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  1. #1
    d3t0x's Avatar
    d3t0x is offline New Member
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    Complete Noob Tips on a workout plan?

    Hey I was hopin someone could help me out with a workout plan...I intend on working out everyday if possible. I am not on any form of AAS, instead Ive been eating protein and creatine, but have no idea where to start. I am 6ft 6 inches and weigh about 225 pounds, in other words lanky as hell. I want to get my arms bigger and my shoulders. I only know a few of the muscle names, so I want to work on my biceps,triceps, and the muscles above your shoulders which connect with ur neck and back. So any help on what kind of reps, how much weight etc would be greatly appreciated. Please dont flame the new guy...

  2. #2
    Fletch3138's Avatar
    Fletch3138 is offline Associate Member
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    Pretty broad, whats your workout history? I'm not sure the working out everyday is a good thing, not unless you doing some days of straight cardio. I would read through some old post and alot of your questions can be answered on your own, research

  3. #3
    d3t0x's Avatar
    d3t0x is offline New Member
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    I have absolutely no workout history...I have to admit I am completely out of shape and hoping to remake my body. I will do whatever it takes to get results I dont care how long as long as I know it will work. The only workout history I would consider is the two weeks I attended a gym with my cousin and brother (I was young at the time)who just told me to bench press and curl. I just need an idea on a diet, maybe where to start. What kind of cardio should I do etc...
    To sum it up....Im f**king clueless right now and any input will help.

  4. #4
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    since you dont know your traps from your a$$ heres a link to a site that points out muscles and what exercises to do for thos muscles.It also has videos to show you how to properly do the exercises.and i wouldnt workout more than 4 days a week personally.hope this helps you out,and dont get discouraged no matter what.

  5. #5
    d3t0x's Avatar
    d3t0x is offline New Member
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    Thanks bro....that link actually helped alot. Now where to start weightwise....guess that depends on where I feel comfortable.

  6. #6
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    are u working out with a partner or by ur self?

  7. #7
    d3t0x's Avatar
    d3t0x is offline New Member
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    I'm working by myself. I'm actually more focused on my diet right now and how to add bulk. As for the exercises I've done some research thanks to info from you guys and throughout the site and made myself a nice schedule, four days a week. I have to start out slow given I havent treated my body well at all in fact I am 18 years old and belive it or not started smoking ciggarettes at the age of 10. I have given up that habit (two weeks now ) and believe me I have no intention on starting up again. As for the diet I have its consisting of mostly tuna fish...wheat bread.....veggies....chicken(skinless boneless)....Protein Whey shakes....rice....egg whites....lean beaf.....and creatine before lifting. Any other suggestions on gaining muscle mass through dieting would be great, even though this isnt the diet section.


  8. #8
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    good direction throw a gallon of water a day in there and ur pretty good

  9. #9
    d3t0x's Avatar
    d3t0x is offline New Member
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    kool sounds good now hows about a good workout plan....i made one up myself (keep in mind before flaming that I have no prior experience to lifting) but i dont think its good....any suggestions on reps what body part to start etc

  10. #10
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    i personally workout mon-tue wed -rest thur-frid-workout sat-sun -rest
    i hit each body part per day other than doing my back and shoulders together check out my workout log its down this the page somewhere

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