Stats are

23 yo
lifting 7 years now

current leg routine is as follows:
(im on cycle right now so poundage constantly going up)
Conventional back squat

1x10 @ 135lbs (warmup)

5x5 @ 285lbs

3x3 @ 305lbs

3x1 @ 325lbs

Hack Squat

4x8 @ 270lbs (this will have to be much heavier next time. seemed very easy)

Leg Extension

4x8 @ 105lbs (cool down).

Do i need to focus less on hack and ext and focus more on squat?

What about going high volume?

Maybe 20x5 @ 225 with two minute rest intervals?

At the end of the night my legs are tired but I feel that I have more to give.

More squat?

What configuration?

I have easy progress building hams and glutes..i want HUGE quads... switch to front squat maybe and lower the poundage?