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  1. #1
    newconquest is offline Associate Member
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    Just Wondering...?

    i have been working out for a while now, bout year and a half consistently, and i have a quick question...

    i changed my workout about 6 months ago at the advice of several trustworthly trainers to: each muscle group once a week (once every 7 days)
    legs, chest, back, tri, bi, shoulder...each one, once a week)

    BUUUUT...i still get sore the a day or two afterwards everytime i work out...shouldnt that go away? does this mean that i need to work out each muscle group more often? less often? or am i doing things correctly?

  2. #2
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by newconquest
    i have been working out for a while now, bout year and a half consistently, and i have a quick question...

    i changed my workout about 6 months ago at the advice of several trustworthly trainers to: each muscle group once a week (once every 7 days)
    legs, chest, back, tri, bi, shoulder...each one, once a week)

    BUUUUT...i still get sore the a day or two afterwards every time i work out...shouldnt that go away? does this mean that i need to work out each muscle group more often? less often? or am i doing things correctly?
    I will have this moved to the workout forum as you should get a better response there.

    Also Keep in mind the human body adapts to training stimulus fairly quick . It is best IMO to change up the routine to keep the body confused.( i see alot better results in people that I have worked with by keeping the body confused..) Alot of people get good results changing up the routine every 4-5 wks or so.


  3. #3
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    getting sore is a good thing..keep changing things up every so often to keep the body guessing

  4. #4
    newconquest is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2007

    muscle confusion???

    i usually do anywhere from 10-15 sets for each muscle group TO FAILURE...what if i did the same excersize to failure those 10-15 sets and changed the exercize each week...would that be a good example of keeping my body guessing?
    or should i do that same excersize for 4 weeks and then change it?
    someone that uses this "muscle confusion" method please help!!! thanks!

    could someone give me an example of changing up my workout?

  5. #5
    Perforator's Avatar
    Perforator is offline Junior Member
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    Here's some ways that will help.

    1. change exercises.
    2. change order of exercises.
    3. each week try to increase weight to put more stress on the muscle.
    4. change rep scheme.
    5. change the order of muscle groups that are worked together.

    Not necessarily all at one time. sometimes I will change order of exercises from week to week just because I get bored.

  6. #6
    newconquest is offline Associate Member
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    awesome thanks for the help! anyone got any other suggestions or further information?

  7. #7
    timtim is offline Member
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    your training 6 days a week. that is alot. you could condense that to a 4 day split allowing more time out of the gym to recover.

    soreness is not a good thing. it means the muscle wasnt conditioned to reach the level of the workout you provided. backing off alittle, changing things will allow for better muscle attentuation and less soreness. soreness is also a sign of overtraining so listen to your body.

    keeping your body guessing can be done on multiple levels:

    1 - change rep ranges - your body adapts to rep ranges within 3 weeks time, switch it up every few weeks

    2 - switching exercises every 3 to 4 weeks. you could research periodization which will describe how to set up a macro/micro cycle with your training. it moves in intensity levels.

    3 - switching up exercise orders, hardest to easiest and the reverse it

    3 - changing rest periods

    these are a few examples. research periodization, it will open a whole new world of training systems to you.
    Last edited by timtim; 09-01-2007 at 11:08 AM.

  8. #8
    tri-athlete is offline Junior Member
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    soreness is not a good thing
    id have to disagree. pushing your body is what working out is all about. some people get sore, some dont, some only when they work a muscle that hasnt been worked consistently (like me). but if u can wake up sore after regularly conditioning a muscle; you know your doing your job. consistent soreness all day every is a blaton sign of overtraining or mal-nutrition tho...

  9. #9
    newconquest is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2007


    how long should i work out with the same routine before switching it? should i switch every week, or every 2 weeks, or once a month?

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