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  1. #1
    Rugbyboy8 is offline Junior Member
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    how deep and bench do you go and does anyone not do bench?

    so i've been having pain in my front delt for the last 3 or four weeks doing flat bench and a bit of incline and decline and it's really bugging me now!!

    What I was wondering was if i was to drop flat bench out of my chest workout completely due to the pain is this going to cause me problems, did cable crossovers and felt a wicked pump in my chest like i have never felt from bench and no shoulder pain - can i still build an impressive chest like that?

    Also i'm 6"4 with pretty long arms so to touch the bar on my chest my arms have to go a fair bit past parrallel, do you think this could be causing my shoulder problem and woul i better off going to 90 degree?

    Does anyone not do bench?
    Does anyone only go to 90 deg? (tall people especially who are going to be a few inches from there chest with the bar if they do this?)

  2. #2
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    are you only using barbell to bench?

    i used to get alot of shoulder pain by benching... till i switched to only DB.

    so thats all i use now

    also... try not to go so far down. maybe 2-3 inches above your chest.

    concentrate on your chest lifting the weight and not your shoulders.

    P.S. im 6'3

  3. #3
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rugbyboy8 View Post
    so i've been having pain in my front delt for the last 3 or four weeks doing flat bench and a bit of incline and decline and it's really bugging me now!!

    What I was wondering was if i was to drop flat bench out of my chest workout completely due to the pain is this going to cause me problems, did cable crossovers and felt a wicked pump in my chest like i have never felt from bench and no shoulder pain - can i still build an impressive chest like that?

    Also i'm 6"4 with pretty long arms so to touch the bar on my chest my arms have to go a fair bit past parrallel, do you think this could be causing my shoulder problem and woul i better off going to 90 degree?

    Does anyone not do bench?
    Does anyone only go to 90 deg? (tall people especially who are going to be a few inches from there chest with the bar if they do this?)
    Drop flat bench and do not take the bar to your chest when doing inclines. Stop 2-3 inches shy, especially with your long arms.

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I quit doing flat bench a while back for the same reason. But like a dumbass, 8 weeks ago i got on there to see where i was at on the bench; and wrecked my right shoulder to where i couldn't lift my arm for 2 days. It took about 4 weeks before i could even lay on my side at night. It seems to be ok now for now but we'll see. Don't think i'll ever do them again. Straight db's for me. I think they work better anyway.

  5. #5
    swol_je's Avatar
    swol_je is offline Senior Member
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    I only do Incline. I dont go all the way down either, it takes the emphasis off the chest and puts it more on my front delts I feel.

  6. #6
    Rugbyboy8 is offline Junior Member
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    Brilliant, thanks alot guys, really helpful, i'll drop flat barbell bench and try db's but only going to 90.

    Also what's everyone's opnions on flyes and if they will cause me problems on my delts as they will be really strectching it??

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