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  1. #1
    honda4life is offline Junior Member
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    opinions on working out stomach...

    What are your opinions on crunches and stomach excersizes contributing to losing fat in the love handles and area around the belly button. I always hear mixed opinions... "they will help you tone ure stomach and lose fat" or crunches are bad for ure back, and they really only make the muscles stronger under the fat, you need to do ALOT of cardio to burn the fat off, not crunches"

    And lets say, you had a 6 pack 2 years ago, and you gained weight in ure love handle area, and gut by about 20 lbs. no stretch marks, but if you go on a diet, workout, eat right, and get back in shape is the skin too stretched out to be tight on ure stomach again? may be a dumb question....

  2. #2
    Triple X's Avatar
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    My opinion is that you will find the answer by doing a search. This subject has been discussed hundreds of times and you will find a great deal of information.
    Last edited by Triple X; 08-23-2006 at 05:57 PM.

  3. #3
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by honda4life
    What are your opinions on crunches and stomach excersizes contributing to losing fat in the love handles and area around the belly button. I always hear mixed opinions... "they will help you tone ure stomach and lose fat" or crunches are bad for ure back, and they really only make the muscles stronger under the fat, you need to do ALOT of cardio to burn the fat off, not crunches"

    And lets say, you had a 6 pack 2 years ago, and you gained weight in ure love handle area, and gut by about 20 lbs. no stretch marks, but if you go on a diet, workout, eat right, and get back in shape is the skin too stretched out to be tight on ure stomach again? may be a dumb question....
    Stomach excercises will do nothing for fat loss. IMO ab excercises are only worth hitting hard when you can actually see the abs. If you cant see them (as they are covered in fat) then the time would be better spent doing cardio or figuring out your diet. If you used to have abs on show but put on some weight then just do a cut and they will be back again. Some ppl do suffer from loose skin around the abs after excess weight gain. try rubbing cocoa butter on it daily to help. There are also products aimed at strech marks that can help too.

    Hey triple if you got nothing to say in the thread dont bother posting. Im sure he knows he could search.

  4. #4
    Triple X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Stomach excercises will do nothing for fat loss. IMO ab excercises are only worth hitting hard when you can actually see the abs. If you cant see them (as they are covered in fat) then the time would be better spent doing cardio or figuring out your diet. If you used to have abs on show but put on some weight then just do a cut and they will be back again. Some ppl do suffer from loose skin around the abs after excess weight gain. try rubbing cocoa butter on it daily to help. There are also products aimed at strech marks that can help too.

    Hey triple if you got nothing to say in the thread dont bother posting. Im sure he knows he could search.
    Are you mod? NO!!! then why don't you shut the hell up. I have a right to say anything I wish. Get off my ass and worry about your damn self!

    Anyway....ab work is not pointless or as you say "only worth doing if you can see them". The abdominals provide stability to the core as well help to stabilize the torso. many people who have lower back probs can benefit from doing ab work......

  5. #5
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    Are you mod? NO!!! then why don't you shut the hell up. I have a right to say anything I wish. Get off my ass and worry about your damn self!

    Anyway....ab work is not pointless or as you say "only worth doing if you can see them". The abdominals provide stability to the core as well help to stabilize the torso. many people who have lower back probs can benefit from doing ab work......
    Real good attitude you have there my friend. Good points about the core though. I am talking from the perspective of bodybuilding but yes I would agree for back probs or for heavy squats then core stregth is great.

  6. #6
    honda4life is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for the input guys, didnt mean to make a fight of it, as I say over and over "opinions are like assholes, everyones got one, might as well respect it"

    yeah I wouldnt say I have excess fat, I dont even havve any stretch marks, juast a little extra in the handle region and around the belly I got some pics in a cutting thread. do a search for all my posts if ya wanna see by beginning stage, I have lost 11 lbs thus far in the last couple weeks, I jsut wanna know if my chances are still good for seeing the pack.

  7. #7
    PurplePatriot's Avatar
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    Ya well besides all the bullshit going on this thread.. you asked a question and i dont see why thats a problem. We are all here to help.

    Anyways, one thing you gotta remember that a lot of people dont realize is that you cannot pinpoint fat loss. Doing lots of crunches wont specifically make you lose fat just on your stomach, but rather your whole body equally. And crunches isnt exactly the best way to do cardio. Eating right and doing good cardio at least 3 times a week for 30mins is how you show abs. Everyone has them, the people that have visible abs dont necessarily have the biggest abs but more likly are much leaner. Around 10% and under will start to show stomachs in most people.

  8. #8
    honda4life is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for the input. I appreciate it.

  9. #9
    Andorious's Avatar
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    agree w/ beast, cardio and proper nutrition is best for fat loss, crunches and tht will give u a much more firm stomach but w/o shedding the fat first it won't do much lookswise.

  10. #10
    rar1015's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    Are you mod? NO!!! then why don't you shut the hell up. I have a right to say anything I wish. Get off my ass and worry about your damn self!

    Anyway....ab work is not pointless or as you say "only worth doing if you can see them". The abdominals provide stability to the core as well help to stabilize the torso. many people who have lower back probs can benefit from doing ab work......

    Why does he have to be a mod to post his opinion? You do have the right to say anything but i suggest you chill out a bit. When you responded to honda4life's question you sounded like a complete asshole so you should be the one to shut the He!! up.

  11. #11
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Ab work isn't needed for most bodybuilders in the off season.. as we do very heavy core movements more than once/wk.. try squating/dead lifting/military press/bent over dumbbell rows etc.. Tell me your core isn't taxed almost every workout..
    I did abs 8wks out from show and that's it.

  12. #12
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    I agree with IBdmfkr deadlifts and squats will KILL your abs..If you got those exercises down...and maybe work abs once a week...that's enough...BUT I agree with the rest of the guyz, your abs can be strong and huge, but if you have fat covering iy up, whats the point? So do some cardio and cut down..also, if you haven't been "fat" for too long, loose skin wont be a problem


  13. #13
    Triple X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rar1015
    Why does he have to be a mod to post his opinion? You do have the right to say anything but i suggest you chill out a bit. When you responded to honda4life's question you sounded like a complete asshole so you should be the one to shut the He!! up.
    Funny thing is....I said exactly what Swole would have said if he was still here. Fact is, that none of you would have the balls to say shit to him.

  14. #14
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Why does he scare us? I respect SC but I've always spoken up for what I believe whether it matches his opinion or not.. lets get back to the content of the thread and get other opinions.

  15. #15
    whynot960 is offline Associate Member
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    Can I add to this question. In this case should someone still consume 1.5 grams of protein per body weight. and should they cut calories. even though they are still lifting and trying to build muscle. thanks

  16. #16
    whynot960 is offline Associate Member
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  17. #17
    SuperLift's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    Are you mod? NO!!! then why don't you shut the hell up. I have a right to say anything I wish. Get off my ass and worry about your damn self!
    Talking shit online??? damn.

  18. #18
    matt50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honda4life
    What are your opinions on crunches and stomach excersizes contributing to losing fat in the love handles and area around the belly button. I always hear mixed opinions... "they will help you tone ure stomach and lose fat" or crunches are bad for ure back, and they really only make the muscles stronger under the fat, you need to do ALOT of cardio to burn the fat off, not crunches"

    And lets say, you had a 6 pack 2 years ago, and you gained weight in ure love handle area, and gut by about 20 lbs. no stretch marks, but if you go on a diet, workout, eat right, and get back in shape is the skin too stretched out to be tight on ure stomach again? may be a dumb question....
    hey bud i kinda have a similar problem,not a gut, but I noticed i put some weight on by the love handle area that isn't exactly "tight" while i wasn't working out...from the reading i've done on all work out sites and with reading this thread, it seems cardio may be the best thing for our stomachs ....good luck to you!!


  19. #19
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    Just a question since were on the ab topic and its ab thread.

    Heavy Side bends or heavy oblique work does that contribute to love handles? I use 45lb plate for side bends. I'm not sure if i read correctly but to much oblique work can create love handles? is this tru?

  20. #20
    FromFleshtoSteel's Avatar
    FromFleshtoSteel is offline Associate Member
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    if you are still fairly young and have only gained ~20 lbs. then you shouldn't have to worry too much about your skin stretching to the point where it won't come back. When you are young your skin still has that elasticity to stretch and return. Its when you start putting on a lot of weight or are older that you will have probs. with loose skin and not being able to tighten back up.

    but just like the rest of the guys know your abs are there, concentrate on cardio and diet to get them out, and then worry abotu ab exercises to get em poppin

  21. #21
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    Just a question since were on the ab topic and its ab thread.

    Heavy Side bends or heavy oblique work does that contribute to love handles? I use 45lb plate for side bends. I'm not sure if i read correctly but to much oblique work can create love handles? is this tru?
    No, but it will/might thicken your waist line a bit.. Bad eating habits, excessive dirnking, and lack of excercise contribute to being fat (love handles).

  22. #22
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    haha, true that **...IMO your abs are a direct reflection of your diet...I do very little ab work and when my diet is right, plus a good tan, haha, they are poppin....Now conversley when I'm bulkin up they aren't so apparant. Point being that my abs didnt dissintegrate, the muscle is still there, just not visible because of the diet change...


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