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  1. #1
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    Question Max-OT!! What do you guys think?!

    Ok so I was just surfing around the net when I found a training program called Max-OT.

    For those who don't know what it is, you could summarize Max-OT like this:

    1. Each workout should last approximately 30 to 40 minutes.
    2. Train only 1 or 2 muscle groups per workout/day.
    3. Do 6 to 9 total heavy sets per muscle group.
    4. Do 4 to 6 reps per set.
    5. Rest 2 to 3 minutes between sets. (STR)
    6. Train each muscle group once every 5 to 7 days. (ITR)
    7. Take a 1 week break from training every 8 to 10 weeks.

    You can resister (for free) and learn all about it here:

    Or download a PDF file about it (free) here:

    If you ever need variations of this, Skip LaCour had many Max-OT variations:

    So what do you guys think about that? It doesn't matter if you tried it or not, I would just like to hear from other bros what they think about this program.



  2. #2
    kickinit's Avatar
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    I have actually seen the same minus the week off, but that was like 20yrs ago. It was an old School routine and all in the effect of bodybuilding only.

    I have taken about 10 different workouts and incorporate them to make mine, part of this is in my workout now too. Not for everyone IMHO.

    But a good read none the less, you going to try to get into this routine?

  3. #3
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    Wow that's a lot of workouts incorporated into one. What part of Max-OT have you incorporated into your workout?

    Who do YOU think is not fit for this routine?

    Yeah I think I'll give it a go, and we'll see what happens

  4. #4
    kickinit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lean n' mean View Post
    Wow that's a lot of workouts incorporated into one. What part of Max-OT have you incorporated into your workout?

    Who do YOU think is not fit for this routine?

    Yeah I think I'll give it a go, and we'll see what happens
    I've met and talked shop with a few pros and then just some big guys in the gym and they always seem to give me their outlook and workout styles which is cool. I just dont agree with alot of them fully, but I do have alot of their ideals I use including my own for my workouts.

    Not fit for the routine? IMHO anyone other then someone that wants to pack on muscle while having a forgiving work schedule, trimming down, hobby lifters (i like to call them) etc...

    My part I use from this set-up is 2, 3, 6 and 7. This isn't a daily or even weekly set-up for me, more like monthly. So I guess its almost like I do 7 more then I thought, but I dont give a total break, I just dont lift heavy for about 1 month and do reps and change-ups of workouts to shock muscles.

  5. #5
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    8-12 reps for bodybuilding is better than 4-6 reps. Bodybuilding and power-lifting are not one in the same!

  6. #6
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kickinit View Post
    I've met and talked shop with a few pros and then just some big guys in the gym and they always seem to give me their outlook and workout styles which is cool. I just dont agree with alot of them fully, but I do have alot of their ideals I use including my own for my workouts.

    Not fit for the routine? IMHO anyone other then someone that wants to pack on muscle while having a forgiving work schedule, trimming down, hobby lifters (i like to call them) etc...

    My part I use from this set-up is 2, 3, 6 and 7. This isn't a daily or even weekly set-up for me, more like monthly. So I guess its almost like I do 7 more then I thought, but I dont give a total break, I just dont lift heavy for about 1 month and do reps and change-ups of workouts to shock muscles.
    So do you think that when cutting one should NOT be on this routine?

    In the read somewhere the author mentions that one SHOULD be using his method while cutting to keep the strength and preserve/build muscle?

    Hahah hobby lifters, I know what you mean. Hate when they're using the equipment I want to use, since they're not getting anything except 'the pump' out of their workout!

  7. #7
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    8-12 reps for bodybuilding is better than 4-6 reps. Bodybuilding and power-lifting are not one in the same!
    The routine is not supposed to be a powerlifting one.

    I'll give it a go anyways, and see if I like it or not.

    I'll probably try your method later on too (I'm very open to stuff, and I always like to try something new).

  8. #8
    kickinit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lean n' mean View Post
    The routine is not supposed to be a powerlifting one.

    I'll give it a go anyways, and see if I like it or not.

    I'll probably try your method later on too (I'm very open to stuff, and I always like to try something new).
    Yeah let us know how it goes and results man, im very curious of the total routines outplay.

  9. #9
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kickinit View Post
    Yeah let us know how it goes and results man, im very curious of the total routines outplay.
    Will do

    Starting on monday (love squats)!!

    Thou the first week I will not count as a week on the routine since it's kind of an 'adjustment' week.

    I will have to try to figure out what weight to work with because "under 4 reps = too heavy, and over 6 = too light".

    Maybe I'll start a log, dunno yet.

  10. #10
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Search h.i.t. Style training on YouTube or here on the forum. It's real similar and you may like it a little better.

  11. #11
    NBRD1808 is offline Associate Member
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    ive used the max-ot training before and liked it quite alot. nice and heavy lifts and you dont spend ages in the gym

  12. #12
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    Love it....if you hit the intensity level it calls for you will be drained. Expect big strength gains for the first few months. Truthfully this routine is what got me interested in powerlifting... I really recommend it bro... good luck.

  13. #13
    StritationOrBust's Avatar
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    If your going to try something like this I would suggest you check out the Dog Crap training method. I've never done it and can't actually attest personally to it, but there are many who like it, and it seems much more comprehensive than this routine. Just do a search for it on the forum, or google it, there is pleanty of info out there. Good luck.

  14. #14
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lean n' mean View Post
    The routine is not supposed to be a powerlifting one.

    I'll give it a go anyways, and see if I like it or not.

    I'll probably try your method later on too (I'm very open to stuff, and I always like to try something new).
    I don't think I made myself clear- when training in the 4-6 rep-range you cannot expect to train all out and keep your joints healthy. Power-lifters rarely train all out in the 4-6 rep-range. Bodybuilders train all out and need to doing higher reps to maintain tendons/joints.

    It's not that 4-6 reps won't build muscle size because they will but it will hurt your joints over time. The injuries could be permanent! There's no value in jumping from one routine to the next because genetics (not various training methods) is the determining factor in how big you will become.

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