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  1. #1
    ChiSuave is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up Need help with chest development

    I have a problem developing the "meat" of my pecs. It seems like no matter what chest exercises I do, the upper outter part of my pec (near my armpit) develops and my front delts seem to do a large part of the work. Does anyone have any advice on how I can develop my chest to the point that it becomes elevated from my body. Right now, it seems like my chest is almost flush with the top of my abdomen and the only part that does stuck out is the upper outter portion. Currenty, I have stopped doing flat bench and concentrated on flyes using different angles, cable crossovers, and finish off with dips. I appreciate any advice, suggestions, and/or help that anyone could provide. Thank you.

  2. #2
    BEER WHORE's Avatar
    BEER WHORE is offline Member
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    how about incline super sets with emd to heavy weight

  3. #3
    ChiSuave is offline New Member
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    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BEER WHORE
    how about incline super sets with emd to heavy weight
    Can you elaborate??

  4. #4
    barbndr is offline Junior Member
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    Check your form on your pressing manuevers with low weight to analyze whether your chest or anterior delt is contracting more. Some people who hold their arms out at a 90 degree angle to their bodies end up putting undue strain on the delts. Try bringing your elbows in a little bit and really work on chest contraction rather than just pushing weight. You may just have long deltoid muscles which want to kick in too much when you are doing chest or they could attach more anterior than normal therefore giving them a mechanical advantage in a pressing motion.

    Another suggestion (provided you are not concerned with weight) would be to pre-exhaust you chest with a fly motion being careful with form not to involve the delts as much. This will insure that your weak link in a press is the pectoralis and fatigue this muscle first and possibly help you "get the feel" for using the pecs during the bench.

  5. #5
    barbndr is offline Junior Member
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    Also remember that the chest contracts as one whole unit. You can place a bit more emphasis on the chest but realistically, exercise selection only determines to what degree your pectoralis major and minor are involved not what part. Your form and genetics do the rest.

  6. #6
    SASCH's Avatar
    SASCH is offline Junior Member
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    Try this .

    Hit your chest with bench press.
    This is an training what is really intense but it helps to build up every chest Even if you have the worth genetic.
    Try to increase the wait after each set and decries the number of reps. specially when you do the flyes and stretch at the bottom
    This is the most important thing to do if you want to grow ( but don’t go to low buy the starching that you are actually hurt your self )
    This program woks the chest from every angle and makes sure that you leave anything out .
    Keep the rest at about 60 to 90 sec

    Start with wait you can handle 1. 12-15 reps
    2. 10-12 reps
    3. 8 -10 reps
    4. 6- 8 reps
    Incline bench press.
    ( the thing is now that you put the bench at about 60 deg even if you shoulder are doing the work just try it go down and count to 3 on the way down, on the way up count to 2.. and this in every set)
    1. 12-15 reps
    2. 10-12 reps
    3. 8-10 reps
    4. 6-8 reps
    Now comes the best start doing flyes on the incline bench start doing the bench high like about 55 or 60 deg. (The best would be if you do it on the low cable pulley. And put the Bench about 1.5 feet in front of the pulley and put something behind that you cant slip back with the Bench.)
    Do 2 set

    1. 12-15
    2. 10-12

    Then you go to put the bench one step down and do again flyes but this time with dumbbells ( when you go down count again to 3 when you reach the bottom hold it for about 2 sec. on the way up count to 2.

    And again 2 sets
    1. 8-10
    2. 6-8
    The third time again one step lower
    And again 2 sets you do that until you reach the decline

    The decline flyes is a bit harder because it gives you a lot stress on your shoulder (if you put it to low decline) so don’t go to heavy on it.
    But again 2 sets
    Here you do like in the beginning
    12-15 reps
    10-12 reps

    Ok that schould be it if you work this program with the right intensity than believe me it will fry your pecs and the next day you have to ask mum to dress you up.
    So try it Even if it doesn’t sound so exiting.

    Good luck

  7. #7
    ithilsul's Avatar
    ithilsul is offline New Member
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    I have the exact same problem (but I'm a stickman anyway, takes alot of work to gain anything anywhere). I thought it was decline bench that worked the inner pecs? I remember reading that incline was for outer areas, could be wrong though. I assume the decline bench/flies would be best, personally I don't trust my lifting partners at school to help me do decline bench, so my inner chest will remain flat.

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