02-09-2008, 07:39 PM #1
How much shorter is healing time when on cycle?
I realize the what optimal amount of weight training is for any given body part when lifting natural. What i want to know is how much faster i heal when im on cycle. Im on 900mg/wk of test, 50mg var ED and 300/wk primo. Basically you can train a muscle/group once a week when natural, given good technique, diet and rest. When on cycle, how much quicker can i hit that muscle? Soreness is not the true indicator... pump either. Anyone have a solid answer?
02-12-2008, 08:16 AM #2
I say train everything once a week.... it actually takes about 2 weeks for a sufficiently worked muscle to heal... when gear is added it cuts the time in about half...... by sufficiently worked I refer to intensity if your not workingout with a very high intensity then on you can get away with working out multiple times a week just depends on your goals... general fitness or bodybuilding...
02-12-2008, 02:13 PM #3
I was wondering the same thing. How much volume is allowed while on AAS as compared to natural, I don`t anyone wants to cheat themselves on gains. Comparasons would be awesome .
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