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  1. #1
    neardark's Avatar
    neardark is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2006

    Need some serious advice

    Hi guys,
    Here's the deal.
    I'm currently work-out in the morning (6am) 3 days a week, cause I don't have the time later during the day. The prob is that i'm changing jobs and i have to cut on my training time.

    Monday: CHest /Bi
    Wed: Back / Tri
    Fri: Legs / SHoulders
    I do my abs home or when I get a hole in one of those days.

    The prob is that one day like this takes me something like 1:15 to do and I have to cut them to 45 minutes.... I'm starting a mass cycle. I can do a 4 or 5 day per week.

    Monday: chest : flat bench 3*8, incline 3*8, flat flies and incline
    Bi: easy bar curl 2*8, preachers 2*8, alternate curls 2*8

    Wed: Back: large pull-ups 12-10-8, dealifts 12-10-8,close pull-ups 12-10-8, shugs 12-10-8
    Tri: BenchPressClose grip 2*8, Skullcrushers 2*8, dips 2*8, one arm extension 2*8

    Fri: Militairy press 3*8, reversed flies 3*10, Upright row 3*10. bended reverse flies 3*10
    legs: Squats 3*10, leg extension 3*10, leg curl 3*10, leg press3*10

    Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Jason865's Avatar
    Jason865 is offline Banned
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    Jan 2007
    First off I do not like that split at all. You are hitting biceps and triceps 2-3x a week and everything else 1x a week. Better to Do a split like this:

    "The body doesn't know muscles. It only knows movements."

    -Mel Siff

    "If you are still training body parts and not movements, you have missed a signifigant amount of information written on the subject of resistance training in the past 10 years."

    -Mike Boyle

    By training movements you will cut your workout time down by 15-25%

  3. #3
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    Jan 2004
    I have to agree with Jason somewhat on this. I used to train for about 90 min a day 5 days a week. I recently changed my routine quite abit and found that 45-60 min is giving me better gains than 90 min ever was. I'm in and out, get a great workout and have made VERY good gains in the past 6 months.

  4. #4
    neardark's Avatar
    neardark is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason865
    First off I do not like that split at all. You are hitting biceps and triceps 2-3x a week and everything else 1x a week. Better to Do a split like this:

    "The body doesn't know muscles. It only knows movements."

    -Mel Siff

    "If you are still training body parts and not movements, you have missed a signifigant amount of information written on the subject of resistance training in the past 10 years."

    -Mike Boyle

    By training movements you will cut your workout time down by 15-25%

    Ok buddy I must be an old school then, Its true though that my knowledge on trainings are from the early 90's... I was sure that I was right on this....

    Though I have a problem understanding how do I fill in Chest, shoulders, tri in the same day.... training them successfully, in 45 minutes....

    I must have miss some major information on this... no joke.

    Is there a link that I could read about it and create a new program on that MOVEMENT PROGRAM instead of muscles? I wan't to fix this thing up this week-end.

    Thanks for answering.



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