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  1. #1
    honda4life is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    I need help setting up a routine .. details inside..

    Ok first off here are my stats, 6'0 210lbs about 15% BF. I have a healthy diet, about 3 8oz grilled chicken breasts a day, 1/2 cup brown rice a can or 2 of low fat tuna, and about 8 to 12 boiled egg whites thruout the day. I try and split it up into about 5 meals but due to work it can be tough. so I kinda much thru out the day if I have to, but all healthy stuff. I also get my greens...

    2nd I have my own gym sets of free weights at home, I hate gyms, I have th following equipment... olympic bench set.. incl. decl. and flat with standard bar and all the plates. I have a squat rack built into that as well, I have a leg curl, extension machine, and a preacher curl pad setup with curl bars.

    I also have a free flat, incl, decl bench with 20 30 40 50 and 60 lb dumbells.

    I dont like doing bounce off the chest bp, I go slow elbows out and contract chest as much as possible, that is my most lacking area. I have good technique lets just say that. I prefer to do this.. Mon chest, tuesday Bi's, wed tris/shoulders, thursday legs and back, and fridays light high rep chest weekend off to recover.

    I powerlifted about 10 year ago in high school 265 bench at 145lb body weight was pretty good, but now I want to "build" my body for size and loooks not so much strength. Im currently cutting with a good diet ive lost about 11 lbs on the last 3 weeks and I got about 12 to 15 more.

    so with that equipment, diet, and goal what would you recommend? how many sets, reps, I will figure out weights myself.

    Thanks for any advise guys. I just dont feel like I get the soreness im looking for days after my workout. and I need a good solid routine with the right excersizes to get the best physique possible. I am doing this natty with just some store bought supplements.... any good products to recommend after I cut down, to gain some lean mass back?

  2. #2
    honda4life is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

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