and walk for 20 minutes at 9%-10% incline....then its my pw shake.

  15. #15
    Chemical King's Avatar
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    I prefer just getting on a treadmill and trying to break my personal record for the mile which is down to 4minutes 10 seconds. Then il hop on the x-trainer for 20 minutes.

    Fast but effective cardio session

  16. #16
    yodaddy's Avatar
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    plus i do my cardio in the mornign with all the MILF's that go to my gym there amazing...i go tp bev francis powerhouse in syosset sure u all kno who bev is and allll the moms in my town go there im freinds with all of them hahaha

  17. #17
    L.Priest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemical King
    I prefer just getting on a treadmill and trying to break my personal record for the mile which is down to 4minutes 10 seconds. Then il hop on the x-trainer for 20 minutes.

    Fast but effective cardio session
    Sorry bro, but that's a mispost........try again. maybe you meant 6 minutes

  18. #18
    Chemical King's Avatar
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    No thats no BS i can do it in 4minutes 10 seconds. I believe the work record stands at something like 3 minutes or thereabouts

  19. #19
    novastepp's Avatar
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    when i do mine a.m. premeal#1,... my calves hurt like hell, doesn't really matter how much i stretch or anything my calves and shins always hurt for about 20mins. but i do it anyway........because it's sterile and i like the taste!

  20. #20
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    I use to distance run until i started lifting. I grew pretty fast, but don't mistake me for being real big. I'm 6' 190lbs lean but when I grew over 180lbs I started to get shin splints.
    I switched to a stair climber for a long time, and always hated it. I never did cardio then.

    I just started running again, but inside on a tread mill and I fell in love with it again. The impact is less, I too love it when the sweat starts to pour. It is the best when your 6er is showing and your "forced" to take off your shirt because you have to use it for a sweat towel

  21. #21
    HUNTER1's Avatar
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    i'd much rather lift weights, but its not so bad. i love the results it gives.

    I do 30 mins in the am on empty stomach. then at my workout I do 10 mins to warm up, 10 mins midway through, and 10 mins at the end. Split up, its not so bad. give it a try!

  22. #22
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hunter, i wish I noticed the results!

    I see the most results in Dieting, then wieght training and cardio is dead last.

  23. #23
    ManWhore's Avatar
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    I love the way you feel after cardio but unless I got some good music to listen to it's boring as hizzzzelll.

  24. #24
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Music is a must, it puts your mind on somthing else, great motivator.

    Pussy is the primo motivator though.

  25. #25
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    You live pretty close to me. I live in Sayville in Suff. county. So have you seen Bev? Back in the day, she looked so intense! Her most muscular was freaky!

    Quote Originally Posted by yodaddy
    plus i do my cardio in the mornign with all the MILF's that go to my gym there amazing...i go tp bev francis powerhouse in syosset sure u all kno who bev is and allll the moms in my town go there im freinds with all of them hahaha

  26. #26
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    i hate cardio!!!!! but i do it,

  27. #27
    Qex is offline New Member
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    Try doing cardio in the Army....It's a love hate relationship....Standing outside in the freezing cold of the korean winter waiting to do a fvcking 5 mile run blows......but when it's a nice day out for a run and everyone is sounding off and the guy next to you is pushing you to not quit and make it the whole distance is great......I do enjoy listening to slipknot or DJ Irene on the treadmill or eliptical trainer....that and the thought of me purposely spilling water across my ripped 6 pack and the waves glistening off my striaeted chest and the other guys girlfriend thinking man i wish my guy looked like that really motivates me........

  28. #28
    jagzman04's Avatar
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    Man listen to Dope - Debonaire when you do cardio, it's only about 2 minutes or somethin but it's intense. That works, along with techno.

  29. #29
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ward065
    SC you mean you do cardio and weight training at different times of the day? Like if you train at 6pm you do cardio in the morning?
    Bump, interested in response.
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  30. #30
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    I despise cardio. completing 20 minutes is really hard for me. if i do it at all i always use the stair mill and put it on the hardest setting because then at least it feels like im training my muscles.

    I love weight training though..

  31. #31
    Evil Predator's Avatar
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    I dont LOVE am cardio, thats for sure. But about ten minutes in, my hate for it is gone. I just powerwalk on an incline for 45minutes, 4x/week. (change the incline every few minutes), but it kills me way worse than weight training... I cant wait to eat after cardio in the am tho...

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