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  1. #1
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    Whats your approach?

    I often see people go nuts trying to hit every muscle from every conceivable angle with all sorts of isolation stuff which I used to do myself. Nowadays I mainly just do the bread and butter exercises and hit them hard and that has worked much better for me. What I mean is I see alot of people do lat pull down close grip, wide grip, seated pulley rows, maybe some one arm machine rows and such, where I would do bent over rows, dead lifts, pull ups and have great results. So what do you guys think do you stick to the core lifts or do you approach it scientifically?

    I am always interested to hear other's strategy in the gym.

  2. #2
    xnotoriousx's Avatar
    xnotoriousx is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think alot of people you see doing this, are trying to really target a particular muscle.

    I am like you, bread and butter aka...Deads/rows/bench/squats/curls/pulls/dips GET EMM!!!!! I like to hold the weight where i'm strongest holding it. Unless you're a pro, or have a drive to be one, no point in doing all the different approaches imo unless you have a very underdeveloped section of a certian muscle.
    Last edited by xnotoriousx; 01-20-2009 at 07:11 PM. Reason: ****

  3. #3
    jamminJohn is offline Junior Member
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    I see far too many people in the gym doing exercises that they have no business doing at their fitness level. I say stick with the basic, heavy compound exercises and leave the isolation exercises until you have a solid foundation of mass and strength.

    Personally, I could do my entire workout routine with only 6 or 8 exercises. I may throw in a few isolation exercises at times, but I've been training for 25+ years and need a change of pace from time to time.

  4. #4
    ARMY_OF_1's Avatar
    ARMY_OF_1 is offline New Member
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    I start with the big compound movments and finish with isolation. My chest has always been weak (size and strength) so i recently have been doing incline and decline then follow with flat flys. I will return to flat bench when i feel the time is right . I have been training for 10 years and owe my mass and gains mainly to the core/power lifts

  5. #5
    Voland's Avatar
    Voland is offline Celtiberian Pagan Whoremachine Leader
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    I just 2 two esxcercises per muscle except back and legs (which can be 3, but not necessarily).
    I do ONE isolation first for 3-4 sets (to warm up) and ONE compound for 3-4sets more (using heavy weight that i can handle with proper form and nice cadence), end of that muscle.

  6. #6
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    I use the basics, barbells and dumbells. Im not trying to compete but love having strong functional muscle and the basics are what work for me.

  7. #7
    j4ever41's Avatar
    j4ever41 is offline Senior Member
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    yep i stick to tha compounds.

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