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  1. #1
    Fatty O'brien is offline New Member
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    Looking for a good workout ......

    Anyone do abs and chest on the same day ? I'm looking or a good AB and chest same day work out . Do you alternate between ABS and chest ? Or go all out chest then all out ABS ? Thanks in advance .


  2. #2
    Bigzrs01's Avatar
    Bigzrs01 is offline Associate Member
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    As far as I'm concerned you don't have to do abs at all or you can do them everyday of the week. But if you're looking to get abs, going "all out" on abs isn't going to get you anywhere fast. A good diet is your best friend no matter what your goal is.

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigzrs01 View Post
    As far as I'm concerned you don't have to do abs at all or you can do them everyday of the week. But if you're looking to get abs, going "all out" on abs isn't going to get you anywhere fast. A good diet is your best friend no matter what your goal is.
    mostly agreed.

    I'd only add cardio to that good diet to see abs.

  4. #4
    jnewton86's Avatar
    jnewton86 is offline Member
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    ^^^ x2. diet is what will show ur abs. i hit mine every other day only doing one exercise for 4-5 sets, 15 reps, squeezing them on every rep. that does it for me

  5. #5
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatty O'brien View Post
    Anyone do abs and chest on the same day ? I'm looking or a good AB and chest same day work out . Do you alternate between ABS and chest ? Or go all out chest then all out ABS ? Thanks in advance .


    Yes, you can do chest and abs on the same day.
    To save time and keep my heart rate up, I do ab exercises in between sets.

    For example, if I do legs and abs, I will do a set of squats, then 30 sec. plank hold, or a set of situps/crunches/leg raises/..anything. Then squat again, etc, etc.

    I keep with rotating ab wise, as far as upper/lower/sides.
    squat,crunches,squat,leg raises,squat,right/left plank holds,squat, etc, etc.

    Or you can do all chest then abs.
    Its really up to you

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