Age 49
Sex female
Wt 125
Ht 5'6''
Body fat 10%
Training Experience 18 years

Hi I'm phate186's mom. I was wondering if it would be better for me to do my wt. lifting ,then cardio after 1 1/2 hrs of eating lunch, then have dinner 3 hrs later. I'm doing an hr of low intensity cardio 5X/wk and lifting for one body part only ,prior. I give myself 2 days off due to the demands of work and kids. My job is physically demanding as I am an occupational therapist on a neuro unit. Alot of my patients are 200 plus lbs. and I'm the one who gets them up each morning for the nurses and then I do matt activities. My goal is to stay strong and be in shape, but not bulk up as this hinders me on the matt. Advice on diet and also eating time frames-anything else would be helpful.