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    Lifta's Avatar
    Lifta is offline New Member
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    Need help with workout, diet and cycle.

    Greetings brothers,

    I need some input on a few things since I am new to this whole thing. I actually joined the site years ago but was out of action during a few years of personal turmoil. Having said that, I have returned and I have been following a lot of the threads on the boards. There is some awesome information and even more amazing results. I really appreciate the fact that everyone is so open to helping other members and that is exactly what I need. I want to give a total breakdown of my current cycle, workout, and diet. I have some questions about several things, and I am open to any and all feedback as I am just trying to learn as I progress and I am a novice at this.

    About me:
    I am 32 years old and I am 250 lbs, at about 32% body fat (I am a lard ass).

    My current cycle consists of (gleaned from the beginners board):
    1-12: 500 mg of a test blend each week.
    1-4: 25 mgs of D-Bol daily (first 4 weeks).
    1-10: 300 mg of Deca each week.
    I will cycle Clomid when cycle is completed.

    The Test Blend is taken twice a week, each time about 30 minutes before workout.
    The D-Bol is taken daily with my pre-workout supplements.
    The Deca is taken once weekly 30 minutes before work out.
    When I shot the test into my quad, the next day it swelled up like a balloon and I could barely move my leg. I am using a 26 gauge needle could that be the cause of this?

    **Should I change this schedule in any way?**

    Everything I have read says I should be on a diet that qualifies at about 4500-5K calories a day. Is that necessary if I am such a fat ass? I am just curious. My goal is to put on as much muscle as possible in the next 12 weeks and then go into a long cutting cycle to get back down to an acceptable weight. I wouldn’t mind being 250 lbs all of my life as long as I was at about 9% BF instead of 30+. My diet is completely inspired by Perfect Beast’s work out log. (That is a brilliant piece of literature and should be turned into a “how to” book). I am following his supplements and diet very strictly, with the only difference being our cycles (and the fact that he’s a monster and I’m a lard ass). PB has been awesome with his input on the boards and if you haven’t read his log, I would advise you to find it right away! At any rate, here is my diet and supplements list.

    Pre Cardio - 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) skimmed milk 200ml(cal120, carb 12.3, pro8.7, fat0.1) TOTALS - cal232, carb14.8 pro31.7, fat1.6
    (I only do the Pre-Cardio food intake on my off days from the gym. Because of my schedule I have to do Cardio in the evening time and it sucks.)

    meal 1 - 8 egg whites (cal 116, pro24), Oats 120g (cal300 carb80 pro14 fat8.5), 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5). skimmed milk 200ml(cal120, carb 12.3, pro8.7, fat0.1) sprinkle cinnamon. TOTALS - Cal 649, carbs 94.8, pro 69.7, Fat 10.1

    meal 2 – 2 Myoplex shakes TOTALS – cal600 carbs54 pro89 fat4.2

    meal 3 - 300g chicken (cal330 pro70 fat3.7) 100g Brown Rice (cal370 carbs 80 pro7.9 fat2.9) Veg TOTALS - cal700 carbs80 pro77.9 fat6.6
    Meal 4 - Tuna 1 tin (cal 145,carb0 pro31 fat1), Oats 120g (cal300 carb80 pro14 fat8.5) 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5), skimmed milk 200ml(cal120, carb 12.3, pro8.7, fat0.1), Dried Fruit 30g (cal73, carbs 19.2). sprinkle cinnamon. TOTALS - Cal 750, carbs 114, pro 76.7, fat 11.6

    Pre workout - 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) Powdered Oats 50g (cal180, carbs31, pro5, fat4) Grapefruit Juice (cal95 carbs21.5) TOTALS - cal387 carbs55 fat4.5 pro28


    PWO - 2 scoops whey iso (cal212 pro 50), dex 80g (cal300 carbs80) TOTALS - Cal512, carbs80, pro 50

    PPWO - 300g chicken (cal330 pro70 fat3.7) 100g Brown Rice (cal370 carbs 80 pro7.9 fat2.9) Veg, TOTALS - cal700 carbs80 pro77.9 fat6.6

    Meal 5 - 300g chicken (cal330 pro70 fat3.7) Veg, Coconut Oil (cal90 fat10g) Fish Oil (cal90 fat10g) TOTALS - cal510 fat23.7 pro70

    Before Bed - Cottage Cheese 300g (cal270, carbs10.9, fat5.8 pro41.2) Flax (cal90 fat10g) nuts 25g (cal170, fat16g pro4.7) TOTALS - cal530 carb10.9 pro45.9 fat31.8

    I have the utmost respect for people who can eat this type of food, in these amounts, for extended periods of time. My first day on the diet, I felt stuffed to the gills all day long. I cannot imagine what it must be like for those people who are eating 6-10k calories a day. I was thinking of replacing a meal or two with one of the alternative ones listed on the sites diet pages. It said something about 10 oz of whole wheat bread, cheese, and grapes I believe. Something to that degree. Any suggestions would be appreciated as this is so heavy on me I feel sick the whole day. I am not even sure if I should be eating this amount given my body fat percentage, but I am on day 3 now it isn’t too late for me to revise yet.


    7 am: Whey, BCAA 5g, L cart 1g, HMB 1 G, Arginine, Alanine, Glutamine, Multi Vitamin, Vitamin C, Glucosamine, Saw Palmetto, EFA

    5:30: Right before work out: Taurine, Arginine, Whey, Vit C, Saw Palmetto, L-Cart, Grapefruit Juice, EFA

    6:00: Workout

    5.00 PWO, Taurine, BCAA, Glutamine, Dex, Lecithin

    7:00- EFA

    I do not currently use Creatine as it tends to give me an accelerated heart rate when I use it. I am considering cycling it back into my supplements list though.

    Work out: (weights and reps are taken from last workout log, I am in the US so all weights are in pounds/lbs) The exercises are also in order of when they are performed.

    Monday-Chest and Calves
    Barbell bench: 225x12, 245x10, 275x6, 315x2
    Incline barbell bench: 155x10, 185x8, 205x6, 225x4
    Decline barbell bench: 225x10, 245x8, 275x6
    Incline DB flies: 50x10, 60x8, 65x6
    Sitting calf raises: 180x15, 205x15, 205x12, 225x12, 245x10, 245x8, 265x6, 275x4

    Tuesday-Back and Shoulders
    Deadlifts: 185x15, 225x12, 275x10, 315x8, 325x4
    One arm rows: 60x10, 70x10, 75x8, 80x5
    Lat pulldown: 130x10, 150x10, 180x8, 180x6
    Pullups: (I have to use 80lbs to assist me up) 4 sets of 10-12
    Military Press: 135x10, 155x8, 165x6, 205x4
    DB Shrugs: 80x12, 85x10, 85x10, 90x8
    Lat raises: 20x10, 25x10, 30x8, 30x5
    Cable Front raises: 30x10, 35x10, 40x10,45x6

    Wednesday-Cardio and Abs

    Squat: 225x12, 245x10, 255x8, 275x6, 315x2
    (When I squat, I place a bench behind me and squat down till my ass hits the bench. Would this be acceptable form?)
    Lunges: 4 sets of 10 holding 40 lb DB’s.
    Leg Press: (I calculate by plates on each side)
    4 plates: 12 reps
    5 plates: 10 reps
    6 plates: 8 reps
    7 plates: 5 reps
    Leg Curls: 80x10, 110x10, 130x8, 140x5

    One armed DB preacher curl:
    35x10, 40x8, 45x6, 50x2
    Chinups: (80 lbs assisted) 4 sets of 10
    Inclined DB hammer curls: 40x10, 45x8, 45x5, 50x3
    Standing, straightbar reverse curls: 65x10, 75x8, 85x7, 90x5
    One armed, decline, DB skull crushers: 40x12, 45x10, 50x8, 55x7
    Close grip bench: 185x10, 205x10, 225x8, 245x6
    Dips: unweighted: 4 sets of 10-12
    Overhead DB tri extension: 65x10, 75x10, 80x8, 85x7

    Saturday-Cardio and Abs
    Sunday-Cardio and Abs

    Comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Here are my major areas of concern that perhaps someone can shed some light on for me:

    Am I too fat to be doing this diet or do I still need to do it to receive the full effects of the gear?

    Is my cycle well constructed (it came from the sites beginners list) or do I need revisions?

    Is this enough gear to even warrant such an intake of calories or am I way off on dosages and will just result in more fat gain?

    Is my leg swelling up like a grapefruit a normal reaction to blended test?

    Any other comments are most welcome and thank you for any light you can shed on this for a newbie. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Lifta's Avatar
    Lifta is offline New Member
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  3. #3
    moregunsthanroses's Avatar
    moregunsthanroses is offline Associate Member
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    You've got all you marco's etc firgured out which is more then I can say for myself. Personally I think if you're at 30% BF you might want to do cardio more often then 3 times per week. How long are your cardio sessions?

    I just skimmed through but overall it looks like you've got your stuff figured out with your diet/ lifting routine

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