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  1. #1
    feloniness's Avatar
    feloniness is offline Junior Member
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    my workout please

    so i need help with my routine...i been doing some research and it looks like i overtrain on certain things and not doing right sets or workouts and doing wrong muscle combinations. now when it comes to muscle combinations i do wait at least 3 days before i hit a certain muscle group. but somedays ill do bis and shoulders then next time i do bis i might do it with tris...thats what i mean wrong combinations so instead of listing my workout days ill list what i do for each muscle group and you guys can help me make a schedule. i am also really i dont do the exact routine for each muscle group...i try to same to the same sets but ill switch up the work outs

    straight bar curl 3 sets 6
    concentration curls 3 sets 6
    (auxiliary ill do one of these...change it up depending on what i feel like)
    seated incline dumbell curls, hammer curls, preacher curls (3 sets 6)

    weighted pullups 3 sets 8-10
    lat pull down 2 sets 6-8
    bent over barbell row 2 sets 6-8
    seated close grip row 2 sets 6-8
    deadlift 2 sets 6-8

    incline or flat db bench 3 sets 6-8
    cable flys 6-8
    cable crossover 6-8
    i want to start doing dumbell pullover but just never leanred how

    this is my real problem area...the fact that my triceps are so strong (probably from 5 years of wrestling and the fact i love tricep ropes extension) i seriously do just as much on weight as some of my very lean and strong 185 pound friends. i myself weight about 155. now when i work out my tris my tendons by my elbow hurt badly. i even took about 2 months off of triceps. i can never feel like i actually got a workout and when i stack on the weight i get pain in my elbows. but when i do at least try to get a tricep workout this is what i do

    tricep rope extension 3 sets 8-10 (only thing that somewhat works now)
    skull crushers 3 sets 6-8 (doesnt really work at all so stopped doing it)
    behind head db or bb tricep extension 3 sets 6-8 (hurts elbows more than work out triceps)

    db or bb seated military press 3 sets 6-8
    ???????????????????????????? 3 sets 6-8 i dont what these are called but u go to where u do cable cross over and u grab the opposite cable with ur hand and u extend you arms...really hits the back delts
    Side Lateral Raise 3 sets 6
    (auxiliary ill do one of these...change it up depending on what i feel like)
    front lateral raise, arnold presses, one armed cable laterals (3 sets 6-8)

    i love leg curls and my hamstrings are my strong point from wrestling (stance is all hammys lol) but i injured my knee and it pops everytime on the negative no matter how low the weight is :[
    squats 3 sets 5
    leg extension 3 sets 6-8
    inner thigh machine 3 sets 15-20
    outer thigh machine 3 sets 15-20
    donkey calve raises 1 set failure toes pointing in 1 set failure toes pointing out
    standing calve raises same as donkey

    dumbell shrugs 3 sets 8-12
    barbell shrugs 3 sets 5-7
    standing machine shrugs 3 sets 8-12

    okay so this is pretty much it...please feel free to change it trying to do a routine and schedule from scratch

    thanks for any help

  2. #2
    feloniness's Avatar
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  3. #3
    newmuscleguy is offline Banned
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    it needs work....

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by newmuscleguy
    it needs work....
    Profound !!! Care to enlighten us with your knowledge bro ?

  5. #5
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    So I do a four day routine.

    Mon Chest and Triceps
    Tue Back, Traps and Biceps
    Wed Rest
    Thur Shoulders
    Fri Legs

    Its important to allow enough time between Chest and Shoulder days for me as Shoulders are fully involved on chest day. I think the exercises you are doing are fine and that over training shouldn't be an issue as long as you split the days right.

  6. #6
    S.P.G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newmuscleguy
    it needs work....
    by all means enlighten us...

    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    db or bb seated military press 3 sets 6-8
    I would go with d/b as they recruit more muscle fibers, tip don’t let your little finger go higher than your thumb.

    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    straight bar curl 3 sets 6
    concentration curls 3 sets 6
    (auxiliary ill do one of these...change it up depending on what i feel like)
    seated incline dumbell curls, hammer curls, preacher curls (3 sets 6)
    if your back day is close too your biceps day this my be a bit to much, as you no biceps get a heavy load during back keep them apart..
    Straight bar 3 x 12, 8, 6
    Hammer curl or reverse grip bar curl 2 x 8, 6
    Alternative dumbbell curl 2 x 8, 6

    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    dumbell shrugs 3 sets 8-12
    barbell shrugs 3 sets 5-7
    standing machine shrugs 3 sets 8-12
    2 sets d/b shrug, 2 sets bar shrugs, at the end or start on back day should be enough, stuff your delts, into your ears, with the d/bs and really load up on the weight with the bar...

    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    incline or flat db bench 3 sets 6-8
    cable flys 6-8
    cable crossover 6-8
    i want to start doing dumbell pullover but just never leanred how
    if your building mass I personally would drop the cable flys
    cable crossover it’s a waste of recovery ability, save your self for the compound movements, shape when you have the required mass...

    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    i love leg curls and my hamstrings are my strong point from wrestling (stance is all hammys lol) but i injured my knee and it pops everytime on the negative no matter how low the weight is :[
    squats 3 sets 5
    leg extension 3 sets 6-8
    inner thigh machine 3 sets 15-20
    outer thigh machine 3 sets 15-20
    donkey calve raises 1 set failure toes pointing in 1 set failure toes pointing out
    standing calve raises same as donkey
    I would personally up the reps on squat and add leg press replacing one of more of the shaping movements, but if your injury is preventing you, then enough said…iv had injury’s it’s a bitch.

    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    this is my real problem area...the fact that my triceps are so strong (probably from 5 years of wrestling and the fact i love tricep ropes extension) i seriously do just as much on weight as some of my very lean and strong 185 pound friends. i myself weight about 155. now when i work out my tris my tendons by my elbow hurt badly. i even took about 2 months off of triceps. i can never feel like i actually got a workout and when i stack on the weight i get pain in my elbows. but when i do at least try to get a tricep workout this is what i do
    tricep rope extension 3 sets 8-10 (only thing that somewhat works now)
    skull crushers 3 sets 6-8 (doesnt really work at all so stopped doing it)
    behind head db or bb tricep extension 3 sets 6-8 (hurts elbows more than work out triceps)
    if your triceps are overpowering keep it basic

    3 x skullkushers
    2 x seated ex,
    2 x close grip
    1 x pushdown

    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    db or bb seated military press 3 sets 6-8
    3 sets 6-8 i dont what these are called but u go to where u do cable cross over and u grab the opposite cable with ur hand and u extend you arms...really hits the back delts
    Side Lateral Raise 3 sets 6
    (auxiliary ill do one of these...change it up depending on what i feel like)
    front lateral raise, arnold presses, one armed cable laterals (3 sets 6-8)
    its always a good idea to hit shoulders after chest same day, as the anterior head takes a lot of the work, so additional work on another day may lead to over training, same is applied for the front raise, you just don’t need them.

    the routine looked good bro, just some points JMO......
    Last edited by S.P.G; 02-23-2007 at 06:15 AM.

  7. #7
    S.P.G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    So I do a four day routine.

    Mon Chest and Triceps
    Tue Back, Traps and Biceps
    Wed Rest
    Thur Shoulders
    Fri Legs

    Its important to allow enough time between Chest and Shoulder days for me as Shoulders are fully involved on chest day. I think the exercises you are doing are fine and that over training shouldn't be an issue as long as you split the days right.
    we’re on the same wave length bro....

  8. #8
    newmuscleguy is offline Banned
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    spg kale fap fap fap i dont need to prove anything to you guys i train hard

    chest 5 sets bench 5-6 reps
    incline 5 sets 5-6
    flys 5 sets 5-6 reps
    chest presser 20
    declinr 5 sets 6
    crosovers 5 sets 6

    biceps 5 sets big bar curl 6 reps
    5 sets const, curls
    roap curls 5 sets

    back seated back row 6
    one arm row6
    masi, row6

  9. #9
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by newmuscleguy
    spg kale fap fap fap i dont need to prove anything to you guys i train hard

    chest 5 sets bench 5-6 reps
    incline 5 sets 5-6
    flys 5 sets 5-6 reps
    chest presser 20
    declinr 5 sets 6
    crosovers 5 sets 6

    biceps 5 sets big bar curl 6 reps
    5 sets const, curls
    roap curls 5 sets

    back seated back row 6
    one arm row6
    masi, row6
    Nobody is suggesting you dont train hard but if you are going to make a comment in a thread make it a useful one. We are here to help one another and not just throw in smart ass comments which mean nothing

  10. #10
    newmuscleguy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Nobody is suggesting you dont train hard but if you are going to make a comment in a thread make it a useful one. We are here to help one another and not just throw in smart ass comments which mean nothing
    thats better

  11. #11
    feloniness's Avatar
    feloniness is offline Junior Member
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    i like this routine

    Mon Chest and Triceps
    Tue Back, Traps and Biceps
    Wed Rest
    Thur Shoulders
    Fri Legs

    but could i do biceps on thursday the same day i do shoulders???i would still have rested biceps for back on tuesday. but if i keep tuesday like that i would be at the gym for like 2 and a half hours while on thursday i wouls only be there for like 45 minutes. otherwise i like that 4 day routine.

    if your building mass I personally would drop the cable flys
    cable crossover it’s a waste of recovery ability, save your self for the compound movements, shape when you have the required mass...
    So ill keep the dumbell bench...what could i add on this. also what would my sets and reps be for all chest workouts

    i like this workout. but what would my sets and reps be.
    3 x skullkushers
    2 x seated ex,
    2 x close grip
    1 x pushdown

    well no1 said anything about my back...i guess i have a good routine...i do have really good results lol.
    i like this routine...but what would the reps be...failure???
    2 sets d/b shrug, 2 sets bar shrugs


    no1 said anything about this really except to do only db and to drop front lateral raise (i rarely did it) so i assume its good...i just dont know the sets and reps
    db seated military press
    i dont what these are called but u go to where u do cable cross over and u grab the opposite cable with ur hand and u extend you arms...really hits the back delts
    Side Lateral Raise
    (auxiliary ill do one of these...change it up depending on what i feel like)
    arnold presses, one armed cable laterals
    i like this routine...but are these sets and reps good for building mass???
    Straight bar 3 x 12, 8, 6
    Hammer curl or reverse grip bar curl 2 x 8, 6
    Alternative dumbbell curl 2 x 8, 6
    okay soo up my reps on squat, drop shaping movements, add leg press....DONE...i just need to know what sets and reps to use
    squats 3 sets of ???
    leg press
    leg extension 3 sets 6-8
    donkey calve raises 1 set failure toes pointing in 1 set failure toes pointing out
    standing calve raises same as donkey

    thanks for all the input and time you guys are taking reading my long post but im just trying to do everything right and not be a dumb 18 year old who runs to AS when he is stuck at a weight. thanks again

  12. #12
    feloniness's Avatar
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  13. #13
    S.P.G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    i like this routine

    Mon Chest and Triceps
    Tue Back, Traps and Biceps
    Wed Rest
    Thur Shoulders
    Fri Legs

    but could i do biceps on thursday the same day i do shoulders???i would still have rested biceps for back on tuesday. but if i keep tuesday like that i would be at the gym for like 2 and a half hours while on thursday i wouls only be there for like 45 minutes. otherwise i like that 4 day routine.


    So ill keep the dumbell bench...what could i add on this. also what would my sets and reps be for all chest workouts

    i like this workout. but what would my sets and reps be.
    3 x skullkushers reps 12, 8, 6 ,3 sets
    2 x seated ex, 12, 8
    2 x close grip 12, 8
    1 x pushdown 12-15

    Back looked good to me
    well no1 said anything about my back...i guess i have a good routine...i do have really good results lol.
    i like this routine...but what would the reps be...failure???Imo as long as you progress each week you can’t go wrong if you go to failure every week you will start to take way from the muscle,2 sets d/b shrug, 2 sets bar shrugs


    Shoulders looks good to me Just be aware of overtraining.
    no1 said anything about this really except to do only db and to drop front lateral raise (i rarely did it) so i assume its good...i just dont know the sets and reps Personally I would go with 2 sets db shoulder press 3-4 side laterals 12,8,6,12 shoulder press 2x10, Remember the lateral are what’s going to make you round db seated military press
    i dont what these are called but u go to where u do cable cross over and u grab the opposite cable with ur hand and u extend you arms...really hits the back delts
    Side Lateral Raise
    (auxiliary ill do one of these...change it up depending on what i feel like)
    arnold presses, one armed cable laterals
    i like this routine...but are these sets and reps good for building mass??? YES
    Straight bar 3 x 12, 8, 6
    Hammer curl or reverse grip bar curl 2 x 8, 6
    Alternative dumbbell curl 2 x 8, 6
    okay soo up my reps on squat, drop shaping movements, add leg press....DONE...i just need to know what sets and reps to use
    squats 3 sets of 12-15 Along with the glutes legs are the biggest muscle group in the body so they will need higher reps to promote enough muscle recruitment
    leg press
    leg extension 3 sets 6-8
    donkey calve raises 1 set failure toes pointing in 1 set failure toes pointing out
    standing calve raises same as donkey

    thanks for all the input and time you guys are taking reading my long post but im just trying to do everything right and not be a dumb 18 year old who runs to AS when he is stuck at a weight. thanks again
    Remember hypertrophy is all about muscle recruitment the more you recruit the more your muscle will have to repair and grow back bigger and stronger.
    Last edited by S.P.G; 02-24-2007 at 04:47 AM.

  14. #14
    S.P.G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newmuscleguy
    thats better

  15. #15
    feloniness's Avatar
    feloniness is offline Junior Member
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    okay cool ill make those changes just a few more things
    1. could i do biceps on thursday the same day i do shoulders???
    Personally I would go with 2 sets db shoulder press 3-4 side laterals 12,8,6,12 shoulder press 2x10, Remember the lateral are what’s going to make you round
    2. u said do db press 3x4 then you said do shoulder press 2x10. is shoulder press a different workout or hella confused lol????
    3. i dont like the high rep of squats...i kill my talking sore for 3-5 days of of sets of 6-8...i want to stack more should i just keep it at 6-8 since its working???

    thanks SPG for all ur help so far

  16. #16
    S.P.G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by felony
    okay cool ill make those changes just a few more things
    1. could i do biceps on thursday the same day i do shoulders???

    2. u said do db press 3x4 then you said do shoulder press 2x10. is shoulder press a different workout or hella confused lol????
    3. i dont like the high rep of squats...i kill my talking sore for 3-5 days of of sets of 6-8...i want to stack more should i just keep it at 6-8 since its working???

    thanks SPG for all ur help so far
    it was 2 sets of shoulder press / db press, 3-4 sets of side laterals them being exercises, shoulder presses is not its own workout,

    6-8 is cool on squats if thats what Suits you,
    Last edited by S.P.G; 02-24-2007 at 05:39 AM.

  17. #17
    feloniness's Avatar
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    ok thanks...ill list the workout in complete detail when im not busy...and see if there is anything there can be fixed

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