Hi i have been following the ironman HIT principles for the last 2 years and have forgotten what a good program with high volume principles and by this i mean simply using multiple excercises for a wokrout on a muscle group as apposed to doing one excercise per workout in HIT. I want to switch it up but was just wondeirng if you guys could i give me a hand on my program. Keep in mind i have been doing 1 excercise each workout for that muscle so this is gonna be a huge change for me. What shoud my guidelines be ex. 12 sets for large muscles, 6 for small muscles. I have been doing 3 sets for each muscle using high intensity principles, so these are more sets then usual for me should i do even more, less. Id like to get some input thanks. I really just need help in explaining how many sets for particular muscle groups. also would wokring out 4 - 5 times a week be overkill hitting everything once a week. For HIT principles 3 times a week is the maximum due to potentially overtraining your cns. Should i worry about this with a lessened intensity training program?