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  1. #1
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    To pay for help or not?

    OK im 24, 5'8", 180lbs and i cannot lose this damn stuborn body fat...

    i feel like my routine SUCKS and my diet sucks...and ive posted my diet and workout multiple times but i feel like its stunting my muscle growth and im not losing any body fat.

    are those idoits at the gym worth paying the money to have them write out a workout schedule or something?

    and then if i choose to do another cycle, how can i find someone to rework my training and diet to which a person on a cycle should do as opposed...(aka how can i explain the rapid 30lb per week increase as opposed to a trainer that knows i should have these increases)


  2. #2
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    I'd start educating yourself on diet/training instead of hiring someone unless you are going to be competitive.

    As for the cycle, there is no reason you should be gaining that much weight from a cycle unless you're putting on a lot of useless bodyfat and water weight from improper dieting while on gear.

  3. #3
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    im not gaining just really staying the same

    On my cycles, i ran 60minutes M W F with leg workouts then heavy lifting Tues and thursday

    i gained and kept alot of strength but my 14% body fat didnt move at all

    i ate lots and lots of tuna, whole wheat breads, ect

  4. #4
    StevePJC's Avatar
    StevePJC is offline Member
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    Dude you can learn far, FAR, more about diet and workout routines on this website alone. I would save my money.

  5. #5
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    the difference is that someone local sees what I am in person and watches how i react at different machines...i would think...

    and ive pieced together a workout here...but its never really gotten me very far...someone always says it sucks..and then someone says its awesome.

  6. #6
    StevePJC's Avatar
    StevePJC is offline Member
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    Well what's your routine? I'm no expert but I'll take a crack at it.

  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by caper
    the difference is that someone local sees what I am in person and watches how i react at different machines...i would think...

    and ive pieced together a workout here...but its never really gotten me very far...someone always says it sucks..and then someone says its awesome.
    Educating yourself here would be best and cheapest, BUT if you feel you need the one on one, then I would talk with the people at your gym that provide the services you are looking for and "interview" them to see if they can really help you out so you don't waste your money. If you have the money to blow, then go for it. I would get a book by Chris Aceto called " Everything you want to know about fat loss" Its a great book that will help you with diet and training.

    When are you doing cardio and weights? do you do cardio before or after your weight training or separate from the weights alltogether??

  8. #8
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    here is the routine

    45-60 minutes of cardio at a heart rate of 152 so i dont burn muscle (longer for bike, shorter for eliptical or treadmill)
    3sets X 25 ab crunches on various machines
    3 X 10 Leg press weight depends on energy level
    3X 10 squats
    3 X 10 Miltary shoulder press machine
    shoulders shrugs (3 Sets of 12 with bar in front, 3 with bar in back)

    20 minutes of cardio at 152 heart rate

    dumbbell bench warm up sets 65's on each side 10 reps 3 sets
    dumbell decline 6 reps of 65-70 2 sets
    incline dumbells 4-6 reps of 55 2 sets
    sit down miltary press machine 90-100lbs each side X 3 reps

    triceps :
    Rope cable pushdowns warm up 10 reps of 50 X 2 sets then 6 reps of 70 X 2 sets
    Dips:10-12 reps x 3
    Close Grip Bench Presses:10 X 3 sets
    Overhead Extensions:10X 3

    20 minutes of cardio at 152 heart rate

    pull ups (warm up sets): 10 reps 2 sets
    Sitdown Cable Rows:7 reps of 100 X 2 sets then 10 reps of 120 x 1 set
    v bar Front pulldowns:4-6 reps of 120 X 2 sets


    10 reps of pull ups close grip x 2 sets (warm up)
    10 reps of 35lbs of declined sitdown curls X 3 reps
    10 reps of 40lbs X 3 cable curls...(i dont know the name, its the one that uses the large cross cable work look like your flexing with your arms uup or if in the police arest mode with your hands up and then you extend cable to where your arms are extended then curl them back up and tap your head, hold then extend.) maybe upper arm stance curls?
    10 Reps of 50lbs X 3 straight bar curls

    Saturday and SUnday (rest)

  9. #9
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    i have this in a nice excel document but obviously wouldnt transfer it is below in the form of PROTEIN/ CARB/ FAT/ CALORIES

    or you can check out the word document in a neat format!!! it is also can read that one alot easier!

    Meal One: About 6:30am
    Small Shake
    1 scoops of MHP Probolic-SR protein) 20 4 5 150
    1 Scoop powder Egg whites 23 8 5 100
    2 shedded Wheat Biscuts 2 Biscuits 10 48 8 140
    1 Orange or grapefruit Fruit 1 19 0 80

    Optional Meals for Meal 1
    1.) ½ cup oatmeal w/ brown sugar 5 27 3 145
    2.) 4 oz Turkey 33 0 4 175
    3.) 2 wheat toast w/ peanut butter 14 30 18.4 280

    Meal 2 (9:30)

    10 oz. Lean Turkey 93% Fat free 30 0 8 350

    1 Orange or grapefruit Fruit 1 19 0 80

    Optional Meals for Meal 2
    1.)Protein Shake..easy to drink and work 20 4 5 300

    Meal 3 (11:30)
    2-4oz Tuna cans 15-30 0 0 70-140

    1 red potato or sweet pot 3 36 0 145

    Romaine Salad w/ light ranch or wine spray 1 3 0 20

    WORK ENDS at 4pm then I go straight to gym

    Meal 4 (PWO)
    Protein Shake..2 scoops 20 4 5 300
    Fruit 1 19 0 80

    Meal 5 (Dinner…hour after workout)
    8oz-10oz Chicken Breast 42 0 6 268
    1 cup Brown Rice 5 44 1.75 216
    Veggies 3 9 15 169

    Optional Meals for Meal 2
    1.) roast beed, groud beef chuck in patty form, fish, steak

    Meal 6 before bed
    7oz veggies 3 9 15 169
    or Small Shake (1 scoop)_ 20 4 5 150
    Attached Files Attached Files

  10. #10
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    when are you doing cardio? Is it in the AM on an empty stomach. If you are doing it pre workout with a stomach full of carbs that is problem no 1.
    also why train legs 3 times a week?
    What does your diet look like, im betting it is off if you are not happy with your progress.

  11. #11
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    The old form i used to use was this guys website...but i heard it sucked...
    Attached Files Attached Files

  12. #12
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    I work very early in the morning and am a evening workouter

    i get off work at 4pm and rush straight to the gym.

    The only food i have is maybe a protein shake at about 2:30, otherwise my lunch break is at 11:30am

  13. #13
    StevePJC's Avatar
    StevePJC is offline Member
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    I'm sorry. I'm a bit confused. I've been known to have a reading comprehension problem but it looks to me like to lift only on Tuesday's and Thursday's. Is that right?

  14. #14
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    ur right...ive been focusing on using the extra energy from cycles to increase cardio

    my sole purpose was to lose the BF...then i could go on healthy making muscle mass

    I realize you can do both at the same time as muscle burns fat but i dont get what im doing wrong

    i do drink occassionally...once or twice a month of the weekends
    Last edited by caper; 01-23-2007 at 12:56 PM.

  15. #15
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    The leg training 3 times a week is MODERATE training..its to increase my capabality of running and my leg strength to endure 60minutes 3 days a week and keep at it...i found if i combined 40-60min cardio with heaving upper body lifting, i found my body giving out and the weights decreases as opposed to starting a fresh day with intense weights and only moderate running to get my blood flowing

    tuesday and thursday i bust a nut pushing myself...never got really huge, i think it was dieting and portion control that didnt allow me to asborb enough "natural " protein

  16. #16
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    When doing both cardio AND weights in the same session, ALWAYS do the weights FIRST then do cardio after. it is BEST to do the cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, but that can't always be the case so do it AFTER the weights

    Here, this may help give you some understanding about how our muscles work.
    This comes straight from Chris Aceto:



    Muscle Physiology:

    Anaerobic Exercise vs Aerobic Exercise

    Fuel source burned during weight training = SUGAR (From all Carb Foods)
    Fuel source burned during cardio training = FAT (Dietary or stored body fat)

    Muscles use as fuel: 1st = Blood Sugar
    2nd= Stored Sugars (Glycogen)
    3rd= Protein & fat (Catabolic State)

    Muscle Fibers used in:

    Weight Training= Mostly Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers

    Aerobic Training= Mostly Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers

    2 Kinds of Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers:
    2A- These fibers can expect growth of only 25% greater.
    2B- These fibers can expect growth of 100%

    All weight training uses the “2A” fibers FIRST, but they have limited growth potential!
    “2B’s” are more stubborn and only come into play in response to TENSION. When tension on the muscle is greatest, THEN and only then do the “2B’s kick in!!!

    If you hit the 2B’s, you will ALWAYS use the 2A’s first!!

    SO, what determines Total Muscle Recruitment??

    REP RANGES: Less than 6 reps = Increase in strentgth but not muscle size.
    From 6-12 reps = Increase in strength AND size.
    More than 12 reps = Improves muscle endurance NOT size.

    Too many reps produces too much LACTIC ACID which breaks down GLYCOGEN (muscle fuel) and the ACID build-up prevents total muscle contraction!

    # OF SETS TO DO FOR BODY PARTS(Just a guideline)

    CHEST= 9- 11
    BACK= 9-14
    QUADS= 9-12
    HAMS= 4-6
    CALVES= 4-6
    BI’S = 6-8
    TRI’S = 6-8

    In REAL life, More sets are better, HOWEVER do NOT let the INTENSITY fall!!
    Meaning, all sets have to be HEAVY in the 6-12 rep range and taken to failure
    Failure = last two reps should be extremely hard or require some assist to complete.

    NO LIGHT SETS!! Except your warm up sets.

  17. #17
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    IMO your whole training philosophy is way off. This leg idea is just bizarre. Stick with what works. lift 3 or 4 times a week using a proven split and reps scheme. Do cardio every day in the AM on an empty stomach. Get up earlier so you can do it.
    Your diet does not look great IMO. Lots of optional meals and I dont believe from what I have read you could really tell me how many grams of carbs,fats or protein you are eating. What is your BMR? how many cals do you need to maintain? You need to spend some time working these things out. Check my "things to consider" FAQ in my sig. It has some diet pointers. Then post a diet with full macros included that is specifically designed for you. Lots of people on here will help you if you make the effort.

  18. #18
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    ahh i see...ok running is last GOT IT...

    i definitely have the intensity down, ill change my arms to low reps i thought you were susposed to keep arms at 10reps

  19. #19
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    dude the grams and bmr are ALL on that attached word document!!!!!

    the optional meals are so i can rotate meals instead of eating the same thing over and over

  20. #20
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    BTW, i formed that workout and diet with the guidence of this forum.......

    i guess ill just start over =(

  21. #21
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    sorry bud missed the word doc. What about BMR ect? What do you need to maintain?
    Can you 100% say that you have stuck with that diet? because something is going very wrong if you are not losing fat at 2500 cals ED. I can drop fat at over 3000 and i have a SLOW metabolism and we are about the same height. There is something not right here.

  22. #22
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    if anything, my times are off...or i forget my daily bag of stuff and have to stick with canned tuna and salt/pepper with lots of water

    im an 100% not a morning or breakfast person...i try and try to stuff a bowl of oats down my mount but dont think i have ever suceeded...

    i have a strange feeling i have a thyroid problem or a very very low metabolism...although im very highstrung/hyper/energetic all day

    as far as slacking..maybe 1-3 times a i have business meetings and have to take the girl out to dinner once an awhile

    i can only maintain that diet for about a month or two...after that, the repetivness of the food gets to me, and i find myself snacking alot and not eating my meals
    Last edited by caper; 01-23-2007 at 01:48 PM.

  23. #23
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    then i am sorry to say that the reason you are not succeeding in your goal is down to lack of dedication. Snacking and missing meals (especially breakfast) are not good at all. If you are serious about fat loss/muscle gain then you need to get serious about diet. Eating the same food is dull but thats life. Every meal is not supposed to be a treat. We are simply fueling our bodies, Stop looking at food for enjoyment/comfort and start seeing it as a tool. Steer clear of drugs until you can sort your diet 100%.

  24. #24
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Caper, you need to listen to what Perfectbeast2001 is telling you. He was a mega fat bastard not that long ago and his avi is testament to the massive change he made to his body. He knows what he is talking about so listen to the advice. It appears you really need to get your head around the whole idea. You seriously need to turn this into a lifestyle change where nothing else matters but training and losing weight. IMO you are a long way off.

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