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Thread: size workout

  1. #1
    STED's Avatar
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    size workout

    ive started training with an ex bodybuilder, this guys energy has rubbed off on me he loves it and hes infectous love training with the guy. Im a rugby player and he does 10 10 8 8 on everything increasing his weight obviously everytime.

    Will this increase size an strength though? I mean i beleve him because hes won competitions and hes got biggest arms an legs ive ever seen and there in great shape.

    eg bench press 70kg two sets of 10, 120kg set of 8. Last set of 8 130 - 140kg pushing each other with a spot.

    What you guys think? I do my own power excercises at rugby training so thats covered. What you think of this excercise i trust what he says and what hes got me doing because hes been doing it for years and hes in great shape.

    What you guys think?

  2. #2
    STED's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    I like the look of this lol, i do something simlar. 10 reps 100kg, 10 reps 110kg, 8 reps 120kg, 8 reps 130kg and if im feeling good il do 6 reps 140kg. But this kind of program has worked well for me...

  4. #4
    vic1778 is offline Junior Member
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    Try it and if it works for you, Fantastic. I am more of a 8-12 reps guy. it works for me. I have a buddy who trains heavy and does 15-20 reps per exercise. He is big as an OX. I worked out with him one day and his workout almost killed me. I just kept burning out. Too much reps for me. I guess I am lazy, LOL.

  5. #5
    Emondo's Avatar
    Emondo is offline Junior Member
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    it works for me

  6. #6
    GT2's Avatar
    GT2 is offline Senior Member
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    Everyone's different. I do two balls to the wall working sets (HIT style) for every exercise including forced reps, negatives, etc and that's more than enough for me. Some people confuse volume with intensity. You can either have one or the either.

    Personally, I haven't seen anyone train with HIT and NOT make great progress. Intensity beats volume anyday, in my books.

  7. #7
    STED's Avatar
    STED is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys, i trust this guy and its very intense come away from the gym feelin real good about myself with a sweat on knowing im burning what ever ive trained. Most of all im enjoying my training again now im with him! So all good thanks

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