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  1. #1
    AcePowerZ is offline Member
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    May 2008

    how much weight should I be lifting?

    I want to find out how much I should be doing for each exercise. Now someone told me To "Start light and go to 20 reps... Then pick up a heavier weight and go to 20 reps. Continue doing this until I get in the 10-12 rep range and that should be the weight that I start with for that exercise next workout." Does this sound right to anyone? Or is there any other ways to find out how much weight I should be lifting on each exercise?

  2. #2
    AcePowerZ is offline Member
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    May 2008
    Also I dont have a gym membership right now im using my free weights at home. 280lbs total I can bench the whole Rack 12x no prob. concetraintion curl 95lbs. Deadlift the whole 280lbs and BB curl 180lbs 10x. Not olympic weights either theyre the 1in POS weight I got when I was 15...

  3. #3
    DCB83 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2006
    If i were you, i would join a gym and do this...
    Write your complete routine on paper and monitor what your lifting, this way the next time around you can challenge your self to lift heavier or reach your max amount of reps.
    mosT people go with 8-12 reps.

  4. #4
    abbot138's Avatar
    abbot138 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83 View Post
    If i were you, i would join a gym and do this...
    Write your complete routine on paper and monitor what your lifting, this way the next time around you can challenge your self to lift heavier or reach your max amount of reps.
    mosT people go with 8-12 reps.
    Well said, its very important to keep a journal to track your progress and how many reps you achieved at each weight...and as my man already stated 8-12 is what you should shoot for on just about every exercise.

  5. #5
    bmg's Avatar
    bmg is offline Member
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    it kills me when a question like this gets answered without your goal even being mentioned.

    your goal needs to decide your rep range and your goal needs to decide the percentage of max weight youre handling at that rep range.

    and btw... this theory that every set should be brought to failure is bs... no one really does that. even hit guys do alot of moderate intensity shit- they just decide not count them as "working" sets.... really just a matter of semantics cuz theyre still sets that are built into the routine which require effort.

    wuts your goal... i thought you were training to wrestle so probably strength?

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