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  1. #1
    newguy86 is offline New Member
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    shoulders hurt when doing incline dbs??

    hey guys.. when i do incline dumbell press my shoulders feel it more then my chest... i dont feel it much in my chest at all actually. i bring my arms down untill my tri's are parrallel then go back up and to the center. ive also tried bringing the weights down and having them tuch the sides of my upper chest. both hurt my shoulders, any ideas??

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    goosed's Avatar
    goosed is offline Associate Member
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    thats pretty much normal, military presses are much more sitting up than incline. the shoulder is a secondary muscle of any presses anyways, so you're hitting soulders a little doing any press. stay wider gripped and that should help some and also drop some weight where you aint havin to use every muscle to get it up. if you drop some weight you will be able to concentrate more on working the chest

  3. #3
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    My shoulders are blasted after chest day. Make sure your incline isn't set too vertical. Dumbbells will make you feel it in your shoulders more because of all of the stabilizer muscles working. Completely normal-just check that incline setting.

  4. #4
    Qex is offline New Member
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    Make sure incline isnt to great, lighten weight and if at all possible pre exhaust shoulders so you force your chest to do more work. But when I have trouble really "finding" the muscle thats supposed to be being worked on I usually lighten the weight and really try to flex and squeeze during and after the lift....Mind muscle connection you know :O)

  5. #5
    newguy86 is offline New Member
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    i have the board set at the lowest incline so i know thats not the problem. im going to try droping 5-10lbs and really concentrate on squeezing my chest when im doing them.

    thanks guys

  6. #6
    pelly789's Avatar
    pelly789 is offline Member
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    could be that you have weak rotator cuffs, do you notice that its hard to keep the db's steady and you shake a little bit at the top of the press?

  7. #7
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    I've noticed the same thing, but I do still feel it in my chest. do you feel the same thing when you use a bar?

  8. #8
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Try doing a set of flyes first, really light, like 12-15 reps w/a good squeeze at the top.

    Then move immediately into your incline press, and set the incline relatively low, like 30 degrees. On the way down, pull the shoulder blades together and on the way up, make sure to try and push your chest "up and out" at the top while squeezing at the peak with a good contraction. Don't drop the weight down, get the negative and lower it slowly. I'd go lighter than normal on these as well to really tax the intended muscle. (pecs)


  9. #9
    newguy86 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Try doing a set of flyes first, really light, like 12-15 reps w/a good squeeze at the top.

    Then move immediately into your incline press, and set the incline relatively low, like 30 degrees. On the way down, pull the shoulder blades together and on the way up, make sure to try and push your chest "up and out" at the top while squeezing at the peak with a good contraction. Don't drop the weight down, get the negative and lower it slowly. I'd go lighter than normal on these as well to really tax the intended muscle. (pecs)


    ive been doing the german volume training for 4 weeks now. so im already going slow on the negitive. when i do barbell incline my shoulders hurt a little bit sometimes.. but not nearly as much. ill try the fly's first, also concentrating on conraction.

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