Thread: DB as opposed to BB lifts
01-25-2007, 01:24 PM #1
DB as opposed to BB lifts
I was just reading a thread that mentioned something about 'guys with longer arms, its harder to bench...yada yada", one of the responses to that was using dumbbells over barbells can improve your (stubborn) chest into growing and will then help you on barbell lifts in the future?
01-25-2007, 01:26 PM #2
I use pretty much all DBs for chest now. I find I can hit my chest real good without bringing my delts into it (which i do with BB). I also suffer from less strains. I go back to do a little bench with BB maybe once a month.
01-25-2007, 01:30 PM #3
awesome, thanks!!...might be changing somethings around now as far as chest workouts go...
01-26-2007, 12:32 PM #4
IMO Dumbells make your stabilizers work more than barbells. With a dumbell each side has to independently work for itself to keep from losing control. With a barbell both arms work together.
I've found better gains on the bench press working dumbells for 6 or so weeks before going to barbells.
Just my two cents
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