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Thread: My new split

  1. #1
    david beads is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2005

    My new split

    I have recently made changes to my routine and thought I would post it so you guys could tell me what you think. I am hoping this routine will help spark some growth in my chest beacause it is lacking. Please give your opinion!!!

    Mon- Chest and tri's
    inline bench (change from week to week dumbells, barbell)
    flat bench " "
    incline fly's
    skull crushers
    dumbell ext.

    Tues- back and bis
    barbell rows
    lat pulldowns
    seated rows
    machine pulldowns
    barbell curls
    seated dumbell curls


    leg press
    ham. curls
    straight leg deadlifts
    seated calf raise
    standing calf raise

    rear delt machine
    seated barbell military press
    seated dumbell press
    light incline dumbell press
    light dumbell press
    cable crossovers
    barbell shrugs
    dumbell shrugs

    Sat- 1 week on 1 week off Bi's
    barbell curls
    preacher curls
    seated curls


  2. #2
    david beads is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2005

  3. #3
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    I need to know how many sets you are doing for each exercise? Are you hitting your chest twice a week because it's a lagging body part? IMO I would hit chest only once and never with shoulders. Hitting your bi's twice every other week is fine, but I'd do them on shoulder day with your current split to give them an additional day of rest. What does Sun off light mean? Also, are you doing cardio and abs?

  4. #4
    david beads is offline Junior Member
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    The first excercise I do I do 4 working sets, all the rest 3. Yes I do abs usually EOD and haven't been doiing cardio for the last month my endurance has been very poor beacause I'm on tren . Why wouldn't u do chest with shoulders? yes my chest is lagging this is why Im training it twice a week, gonna give this a shot for 6 weeks

  5. #5
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    IMO your sets are fine for the larger muscle groups, but for the smaller one's you might consider cutting it down a set or two, especially on Sat EOW bi's where you are doing 13 sets (that's way too much). Of course everyone responds differently, but more is not always better. What's most important is your intensity and how far you can push yourself during your workout. Most people give up when they've got more in them, meaning they can push or pull out an additional two or three reps. It takes a lot of will power to do that every set and every day you train, but it makes a world of difference.

    The reason I don't do chest with shoulders is because your shoulders are secondary muscles that get plenty of work while training chest. I like to focus on them when they are fresh. I put at least 72 hours between doing chest and shoulders, so that there is plenty of time for them to heal and grow. Since you want to train your chest twice a week because it a lagging body part, why not train it alone on the 2nd time, like you do your bi's, but make sure you've got enough rest time between body parts like shoulders and tri's?

  6. #6
    david beads is offline Junior Member
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    Is it possible to give chest its own day the second time I train it in the week considering I have to give 72 hours rest in between chest, shoulders, then chest again? Maybe it would be better if I started off with chest on friday, did a couple excercises for shoulders then some shrugs for my traps.

  7. #7
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    Give this split a try. You'll hit your chest and bi's twice a week, like you do in your current split.

    Day 1 - Chest, Bi's & abs
    Day 2 - Legs
    Day 3 - Rest (light cardio)
    Day 4 - Shoulders & Tri's
    Day 5 - Back, calves, & abs
    Day 6 - Rest (cardio)
    Day 7 - repeat cycle

  8. #8
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Dec 2005
    Ever since i've been hitting legs 2x a week they've been growing awesome. I'd give that a try.
    I hit chest 2x a week also, because i do upper chest on monday with Bench, incline DB, Pec Dec, and Incline Flyes. Then lower check with Decline Press, decline flyes, and cable crosses. try that

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