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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Der schmutzig Süd

    Depression... mild... =(

    Guten Tag everyone... Wasnt really sure where to post this thread but I figured since its somewhat "Workout Related" this would be the proper place..

    anyway beginning of last year (jan of 08) I began a deca /cyp cycle, ran it for bout 12 weeks cycle ended in approx. beginning of march/end of february.. Had great results shot up from 185 to over 210, strength went thru the roof, looked great, (besides the infamous 'moon face' and some bloat), felt great, etc... make a long story short couple weeks after my last jab, I met a girl of whom im currently dating.

    well like an idiot i stopped working out after I met her... Now I am somewhat unhappy in the relationship, and am considering giving her the boot. However, since I haven't worked out in ooohhh almost a YEAR I am finding it hard to get over the lingering depression to get back in the gym. I still have a muscular physique, but absolutely nothing like i was back a year I wish I kept it up... damnit damnit damnit... Now its almost like the whole cycle was a complete waste.

    So I guess my question is, when I hit the gym back, how hard should I hit it??... I typically lift strictly for mass, performing no more than 6-8 reps each set, and last rep to failure... but now since I feel like an amoeba blob im not really sure if I should keep to the same routine or change it up a bit.. Im 5"11 190 lbs right now, probably 10% bf, concentrated mostly around waist, dont have much fat anywhere else... although I dont want to sound like i have a 45" waist or anything, its 34...

    I m sorry im rambling on and on.. im just konfused... and depressed a bit... i just wish I had a time machine to go back to last year... BUT i have learned my lesson, in the future when I get another GF, keep working out. =) im sure many guys out there can relate. Is there like any mood enchancer pill out there? isnt it st. johns wort or something ??

    Anyways im glad im back on the board and with everyone again... greeat to be back!! I wasnt too sure which forum to put this post, but as I was searching I was thinking there should be a new one created, perhaps called "Emotional Related Issues" were we can all go to express our moods. lol , im kidding.

  2. #2
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    welcome back bro!!!

    id start out light. get in there... do some light weights. 10 reps or so. just to see how you respond. i find that when i take off from the gym for weeks or months... i get crazy pumps the first few times back.

    so go simple... basic split, not too many sets, or excercises per muscle

    after a year... it will be interesting to see where your at

    as for the "getting back in the gym depression".. i know how that feels

    i had to pop 400mg of caffeine and crank up some music in my mp3 player and get amped, then head to the gym when i first got back in.

    dont forget... to check your diet too. youll have to make a new one to fit your stats now.

    after gettin a feel for what weights your using and how your body reacts. then you get back into mass training. for now id say just get the muscles, tendons, joints used to lifting weight again..

    oh and good luck!

    the ppl on this site will give you all the encouragment you need bro!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Der schmutzig Süd
    Oh thank heavens for dukkitdalaw!! that was some good solid advize bro.. much appreciated... i remember ya from last year also...

    Thankz again man.. I was thinkin of doing the same type of strategy... just keep it moderate and see how my body responds... as for the more serious problem, how to get rid of the GF!!... i suppose im on my own on that one huh... lmao

    ... I guess I could tell her that I'm gay and I 've been seeing GSM4Life in secrecy for the last 4 months.... =)
    Last edited by Panzerfaust80; 02-18-2009 at 09:58 AM. Reason: joke

  4. #4
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    haha yeah i remember you too man.

    well does the g/f live with you?? cuz that makes it rougher...

    if she doesnt, then just tell her that you have come to a place in your life where you need to get refocused on you. and that being in a relationship with her wont work anymore.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Der schmutzig Süd
    Nahh fortunately she dosent... we tried that already, and it didnt work out due to certain circumstances.. just wasnt the right time...

    yeah I hear ya bro, trust me Ive rehearsed it a million times in my head what to say, but its easier said than done! for me at least...

  6. #6
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Bro I can totally relate!! Except mine came at the expense of shoulder surgery and not a GF (both hurt like hell though and can drive you nuts!)

    I had come off a Test E cycle (10 months earlier), prior to tearing my labrum (non gym related)

    I went from 225 down to 190! Had major gym depression, and had a hard time checking my ego. I made month long goals for myself, and kept thinking about the cycle I was going to run once I got healthy and rehab-ed. I worked on my conditioning, getting my tendons/joints (as Dukkit stated) in shape and stuck with dumb bells and basic lifts. Hell in PT, all I was doing was benching a 7 iron!! From benching 425 to a friggin golf club!!

    Slowly but surely, I gained back 15 naturally, and then jumped on a 14 week Cyp cycle and when it finished...i was back up to 225, and close to my strength prior to the injury.

    It'll come bro...ditch that bitch. Go give yourself some "you time" and remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. You know you have the skills, knowledge and now the desire to make it happen. Now go get your body back!
    Let me know if I can help in any way!!

    Auf Wiedersehen!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Der schmutzig Süd
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Bro I can totally relate!! Except mine came at the expense of shoulder surgery and not a GF (both hurt like hell though and can drive you nuts!)

    I had come off a Test E cycle (10 months earlier), prior to tearing my labrum (non gym related)

    I went from 225 down to 190! Had major gym depression, and had a hard time checking my ego. I made month long goals for myself, and kept thinking about the cycle I was going to run once I got healthy and rehab-ed. I worked on my conditioning, getting my tendons/joints (as Dukkit stated) in shape and stuck with dumb bells and basic lifts. Hell in PT, all I was doing was benching a 7 iron!! From benching 425 to a friggin golf club!!

    Slowly but surely, I gained back 15 naturally, and then jumped on a 14 week Cyp cycle and when it finished...i was back up to 225, and close to my strength prior to the injury.

    It'll come bro...ditch that bitch. Go give yourself some "you time" and remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. You know you have the skills, knowledge and now the desire to make it happen. Now go get your body back!
    Let me know if I can help in any way!!

    Auf Wiedersehen!!
    Yes that would be great, please be kind enough as to forward me 1 10ml vial of deca , 10 RediJects of winny, 1 10ml vial of sust and some 100 tabs of nolva for pct ... thanks alot bro I really appreciate that!!

    No but on a serious note, I think the main deterrent from hitting the gym is the recent stress between my gf and I ... really hard to stay focus on hard workouts, let alone proper nutrition and rest... Stress alone can definately hinder gains... but anyways thanks for the help bro.. and congrats on your great accomplishment in lieu of all the factors working against you!

    Vielen Dank für alle Unterstützung!

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