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  1. #1
    workit101 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006

    chest doesnt look right

    ive been trying everything to get my chest to match, the problem is my right peck, its shaped different, it doesnt look right. the lower inside has no shape, no muscle there it seems, its like the muscle is up higher going cross ways, (up higher and going down towards the right, like it should, a little bit but its like a 45 deg.) it looks like crap when i flex, i only started working out 2 years ago, and its wasnt as bad when i first started because i wasnt as big, but now my chest is bigger and its way more noticable, not so much when im not flexting, but if i give a little flex, it shows. anyways thanks for reading, hope to get some pointers.

  2. #2
    EQismypoise's Avatar
    EQismypoise is offline Junior Member
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    Sin City, Texas

  3. #3
    workit101 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006
    how do you post pics??

  4. #4
    ITALIANMAN is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2005
    i feel you bro i had a similar problem for a long time i could never get my right pec as big as the i started using only dumbells....make sure you dont over compinscate what i mean is dont go go crazy doing tons of extra workouts for that particul side just make sure u use strict form..... alot of the problem is prollin your head and well tgalk

  5. #5
    workit101 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006
    thanks bro'
    im starting to use db alot more since ive been reading the forums, i used to mostly use the bar, for alot of my workouts, i feel much better when i use the db. more of a stretch and cant realy "cheat". hope it gets better within the next few months

  6. #6
    Leader05's Avatar
    Leader05 is offline Banned
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    none of your business
    I have the same situation too with my chest. I guess because I overworked my bicep/tricep, now chest are looking too small. But now days I'm isolation workout on chest. I will complement more after 4 weeks of 12 wk cycle which end sometime in December...

  7. #7
    EQismypoise's Avatar
    EQismypoise is offline Junior Member
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    Sin City, Texas
    to post pics look where the quick reply is the press GO ADVANCED then add attachment and post the pic!

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