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  1. #1
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Tricep workouts, are they really worth it?

    I have been exercising for many years. In these many years, I have never really worked my triceps. My triceps have grown perfectly fine. They are in correct proportion for my arm and have the definition like any normal person that exercises. Now I do see the benefit of it. Say I was a pro bodybuilder and I needed to get definition in a lagging part. I do see the benefit of the isolation exercises. Maybe you got in a bad accident, and you need to do some rehabilitation exercises to get your arm strong again. I do see those benefits. Otherwise, I think generally you can get most of your work needed for triceps from your normal routines like for chest and shoulders for example, or other compound movements.

    Anyways, just looking for what everyones opinion is on this subject.


  2. #2
    bmg's Avatar
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    are you serious?

  3. #3
    green22's Avatar
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    Well if thats your situation then congratulations, me and most others have to work ours. Consider yourself lucky.

  4. #4
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmg View Post
    are you serious?

    Dead serious, never really had to work them out. I am a big believer in dips though. So I guess that is kinda a tricep exercise. Ive always did what my body responded best to. Just because some one else does something that works for them, doesn't mean it will for you. I have never done steroids either so I don't know if that matters. I figured this would be a weird topic, but oh well

  5. #5
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by green22 View Post
    Well if thats your situation then congratulations, me and most others have to work ours. Consider yourself lucky.
    You sure you don't do it becuase thats what everyone else does? Are you sure they help you? With proper weight training with compound movements, I just don't see the need. Unless you are a pro body builder or what was mentioned above.

  6. #6
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    What is the benefit of isolating your triceps if you aren't a pro body builder or need rehabilitation? Why is it needed to isolate when you get work on them from a multitude of compound exercises? How do gain mass from a tricep pull down over a bench press or shoulder press? Why do they give tricep exercises cute names like "skull crushers".. so people think they are bad ass and need to be done?

    Anyways, just things I think about

  7. #7
    Dicknang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGH View Post
    What is the benefit of isolating your triceps if you aren't a pro body builder or need rehabilitation? Why is it needed to isolate when you get work on them from a multitude of compound exercises? How do gain mass from a tricep pull down over a bench press or shoulder press? Why do they give tricep exercises cute names like "skull crushers".. so people think they are bad ass and need to be done?

    Anyways, just things I think about
    Well, you do seem to be an exception to the rule.

    1.The benefits of isolating your triceps are the same as the benefits of isolating your biceps, or your calves, or your etc etc.

    2. You could also ask what are the benefits of isolating your biceps if you work on them with compound exercises like rows, pulldowns etc.

    3. You gain mass from a tricep pulldown because it isolates the triceps, whereas a benchpress only uses the triceps as an assisting muscle.

    4. I would have thought the name 'skullcrusher' would be obvious. You really would not want you triceps to give out halfway through a rep.

    Yes, tricep workouts are worth it as much as bicep workouts, chest workouts, back and leg workouts.

  8. #8
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dicknang View Post
    Well, you do seem to be an exception to the rule.

    1.The benefits of isolating your triceps are the same as the benefits of isolating your biceps, or your calves, or your etc etc.

    2. You could also ask what are the benefits of isolating your biceps if you work on them with compound exercises like rows, pulldowns etc.

    3. You gain mass from a tricep pulldown because it isolates the triceps, whereas a benchpress only uses the triceps as an assisting muscle.

    4. I would have thought the name 'skullcrusher' would be obvious. You really would not want you triceps to give out halfway through a rep.

    Yes, tricep workouts are worth it as much as bicep workouts, chest workouts, back and leg workouts.
    Thanks for your response!

    I do isolate my biceps. Only because my left bicep is not the same shape as my right. It is exactly the same strength and everything. My right has a peak, and my left does not. I have worked them out for many years and the peak still isn't there. So I got screwed with genetics on that.

    Like I said I do see the benefits of the isolation, but just don't think it is that important for triceps. Whenever I exercise my tricep, I feel like it just a waste of time. I did a solid 6 months of busting my triceps hard once. I didn't notice any negligible difference then just stressing my normal compound movements. I am not saying for other people out there to not do them. Do whats best for your body! Just because "insert famous body builder here" does them, doesn't meant it's good for you.

  9. #9
    bmg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGH View Post
    Thanks for your response!

    I do isolate my biceps. Only because my left bicep is not the same shape as my right. It is exactly the same strength and everything. My right has a peak, and my left does not. I have worked them out for many years and the peak still isn't there. So I got screwed with genetics on that.

    Like I said I do see the benefits of the isolation, but just don't think it is that important for triceps. Whenever I exercise my tricep, I feel like it just a waste of time. I did a solid 6 months of busting my triceps hard once. I didn't notice any negligible difference then just stressing my normal compound movements. I am not saying for other people out there to not do them. Do whats best for your body! Just because "insert famous body builder here" does them, doesn't meant it's good for you.
    i think what is really going on here is that your arm training needs a total revamp, but instead you just gave up on it and quit training them.

  10. #10
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmg View Post
    i think what is really going on here is that your arm training needs a total revamp, but instead you just gave up on it and quit training them.
    I thought about that.

    I did forget to mention I was a hardcore surfer for 7 years. If you know anything about surfing, paddling out to the break over and over can be a good tricep workout. So it is possible that I got some of my size from that.

  11. #11
    VWbug66's Avatar
    VWbug66 is offline Senior Member
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    got a pic of ur tris???

  12. #12
    godkilla's Avatar
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    i wish. ive tried many things for my arms and even at 220lbs my arms where still barely 18" pumped

  13. #13
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGH View Post
    Dead serious, never really had to work them out. I am a big believer in dips though. So I guess that is kinda a tricep exercise.
    I don't know of any better tricep exercise for overall mass. I also don't understand why you say you don't work out your tris cause you do. Just because you don't do isolation movements for your tri's doesn't mean your not directly working them out.

    It's like saying, "I really don't feel the need to workout my legs because squats work just fine for me."

  14. #14
    Gym Freak's Avatar
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    Different strokes for different folks right. I guess it's all in what you are trying to do with your physique. It's kind of like everyone working biceps and chest, it's all in what you want.

  15. #15
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    do you struggle with your bench max. at all...? got any pics of these magical self expanding tris?

  16. #16
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    I don't know of any better tricep exercise for overall mass. I also don't understand why you say you don't work out your tris cause you do. Just because you don't do isolation movements for your tri's doesn't mean your not directly working them out.

    It's like saying, "I really don't feel the need to workout my legs because squats work just fine for me."


  17. #17
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Do you work your biceps and deltiods? If so, then why not work the triceps???

  18. #18
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  19. #19
    Lean_Natty-75 is offline New Member
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    ROFL, is this guy for serious? I know it doesnt make sense, just like this guy, lol what is the purpose of doing your ti's if you aint a pro body builder? erm 1. your arm would look deformed and 2 your arm is ment to be lik 75% tricep and anything under that (durastically) would look deformed theres no use having biceps, if you have no tri's, and untill I see some hard pics, then I'm just going to assume that you have very light triceps on a deformeed arm.

  20. #20
    gibferno's Avatar
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    I spend my entire Tuesday workout doing triceps. 4 exercises at 4-5 reps each. Standing push downs, close grip bench, seated extensions (behind the head), and decline skull crushers. Probably one of my favorite days. My problem is that the standing tricep push down machine doesn't go up high enough. I don't lift a lot of weight in any other exercise, but I have strong triceps.

  21. #21
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gibferno View Post
    I spend my entire Tuesday workout doing triceps. 4 exercises at 4-5 reps each. Standing push downs, close grip bench, seated extensions (behind the head), and decline skull crushers. Probably one of my favorite days. My problem is that the standing tricep push down machine doesn't go up high enough. I don't lift a lot of weight in any other exercise, but I have strong triceps.

    Why would you spend a whole session working such a small area?

    Calves are 'bigger' than triceps... but i never hear ('cept for myself and some people i train) of anyone having a 'calf' day.

    Rather the norm is to neglect them almost completely.


  22. #22
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    I promise I have triceps. Your triceps get plenty of work doing pushing movement exercises. Thats just me though and I am not a bodybuilder or on steroids . Also as previously mentioned, I do do dips(weighted). I believe in exercises that put mass on me, not some dinky tricep push down. Another thing to add, is I used to surf. My triceps got a lot of work from that throughout my younger life.

    I do understand where you guys are coming from. Ive heard the same stuff since I started lifting in middle school. The dude that taught me how to exercise was the Florida State body building champion at the time. So I got a good start on my road to learning to be fit.

    Ill put a pic up asap. Ill try and get someone else to hold the camera this time though. Im still in the middle of losing weight if you saw my thread in the member pictures.

  23. #23
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lean_Natty-75 View Post
    ROFL, is this guy for serious? I know it doesnt make sense, just like this guy, lol what is the purpose of doing your ti's if you aint a pro body builder? erm 1. your arm would look deformed and 2 your arm is ment to be lik 75% tricep and anything under that (durastically) would look deformed theres no use having biceps, if you have no tri's, and untill I see some hard pics, then I'm just going to assume that you have very light triceps on a deformeed arm.
    That is without a doubt the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Least the other guys make a valid argument. Need to reword that bro.

  24. #24
    AcePowerZ is offline Member
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    just to inform you your tricept makes up about half of your arms..... so yes its ****ing worth you working them out, unless you want to stay puny gurly mon. bicepts is like 14 % of your arm the rest is tris
    Last edited by AcePowerZ; 07-10-2008 at 12:32 PM.

  25. #25
    gibferno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    Why would you spend a whole session working such a small area?

    Calves are 'bigger' than triceps... but i never hear ('cept for myself and some people i train) of anyone having a 'calf' day.

    Rather the norm is to neglect them almost completely.

    Really? I'll just tell you my schedule and let you tell me what I should change. I'm sure there are areas that need improvement.

    Monday - Legs and Shoulders
    Tuesday - Triceps
    Wednesday - off
    Thursday - Chest
    Friday - Back and Biceps
    Saturday - Usually mix in some other back or shoulder
    Sunday - off

    What should I change? My goal is strength and size. Not concerned so much with cutting right now.

  26. #26
    JC2007 is offline Associate Member
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    Wow... Just... wow...

  27. #27
    AcePowerZ is offline Member
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    that is a horrible workout you need to start all over from scratch. Mix it up a little to dont be afraid to work more than one muscle group in a day.

  28. #28
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    thanks for the advice. I guess one has to be careful where they get their info. I was told about 16 weeks ago by a long time bodybuilder in our gym to do what I'm doing. It's time to switch it up anyway.

    I don't necessarily think that it's horrible though. I've made some good progress doing this over the last 16 weeks.

  29. #29
    audis4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gibferno View Post
    Really? I'll just tell you my schedule and let you tell me what I should change. I'm sure there are areas that need improvement.

    Monday - Legs and Shoulders
    Tuesday - Triceps
    Wednesday - off
    Thursday - Chest
    Friday - Back and Biceps
    Saturday - Usually mix in some other back or shoulder
    Sunday - off

    What should I change? My goal is strength and size. Not concerned so much with cutting right now.
    legs should have their own day.

    do something like:
    mon: legs
    tues: shoulders/tri's
    wed: off
    thur: chest
    fri: off
    sat: back/bi's
    sun: off

    something like that. I actually go mon-thursday or friday and take the weekend off.

  30. #30
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    bro tris are like 75% of you arms

  31. #31
    gibferno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4 View Post
    legs should have their own day.

    do something like:
    mon: legs
    tues: shoulders/tri's
    wed: off
    thur: chest
    fri: off
    sat: back/bi's
    sun: off

    something like that. I actually go mon-thursday or friday and take the weekend off.
    Yeah, I can mix shoulders with tri's. I am off work on Mondays, so I can stay in the gym as long as I want. I'll do something that takes longer on Mondays. Also, I have church on Wednesdays or I would work out then. Every once in a while I'll workout on a Wednesday, but usually don't.

  32. #32
    DCB83 is offline Associate Member
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    Big triceps are baddass, imagine what yours would have looked like if you did train them

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    I don't know of any better tricep exercise for overall mass. I also don't understand why you say you don't work out your tris cause you do. Just because you don't do isolation movements for your tri's doesn't mean your not directly working them out.

    It's like saying, "I really don't feel the need to workout my legs because squats work just fine for me."
    I agree, dips (weighted or not) are probably one of the most effective exercises for chest and tri's both.

    Also, as far as my body. ( keep in mind, this is off cycle) I don't need to work my tri's or bi's nearly as much as I see other people work theirs and I've had years where I worked the hell out of them and they hardly grew, and now that I only do 1-2 tri exercises after a chest workout I've seen a huge improvement. I do even less for bi's, my back routines kill my bi's. I still do concentration curls and other isolating bi exrszs but anything more seems counter prooductive.

    for me..It is very easy to overtrain my muscles if not on cycle.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    bro tris are like 75% of you arms
    not really

  35. #35
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    i love weighted dips. Been doing them for many years. I always look forward to doing them. The pump it gives you is awesome!

  36. #36
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    I stopped doing dips the day I heard something pop in my chest when I had a 90lbs d-bell between my legs.

    I guess I went too deep or apparently didn't have the best form? but I've kept clear from dips.

  37. #37
    Dicknang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxex View Post
    not really
    yes, really

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4 View Post
    legs should have their own day.

    do something like:
    mon: legs
    tues: shoulders/tri's
    wed: off
    thur: chest
    fri: off
    sat: back/bi's
    sun: off

    something like that. I actually go mon-thursday or friday and take the weekend off.

    imo tris are being done to close to chest day, it would probably really affect your bench if you did your tris right. I do bench and tris on the same day so i dont have to worry about separating them

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by RapaciousShark View Post
    imo tris are being done to close to chest day, it would probably really affect your bench if you did your tris right. I do bench and tris on the same day so i dont have to worry about separating them
    ya everyone's different, just do what works best for yourself.

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