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  1. #1
    dehydromethandrotren's Avatar
    dehydromethandrotren is offline Associate Member
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    Thinking differently about lifting...

    If any of you are familiar with mike mentzers training principles, you will know more precisely what I am getting at but, basically....

    The average person who may not be seeing results or as much results as desired may think "I need to lift more then" or more often etc. Mike often compared this thinking to economic ways of thinking for example $1000. is better than $100.

    Now he explains fairly well in his books I have read that, this is not the correct way of thinking really. All that need be done to induce growth is 1 set to complete failure, anything else will simply cut into your glycogen stores and increase time it takes to recover.

    I am trying to get peoples opinions on this "theory" or whether or not it is a better way to go essentially......

    I think Ibdmfkr is familiar with him at the very least....

  2. #2
    TheArtist's Avatar
    TheArtist is offline Member
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    i can see where you're coming from.
    a couple years ago my bench was really lagging. So i decided to train chest 2x per week. first session was normal, and the 2nd session a couple days later, i basically just tried to go as heavy as i could for one rep and that was it. My bench went up significantly.
    My method isn't exactly as you described, but i think it could definitely be beneficial.

  3. #3
    bmit is offline Member
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    just one set to failure is fine (my current cutting routine i do just 2 on chest, arms, traps but 3 on legs, calves, back and shoulders), but you will need to increase your frequency then of training a body part to 2x to 3x a week. So basically instead of bombing the body part you are doing enough to encourage growth while allowing for quicker recovery and more frequent training. It is one of my training principles - less volume with higher intensity and frequency. Done with the annihilating 1 body part per week routines.

  4. #4
    dehydromethandrotren's Avatar
    dehydromethandrotren is offline Associate Member
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    true but, if you are succeeding using this method, wouldnt training frequency have to be less and less and intensity grows?

  5. #5
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by dehydromethandrotren View Post
    If any of you are familiar with mike mentzers training principles, you will know more precisely what I am getting at but, basically....

    The average person who may not be seeing results or as much results as desired may think "I need to lift more then" or more often etc. Mike often compared this thinking to economic ways of thinking for example $1000. is better than $100.

    Now he explains fairly well in his books I have read that, this is not the correct way of thinking really. All that need be done to induce growth is 1 set to complete failure, anything else will simply cut into your glycogen stores and increase time it takes to recover.

    I am trying to get peoples opinions on this "theory" or whether or not it is a better way to go essentially......

    I think Ibdmfkr is familiar with him at the very least....
    It simply does not work! Mentzer gained most of his size on 5 intense work sets performed "twice" a week not "once". And his 1 set-nonsense came about in his latter years. I will not go into what I know but let me be clear-there are no short cuts! You must put your time in the gym to gain maximum muscle size. Jay Cutler couldn't even maintain on 1 set per week nor could I.

  6. #6
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    I do 3 sets to failure per body part 2 times per week. Perfecto.

  7. #7
    B.E.N.'s Avatar
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    Sounds like you are refering to DoggCrapp training basically. One heavy work set to complete failure.

    I have recently (almost 1 month in) start trying this type of program and really enjoy it (not sure enjoy is the right word!). If nothing else it forces you to concentrate on each lift and give maximum effort.

  8. #8
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    I do 3 sets to failure per body part 2 times per week. Perfecto.
    This can work!

  9. #9
    MFT81's Avatar
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    isnt that the best thing about our family in the iron game, we all have are opinions and can discuss and yet no ones right, but everyone is right.

    I have two books by Mike,

    High Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer way

    and another one on just his thoughts opinions etc.

    I dont train Hit, but I have taken bits and pieces and do deff agree the less is more.

    When I first started training I trained like 6 days a week, now I train only 4 days. Mike Mentzer had a great quote "A 20 inch arm uses more energy to contract than a 12 inch arm" Which explains why Ive cut back on frequency, as im about 30lbs heavier now than then.

  10. #10
    dehydromethandrotren's Avatar
    dehydromethandrotren is offline Associate Member
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    I totally understand everyones opinions, I am unsure myself but, I have been doing it for almost two weeks now and have added 20lbs to my incline BB BP and doubled the reps (and increased others as well), which if anything, tells me I was at least most likely over training before, doing 10-12+ sets for chest with 20-30 seconds rest between sets, each to failure. Great pump but I was going no where when I look back at it. If this progress slows or halts, I will tweak it to my best abilities according to notes etc I have taken during my training.

    I am currently training each bodypart once, with 5 days of rest between workouts.

    **** Note to self, lay out exat routine when you have more time later ****

    I think 3 sets would be better and 1-2 more (1-2 sets) exercises for chest maybe other bodyparts as well, like adding shrugs in hi sshoulder routine, but the deadlifts are still hitting them hard in my mid-lower trap area so I am not sure yet. I am not going to change anything yet.

    I am also eating damn near perfect after reading chris acetos "everythign you need to know about fat loss". I have an excell sheet with everything broken down and listed ahead of time, I just make sure I get my protein and carbs in various healthy low - non fat forms. (Chicken, tuna (drained), lean 97% ground beef, oats, potatoes, fat free cottage cheese, flax seeds, ***** 3's, whey protein usually mixed with oats or flax to slow digestion if taken between meals.

    I will break down my diet to see what others think as well, later.

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