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  1. #1
    goaheadandhitme is offline Associate Member
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    Size (vs) strength

    What do you guys do when working on weak points, (legs, pecks, whatever).
    Do you skip cardio that involves that muscle group, change the set, rep ratio?
    I need to work on a few areas more than others, at the same time other areas I don't want any bigger just stronger.

    One more question, I'm 33 and in pretty good shape, 215 lbs, what is the limit of leg days someone my age can do without it being counter-productive? With or without, gear, supplements, or anything else you can think of.

  2. #2
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    I would say the max is twice a week.

  3. #3
    sonnygll's Avatar
    sonnygll is offline Member
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    Work your week pints more frequently and just maintain on the rest. So Say your upper body is good, but your legs suck. Just do a couple sets a week for upper, and then work legs 4 days a week divided by quad or ham focus. So in other words, 2 days of squat variations and 2 days of deadlift variations. Do calves all 4.

    You can also work a lagging muscle every day for 2 weeks straight, just maintain on everything else, then take a week off from lifting and then go back to a normal program.

    Then of course an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Make sure your routine is balanced. If certain things get worked a lot and other things get neglected, you end up with ratio problems. So keep it all even in future.

  4. #4
    goaheadandhitme is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks, sounds good.

  5. #5
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    you shouldnt work your weak points differently for longer than 3 months at a time if your doing twice a week. You can pretty much do 3 months without fear of overtraining thats if your program is within reason. After 3 months your muscle will have adapted to any new stimulus and one would run the risk of overtraining at that point.

  6. #6
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    strength is not always correlated with size....but strength gains in perfect form are stronly correlated with size gains

  7. #7
    goaheadandhitme is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for all the input guys, what made me ask was this system doing squats 3x a week, seemed like alot, but I do need to do some catch-up work on legs. I will prolly go with 2x week for now.

    20 Rep Squat Routine
    Muscle Building Workout

    post #22 (VERY BOTTOM)

    Various Training Techniques

  8. #8
    sonnygll's Avatar
    sonnygll is offline Member
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    If you can do it 20 times, it couldn't be enough load. Why not do 4X5 with a higher load? Say it is just your 10RM, you can do it with 45 seconds rest and not fail until the last rep of the last set. That would be much better than lifting your 20RM. It is the same volume but a much greater load. Hypertrophy is caused by load and time under tension. If one of those things is too low, you get nothing.

  9. #9
    JSola's Avatar
    JSola is offline Associate Member
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    I've got the best results in my calves with 12-20reps and the best results in my quads & hams with 8-16reps, 10-15 sets for all of the above. Also I run the rack on the donkey calf raise and I've never gotten a better pump. Try supersetting a heavier smith machine squat set with a lighter free squat, it gets my legs all noodley

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