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  1. #1
    Godson's Avatar
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    who here does a " full body work out"

    i talk to alot of ppl at the gym, and sometimes i hear routines that they do a
    " full body work out "

    first thing i think is " thats retarded"

    but before i judge i was curious to if anybody as done this full body thing for an extended period of time and seen results ?

    so anybody care to defend it

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Godson View Post
    i talk to alot of ppl at the gym, and sometimes i hear routines that they do a
    " full body work out "

    first thing i think is " thats retarded"

    but before i judge i was curious to if anybody as done this full body thing for an extended period of time and seen results ?

    so anybody care to defend it
    it's more of a beginner workout as it would take hours to completely break down every muscle in the body in the same way a split does

    that being said, i've used it with people i train and it works well as a start up routine because they can just repeat the same thing 2-3x a week without having to memorize lots of different exercises and such

    also, when i'm away from home and don't have the ability to do split workouts i find that doing a day of bench, squat, deadlift etc.. is a great way to get a quick effective workout in

  3. #3
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    I haven't done it for extended periods of time, but I have done them after my breaks from the gym

    Every 3-4 months I take one to two weeks off to let my body rest and fully recover and gear it up for a new routine in the gym

    When I first start back, I take the first week or so and do full body workouts just to get my body back into the swing without risking the super sore I would normally get if I just go and hammer one body part at a time

  4. #4
    amcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Godson View Post
    i talk to alot of ppl at the gym, and sometimes i hear routines that they do a
    " full body work out "

    first thing i think is " thats retarded"

    but before i judge i was curious to if anybody as done this full body thing for an extended period of time and seen results ?

    so anybody care to defend it
    i do ... but it takes me 6 days to do it...

  5. #5
    xnotoriousx's Avatar
    xnotoriousx is offline Anabolic Member
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    I've done it, it does work good. I just like doing split better. With the right intensity, full body workouts are great.

  6. #6
    Godson's Avatar
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    i do like 12-16 sets per muscle , one muscle a day .. but i know what u guys mean by starting it at beginning of lifting for the first time or after a break.. it makes sense
    -cause yea if u hammer a muscle hard after a break its gonna be pretty sore

    full body would have to be like 3-4 sets per muscle pretty much it seems

  7. #7
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    actually you could do a full body superset, i've done it and it's pretty extreme, i just thought of trying it one day

    basically write out all the opposing muscle groups bi/tri/chest/back and do an exercise for each without rest between just jumping from one muscle to the next, gets hard after a while

  8. #8
    IamtheChitt is offline Associate Member
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    I've never done it before, but I was thinking of doing Squats, Bench, and Deads 3x a week for 2 weeks, maybe twice a year. Just to switch things up a little bit. I have been doing some experimenting lately with high reps vs. low reps, and noticed when I switch to high reps I lose some size. So maybe, I will go pretty heavy for those 2 weeks.

    I believe with those three exercises, you stimulate all of the muscle groups for additional size, but will not be able to isolate if you are trying to bring up a problem area. Hell, it's worth a shot.

  9. #9
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Not retarded just a different routine.

  10. #10
    Godson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    actually you could do a full body superset, i've done it and it's pretty extreme, i just thought of trying it one day

    basically write out all the opposing muscle groups bi/tri/chest/back and do an exercise for each without rest between just jumping from one muscle to the next, gets hard after a while
    low rest intervals kicks my ass everytime

  11. #11
    ImACrazyJewDaddy's Avatar
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    I do it, currently. It works for me..but Im not the bodybuilder look alike. Im lean and cut. Back in highschool..I used to do fullbody every otherday for hockey. Id ride my bike to the gym, then do quats, deads, chest,weighted name it. then ride back. I was rock hard..but was not big at all. I personally think its great for staying lean and wont put on much size as you would from doing a split routine.

  12. #12
    xnotoriousx's Avatar
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    HIT is based on a full body routine

  13. #13
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    I have tried to do 3 full body workout a week before. Using compound lifts and keeping the volume down. My idea was I would be doing less sets during a workout but training them 3 times a week going in fresh each time. I think it could work it didnt for me I think once you start moving some weight your body takes too long to recover.

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