Thread: Critque my workout
11-25-2008, 03:11 PM #1
Critque my workout
I am trying to build mass and gain weight. I THINK my diet is check, but i still can't seem to gain mass. Please offer any advice to put on some more lean mass.
Here on some stats:
12-13% body fat
On week 10 of my dbol and tes c cycle (first cycle btw)
1-14 weeks Tes C
1-5 weeks dbol
Current Diet and Workout Routine
meal1 (7:30am): 5 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, two pieces of whole wheat toast
P: 40 C: 37
meal2 (9:30): about 6 oz. of chicken, 1/4 cup of rice
P: 35 C: 36
meal3 (10:00): some oats and tea (Pre-workout)
C: 20
meal4 (11:00): baked fish and 1/4 cup of rice
P: 35 C: 36
meal5 (1:00): protien shake with banana and oats
P:35 C: 35
meal6 (3:00): can of tuna with veggies, 2 scoops of peanut butter
meal7 (5:00): 6 oz. of baked chicken and some rice
P:35 C:36
meal8 (7:00): Some beef or grilled chicken and rice
P:40 C:40
meal9 (9:00): can of tuna and some milk
My Current Workout:
day1: chest, back (14-18 sets for each low reps)
day2: legs (14 sets)
day3: shoulders, traps (14-18 sets for shoulders, about 8-10 for traps
day4: arms (14 for bi's, 14 for tri's)
day5: rest
then repeatLast edited by CONsis10c; 11-25-2008 at 03:18 PM.
11-25-2008, 04:28 PM #2
I wouldn't do chest and back on the same day, back is a big group of muscles and I can't see how you can give it 100% after working hard on chest. Also looks like you are overkilling arms. Traps don't need 10 sets after shoudlers. Less is more.
I think lack of rest is a problem too.
11-25-2008, 08:44 PM #3
11-25-2008, 09:35 PM #4
You can add a rest day inbetween lifting days like 2 on 1 off 3 on 1 off instead of taking 2 straight days rest if you wish, example:
day1: chest
day3: rest
day4: legs
day5: shoulders, traps
day6: arms
day7: rest
As for your diet, how many grams of macro's are you consuming? You are 240lbs so you need at least 240-360 grams of protein per day if lean mass is your goal.......
11-26-2008, 09:49 AM #5
12-02-2008, 10:22 PM #6
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