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  1. #1
    UNCCwrestler's Avatar
    UNCCwrestler is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2006

    does "baby fat" ever burn?

    Sorry don't know what else to call it. Had a layer of fat on my stomach as long as I can remember ( am 23 now). I eliptical 1 hour/ 5x week, tried every Abs diet, and countless leg lifts and lower abs work.

    First 4 are kinda visible in but bottom just can't come in. Tried Hydroxycut, Abs-soultion, yohimbe, CLA and never got shit. Will this ever come off or am I just stuck with this shit for ever?

  2. #2
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    if you really diet strict and up the cardio, you will lose it

  3. #3
    JDMSilviaSpecR's Avatar
    JDMSilviaSpecR is offline Vicious With Malicious Intent
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    Oct 2003
    Out of Control
    Your metabolism and body composition may make it harder to burn the extra "baby fat" / bodyfat that your trying to get rid of...but as Sust said above, with a dedicated strict diet and proper cardio/training, you can melt off as much bodyfat as you want.

    Check out the Unoffical "How to Cut" thread in the "Diet Questions" forum

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