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  1. #1
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
    elpropiotorvic is offline Senior Member
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    how to mix in my cardio

    First goes my stats...
    Age: 20 as of nov 08
    weight 188lb
    Height 6 ft
    body fat unknown but by judging from the pics that i have seen in the members forums im going to dare to say no less than 13% and i think(hope im right) not more than 16
    I started training when i was sixteen, that is, going to the gym(martial arts since 14). I have never made much gains because weightlifting has been always second place to martial arts in my life I am right now temporally retired from martial arts because of money (unfortunately in america u have to have the money to do them) but because i dont feel good about myself without working out i got my father to get a family membership at the gym/ currently my only workouts are at the gym....
    I train at 6:15 a.m every day...never done a cycle and use nano vapor from muscletech to give me some energy at that time ...i go to work right after the postworkout meal or i eaat it on the way to work ( i get a ride)...i work in a cleaning company so at work im either scrubbing or vaccuming i dont really get rest at work...when i come home ii am passive....and go to bed at 10 30 or so every night.....i want to gain like 10 pounds before i start cutting down for the question is it wise to start my workouts with cardio even though im trying to gain weight...and i want to know also for the summer cause i plan to do cardio at least 4 times per weeek ...these are my workouts....
    Monday Legs ..squats 6 sets fbetween 4 to 8 reps ...lunges 4 sets...i dont work them harder because of my job
    tuesday...Chest...incline bench press 5 work sets for 5 or 7 reps..weighted dips i do 2 sets of only weighted dips and then i do a superset including close grip bench press...then triceps pull downs or pushdowns 4 sets..
    wednesday back... weighted pull ups...wide grip pull downs.... rows...deadlifts
    thursday same as monday and friday same as friday...sat i work as well and no workouts on sat or sunday....
    Im was vegetarian but started eating fish 3 months ago so my protein intake is mainly eggs ..tofu ...tuna tilapia ...and isolated whey protein i try to eat at least 30g of protein per meal but usually can eat like 210 or more grams of protein durign the day, 30 is just the bare minimum that i allow myself...carbs i eat whole wheat bread...white rice(going to change it to brown) some pasta or potatoes, no more than 1 type of carb per meal meaning if rice no potatoes and viceversa..usually liiiiittle cheese and virtually no oils ..just what goes either in the ricce oor the eggs which is olive oil. when i dont eat them little fruits/..usually like to eat cherios with a shake before going to bed ....also egg whites are very expensive..anybody know where to buy bulk in canada ? or another good source of protein...
    I dont wanna loose muscle by doing cardio but i need somebody very experienced to let me know cause i just dont want to is appreciated

  2. #2
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You have multiple questions listed here. I think I got the main part where you are wanting to gain some weight and whether or not you should do cardio. Your workout doesn't look too bad, but you kind of lost me on the latter part where you said you do the same as monday and friday.

    Anyhow, one key thing for you at this point in stage is to tune in to your diet. Whether you want to lose or gain weight that will be the deciding factor.

    Another thing you need to determine is what type of body you have and what you want to accomplish. There is no definitive when it comes to this sport. Some can look at weights and gain and some can work hard only to achieve minimal. Same can be said with fat, some look at it and gain while others eat everything and anything and never gain. Once you determine where you stand in relation to that and your goal, then you can start working on it and adjust as you go.

    As far as cardio goes....well I think that it is up there as one of the most important things you can do to maintain health. Now the intensity, the duration, etc... all depend on you as a person. Also depends on your diet. You can maintain a healthy cardio balance and not lose any weight. You can cardio hard and lose plenty of weight and even muscle..... so I think it is important to implement cardiovascular work to your regime, but to what extent will be up to you. Everyone is different.

    Keep working and learning about yourself. Play with diet, workouts, and cardio to find out what is best for you.

    long winded answer for a long winded question...

  3. #3
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
    elpropiotorvic is offline Senior Member
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    sorry i didnt specify....

    monday i work legs as well but lighter ...less weight and more reps
    and friday i work chest but lighter....less weight and more reps

    I think that according to that video on milos sarcev's nutrition seminar my body type is endomorphic...Ok as far as the diet yes it can be improved...but so far i have made lean gains when i started training only at the gym (no martial arts) about three or 4 weeks ago i was 180-182 pounds my weight on an empty stomach was 189 and at lunch time was 191 ...i think the gains that i have maid are lean...i havent noticed any extra fat storage....but even though i believe this gains have been lean Yes the diet can be improved...working on it...

    as far as the duration and intensity of the cardio i like doing intervals, between 2 mins and a half at 11 or 10 miles per hour to 1 min and a half depending on how exhausted i feel, then decrease the speed of the treadmill to 6.5 or 7 miles per hour for 2 and a half minutes and do that for about 15 20 minutes.

    sorry for the long question i just wanted to give as much valuable info as possible about me so the answer would take in consideration what i do for a living (i think its fisical and wouldnt like to follow and advice that has me overtraining)...anyways here it goes again a little shorter..

    .how long should the intensity of the cardio and the amount of times per week that i should do it in my routine.....also according to my workout which days are best for me to do cardio and also ..should i do it at the beginning or the end of the workout?

  4. #4
    rickrick55's Avatar
    rickrick55 is offline Associate Member
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    if your trying to bulk i would suggest doing it 3 times a week on any day but leg it post work out.

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