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  1. #1
    Tommy Gunn is offline Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Can you guys critique my workout?

    I am 27 years old. I am 6' 245 with alot of body fat. I am all natural (no AAS or HGH). A few weeks from now I plan on returning to weightlifting after a long layoff. I will do a four day a week split (mon,tues,thurs,fri) and I will run on the treadmill weds. and sat. I will do 7 exercises a session and 3 sets for every exercise using reps of 12,10,8 increasing the weight each set. I will change up the exercises every 3-4 weeks or however long I see fit. Below you will see my workout plan. From the list of exercise choices I will make one letter selection (ex. either a,b,c, or d).

    Four days a week

    Day 1 Mon.

    1. a) Seated cable rows (using v-bar or underhand straight bar)
    b) Neutral grip bent over one arm dumbbell rows 12,10,8

    2. For exercise #2 I will either focus on my upper back using:
    a) Seated cable rows to neck using rope 12,10,8
    b) Overhand bent over one arm dumbbell rows 12,10,8

    Or I will focus on my serratus using:
    c) Rope pulls
    d) Lever pullovers
    e) Straight arm lat pulldowns

    3. a) Close grip lat pulldowns 12,10,8
    b) Underhand lat pulldowns 12,10,8

    4. a) Wide grip lat pulldowns (using long straight bar or d-hooks bar) 12,10,8

    5. a) Standing cable external rotation (with towel roll under arm pit) 12,10,8

    6. a) Barbell hammer curls 12,10,8
    b) Seated hammer curls 12,10,8
    c) Medium grip standing reverse curls (using ez bar) 12,10,8
    d) Medium grip reverse preacher curls (using ez bar) 12,10,8

    7. a) Medium grip standing straight bar curls 12,10,8
    b) Medium grip straight bar preacher curls 12,10,8
    c) Seated dumbbell curls 12,10,8

    Day 2 Tues.

    1. a) Flat barbell bench press 12,10,8
    b) Flat dumbbell bench press 12,10,8

    2. a) Incline barbell bench press 12,10,8
    b) Incline dumbbell bench press 12,10,8

    3. a) Neutral grip flat dumbbell serratus punches 12,10,8

    4. a) Pec deck flys 12,10,8
    b) Seated lever flys 12,10,8

    5. a) Standing cable internal rotation (with towel roll under arm pit) 12,10,8

    6. a) Tricep pushdowns (using either v-bar, rope, overhand straight bar or underhand straight bar) 12,10,8

    7. a) 4 way neck machine 12,10,8


    Walk/run on treadmill for 30 minutes

    Day 3 Thurs.

    1. a) Squats 12,10,8

    2. a) Leg extensions 12,10,8

    3. a) Lying leg curls 12,10,8
    b) Seated leg curls 12,10,8

    4. a) Reverse hyper-extensions 12,10,8

    5. a) Standing calve raises 12,10,8
    b) Seated calve raises 12,10,8

    6. a) Ab crunch machine 12,10,8

    7. a) Oblique twist machine 12,10,8

    Day 4 Fri.

    1. a) Seated overhead barbell press 12,10,8
    b) Seated overhead dumbbell press 12,10,8

    2. a) Standing front barbell raises 12,10,8
    b) Seated front dumbbell raises (overhand grip or neutral grip) 12,10,8

    3. a) Medium grip barbell upright rows 12,10,8
    b) Seated dumbbell lateral raises 12,10,8
    c) Lever 'L' lateral raises 12,10,8

    4. a) Seated dumbbell scaption raises (full cans hands at 10 and 2 o'clock) 12,10,8

    5. a) Seated lever reverse flys (vertical grip) 12,10,8
    b) Standing reverse flys 12,10,8

    6. a) Seated dumbell upright external rotation (with foam horn) 12,10,8

    7. a) Barbell shrugs (straight bar with straps when needed) 12,10,8
    b) Neutral grip seated dumbbell shrugs (with straps when needed) 12,10,8


    Walk/run on treadmill for 30 minutes



    What do you guys think? Is this a good workout plan? Am I doing enough? Am I doing too much? Will this lead to over training? Should I be doing more? Any feed back would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Tommy Gunn is offline Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

  3. #3
    Tommy Gunn is offline Member
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Is this any better?:

    Four days a week

    Day 1 Mon.

    1. a) Seated cable rows (using v-bar or underhand straight bar)
    b) Neutral grip bent over one arm dumbbell rows 12,10,8

    2. a) Seated cable rows to neck using rope 12,10,8
    b) Overhand bent over one arm dumbbell rows 12,10,8

    3. a) Close grip lat pulldowns 12,10,8
    b) Underhand lat pulldowns 12,10,8

    4. a) Wide grip lat pulldowns (using long straight bar or d-hooks bar) 12,10,8

    5. a) Medium grip standing straight bar curls 12,10,8
    b) Medium grip straight bar preacher curls 12,10,8
    c) Seated dumbbell curls 12,10,8

    6. a) Barbell hammer curls 12,10,8
    b) Seated hammer curls 12,10,8
    c) Medium grip standing reverse curls (using ez bar) 12,10,8
    d) Medium grip reverse preacher curls (using ez bar) 12,10,8

    Day 2 Tues.

    1. a) Flat barbell bench press 12,10,8
    b) Flat dumbbell bench press 12,10,8

    2. a) Incline barbell bench press 12,10,8
    b) Incline dumbbell bench press 12,10,8

    3. a) Pec deck flys 12,10,8
    b) Seated lever flys 12,10,8

    4. a) Tricep pushdowns (using either v-bar, rope, overhand straight bar or underhand straight bar) 12,10,8

    5. a) 4 way neck machine 12,10,8


    Walk/run on treadmill for 30 minutes

    Day 3 Thurs.

    1. a) Squats 12,10,8

    2. a) Leg extensions 12,10,8

    3. a) Lying leg curls 12,10,8
    b) Seated leg curls 12,10,8

    4. a) Standing calve raises 12,10,8
    b) Seated calve raises 12,10,8

    5. a) Ab crunch machine 12,10,8

    6. a) Oblique twist machine 12,10,8

    Day 4 Fri.

    1. a) Seated overhead barbell press 12,10,8
    b) Seated overhead dumbbell press 12,10,8

    2. a) Standing front barbell raises 12,10,8
    b) Seated front dumbbell raises (overhand grip or neutral grip) 12,10,8

    3. a) Medium grip barbell upright rows 12,10,8
    b) Seated dumbbell lateral raises 12,10,8
    c) Lever 'L' lateral raises 12,10,8

    4. a) Seated lever reverse flys (vertical grip) 12,10,8
    b) Standing reverse flys 12,10,8

    5. a) Barbell shrugs (straight bar with straps when needed) 12,10,8
    b) Neutral grip seated dumbbell shrugs (with straps when needed) 12,10,8


    Walk/run on treadmill for 30 minutes



    What do you guys think? Is this any better?

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