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  1. #1
    manwitplans's Avatar
    manwitplans is offline Senior Member
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    Building a huge back

    Well I seem to have problems building my back, never seem to get that good of a mind to muscle connection and I rarely get a good pump in my back.

    So how do you guys do it do develop a great back?

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    pull-ups are key, imo. Esp weighted pull ups.

    I used to be of the opinion that deads were the way to go,

    then Nark posted something how he swears by 1 arm row for back width, so I've been focusing on that lately.

  3. #3
    Critical Mass's Avatar
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    Lower the weight,and focos on pulling your shoulder blades together. Do bent over rows,one arm rows,incline rows,pulldowns. Keep the tension on your back muscles all the time. You will get a god pump at least if you lower the weights and focus on technique for a while.jmo

  4. #4
    godkilla's Avatar
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    really heavy rowing and pulling. you cant row/pull a ridiculous amount of weight without incorporating your back.

  5. #5
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by derek7m View Post
    pull-ups are key, imo. Esp weighted pull ups.

    I used to be of the opinion that deads were the way to go,

    then Nark posted something how he swears by 1 arm row for back width, so I've been focusing on that lately.
    Thats the way to build it W I D E !!!

  6. #6
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    Wide Grip Pull Ups
    Bent Over Barbell Rows
    Close Grip Lat Pulldowns
    T-Bar Rows

  7. #7
    GT2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Wide Grip Pull Ups
    Bent Over Barbell Rows
    Close Grip Lat Pulldowns
    T-Bar Rows
    This is my exact back workout, except instead of T-Bar Rows I do seated cable rows.

    Good post

  8. #8
    green22's Avatar
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    BB rows and Deads work best for me. Pull-ups are good too but for some reason give me tendonitus in my bi/fore are area.

  9. #9
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    the last few months ive been hitting deads hard and my back is def changing and growing...

    lately ive been focusing on rack pulls. to really hit the upper back while taking the legs out of the equation.

    i likey

  10. #10
    boxer1's Avatar
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    all the exercises mentioned should be cycled into your back w/o, but for me the deadlift is key to a thick back, if you want to focus more on back and involve less of your quads try stiff leg deads off a power rack set at about knee level, you will find you can up the weight a bit from standard off the floor deads.

  11. #11
    amcon's Avatar
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    here is how to do it bro... (many people above gave you the way, i"ll get more specific)

    start with pull ups, wide military(it took me 6 months to get up to 15 pullups) three of four sets

    then bent over rows (not leaning over rows) meaning bend at the waist and knees so that you are like a table, your upper back can be slightly higher than you lower back.
    three to four sets, heavy 6 - 8 reps

    same as above - but wide very wide one or two sets medium weight - 6 - 10 reps

    now i like to go to pull downs behind the head, cause it gives my lower back a slight rest... but after the first two movements you can do any thing

    so... pull downs behind the head, getting two sets and 10 - 14 reps

    now i go to hammer pull downs three to four sets, 8 - 10 reps

    and lastly seated rows, some times seated one arm rows, or db rows - last set i like to go for a good pump and very good form...sets = one or two or as many as i feel like doing.

    so to recap that is 15 - 18 sets

    be consistant - note: over the last 6 months my back has gotten real wide, so 4 days after that back work out (above) i go back and work on thickness and just do rowing movemnets...

    hammer low pull
    seated rows
    db rows
    close grip reverse pull ups

    im doing two set of each ...

    hope that helps if i was not clear on anything post here or pm me...
    Last edited by amcon; 02-16-2009 at 11:00 AM.

  12. #12
    molecule is offline Associate Member
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    Keep posing. Keep looking at your back between your sets. Close your eyes and imagine your back getting bigger.

    The problem as you said is that your mind and muscle connection. According to me back is the most difficult muscle to build even though its such a big muscle. The reason behind it is that the mind cant see it. When u go a lift a dumbell to do one arm it does not know what muscle should it activate so its activates shoulder, bicept etc. So concentration is the key.

  13. #13
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Bent over barbells rows have built my back like no other exercise has.

  14. #14
    Guailo_Shogun07 is offline New Member
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    If your doing all of the exercises already mentioned you could try switching up your reps, order of exercises and it could be partly genetics.
    I really like to stay away from machines for back except the lat pull down machine.
    If you don't like barbell rows then t-bar rows are a good alternative. I feel them more in my lats then barbell rows. To each is own with working out though. You kind of have to just keep switching it up until you find what works best for you.

  15. #15
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    heres something I do that really helped me build a big back.

    Say youre on your chest day and you are working flat bench with olympic bar.

    Now with your index finger on the rings imagine that as youre using your pecs to press UP, that you can fold the bar in half so the ends would be pointing toward your toes. Imagine you can fold the bar in half as youre pressingit. Now....TRY TO. Youll feel your lats contract really hard as youre pressing into the weight. Works great for me. I wake up with sore chest and lats from heavy bench days using that technique and i have a huge back for my size. and...i RARELY work back.

    Good luck!

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