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  1. #1
    steveo_r33 is offline Junior Member
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    Sydney Cronulla

    Cutting up, trying to change my workout .. help needed

    Hey Guys,

    I have been doing

    Chest / Tris

    Warm up DB x 15 60%

    Then 3 sets of 12 reps 100%

    Cable Flys Bent Over (decline) 3 x 12 - 15 reps

    Incline Flys DB 25 degree incline

    Overhead Skull Crushers. ( i think thats what they are) 3 x 12

    Machine push downs on flat bar. normal grip 3 x sets

    1 x set dips till failure

    Back / Bi's /

    Reverse Grip Pulldows

    warm up

    the 3 x 12

    Seated close Grip Rows

    Standing Flat Bar Reverse Superman's to eye level

    3 x 12 - 15 Lower back

    Concentration curls DB 3 x 15

    1 Set standing single arm curls 15 reps
    __________________________________________________ ____

    Looking for something to change in chest to really get a good squeeze and contraction ... I just feel like i haven't been able to achieve this doing dumbbell presses.

    I am on a cutting diet at the moment...

    I have been doing this weights routine for 8 weeks and need to shock my body! Been working out for 1.5 years... im 19 atm...

    Also my bis used to die in this routine but now they aren't getting the contraction they used to.

    my workout routine is like so

    Chest / Tris (mon)

    Legs Shoulders Traps (tues)

    Back Bis (WED)

    Thurs Chest / Tris


    Back / BIS (Sat)

    Legs Shoulders Traps Sunday

    Any problems here?

    I want to change my back routine as well but i cant do wide grip lat pull downs as they don't work for me and put to much pressure on my right shoulder.

    Any one have any good workouts?

    A random question.. the vain that cutts down your bicep that is huge and everyone has it... any ideas what i can do to help bring this out? It is coming out now after doing triceps alot more intensively. is this what made it come out? or is it just my diet... im 9 weeks in 19 85 kgs bout 12% bf. trying to get shredded, natural.

    Legs / Shoulders / Traps

    Dont need help

  2. #2
    gotjacked2k7 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Best advice I can give you for the bicep vain (I think your refering to the brachial artery) is 1. try a N02 enhancer, I prefer N0 explode 2. drink lots of water as it is great for vascularity. 3. do your cardio and abs first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and you should cut up in a few weeks and as a result your veins will all be more visible.

  3. #3
    davethewavedra's Avatar
    davethewavedra is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2007
    If your trying to switch up your routine and get good pumps...try super sets and drop sets. I get amazing pumps from using these! Nothing feels better than a double drop set of hammer curls to failure. Personally...i love doing cable crossovers and dipss superset. Also, ive read lots of ppl are getting great pumps from rest pause training, though ive never tried it myself. PM and ill send you my chest workout, inluding all the supersets. Good Luck

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